The writing-table is in the middle of the room –
yozuv stoli xonaning
Uzbekistan is in the middle of Asia –
O’zbekiston Osiyoning o’rtasida
Syn: In the center of – “o’rtasida, markazida”
The writing-table is in the center of the room
– yozuv stoli xonaning
Uzbekistan is in the center of Asia –
O’zbekiston Osiyoning markazida
Between – o’rtasida
Asosan, 2 ta narsa- predmet, 2 ta shaxs hamda 2 tomon uchun qo’llanadi. Bunday
predlogi “and” yoki “or” bog’lovchilari bilan birikib kelishi
Uzbekistan is between the Amu- Darya and the Syr- Darya –
Amudaryo va Sirdaryoning o’rtasida joylashgan
This is the secret between you and me –
Bu ikkimiz o’rtamizdagi sir.
A fruitful contrort was made between Uzbekistan and European countries –
O’zbekiston va Yevropa mamlakatlari o’rtasida samarali shartnoma imzolandi
Among – o’rtasida, orasida
Ko’p sonli narsa- predmetlarga uchun qo’llanadi:
I can’t find my note- book among these books –
Bu kitoblar orasidan daftarimni
topa olmadim.
John is among his friends –
Jon o’z do’stlari orasida.
On (to) the right of – o’ng tomonda, o’ngda
On (to) the left of – chap tomonda, chapda
The bank is to the right of our house and the hospital is to the left –
uyimizdan o’ng tomonda, shifoxona esa chap tomonda
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