Introduction to Health and Safety at Work 214
ambient temperature, the small quantity is considered
to be up to 50 litres and this should be held in a special
metal cupboard or container. (Figure 13.8).
Any larger amounts should be kept in special fi re-
resisting store, which should be:
provided with spillage retaining arrangement such
as sills
free of sources of ignition, such as unprotected elec-
trical equipment, sources of static electrical sparks,
naked fl ames or smoking materials
arranged so that incompatible chemicals do not
become mixed together either in normal use or in a
fi re situation
fi re resisting construction
used for empty as well as full containers – all con-
tainers must be kept closed
kept clear of combustible materials such as card-
board or foam plastic packaging materials.
13.9.7 Flammable gases Flammable gas cylinders also need to be stored and
used safely. The following guidance should be adopted:
both full and empty cylinders should be stored
outside. They should be kept in a separate secure
compound at ground level with suffi cient ventilation.
Open mesh is preferable
valves should be uppermost during storage to retain
them in the vapour phase of the LPG
cylinders must be protected from mechanical dam-
age. Unstable cylinders should be together, for
example and cylinders must be protected from the
heat of the summer sun
the correct fi ttings must be used. These include
hose, couplers, clamps and regulators
gas valves must be turned off after use at the end of
the shift
precautions must be taken against to avoid weld-
ing fl ame ‘fl ash back’ into the hoses or cylinders.
People need training in the proper lighting up and
safe systems of work procedures; non-return valves
and fl ame arrestors also need to be fi tted
cylinders must be changed in a well-ventilated area
remote from any sources of ignition
joints should be tested for gas leaks using soapy/
detergent water – never use a fl ame
fl ammable material must be removed or protected
before welding or similar work
cylinders should be positioned outside buildings
with gas piped through in fi xed metal piping
both high and low ventilation must be maintained
where LPG application are being used
fl ame failure devices are necessary to shut off the
gas supply in the event of fl ame failure.