adashtirmagan bo’lardi; In the sentence He ( Mr. Barkis) set looking at the
horse’s ears as if he saw something new there (Dickens) the actions of the
principle and subordinate clauses are simultaneous- Janob Barkis biror yangilik
ko’rgandek otining qulog’iga tikilib turardi. In this case, that is in the adverbial
clause of comparison, as we have seen, the synthetic Subjuncive is used ( as if he
saw) . In the sentence I felt as if the visit had diminished the separation between
Ada and me ( Dickens) the action of the subordinate clause is prior to the action
of the principle clause. In this case the analytical Subjunctive ( Past Perfect
Tense form) is used - Menga bu tashrif men bilan Adani yaqinlashtirgandek
The analytical Subjuncive Mood is formed by the combination of the mood
auxiliaries should, would, may/might ( shall is seldom used) with the notional
verb; mood auxiliaries have developed from modal verbs which in the course of
historical development have lost their modal meaning and perform the function of
the analytical forms of the analytical Subjunctive. But there are cases when the
mood auxiliary retain some shade of modality, for ex., Lizzie stood upon the
causeway that her father might see her. (Dickens)-Lizi otam meni ko’rsin deb,
yo’lakda turardi( Lizzie stood there where her father could/might see her). In this
example the simultaneous action is expressed both in the Principle and
subordinate clauses.
The analytical Subjunctive is productively used in complex sentences( the usage of
the Subjunctive Mood in the conditional clauses is given above while
demonstrating the usage of the synthetic Subjunctive): 1.1. In adverbial clauses of
purpose with the mood auxiliary may/ might, when a clause of purpose is
introduced by the conjunctions that, so that, in order that : He got up cautiously so
that he might not wake the sleeping boy.(Cronin)- Uxlayotgan bolani uyg’otmaslik
maqsadida u ehiyotkorlik bilan o’rnidan turdi ;1.2. Occasionally the mood
auxiliary should is used for making the utterance more emotional:I made
shorthand notes of all that she said, however, so that there should be no
possibility of a mistake.( Conon Doyle)-Xato tushib qolmasin deb , uning barcha
aytganlarini stenografiyada yozib oldim; 1.3. If a clause of purpose is introduced
by lest the mood auxiliary should is used for all persons: She … looked steadily at
her coffee lest she also should begin to cry, as Anna was doing already.(Eliot)-
Anyadek yig’lab yubormaslik maqsadida , u qahvasiga tikilib turdi; 2. In
adverbial clauses of concession with the mood auxiliary may/might , when a clause
of concession is introduced by the conjunctions and connectives though, although,
however, no matter, whatever, whoever, etc.: I must return to the city, no matter
what dangers may lurk there.(Dreiser)- Shaharda qanday xavf-xatar kutilishi
mumkinligidan qat’iy nazar, u yerga qaytishim kerak; 3. In adverbial clauses of
time and place with the mood auxiliary may/might after conjunctions whenever
and wherever additional concessive meaning is expressed: Of course, I shall come
for your marriage, whenever that may be fixed.( Trollope)- Nikoh marosimingiz
qachon bo’lmasin , men, albatta, kelaman; 4.1. In adverbial clauses of comparison
( or manner) the synthetic Subjunctive is used if the action of the principle clause is
simultaneous with the action of the subordinate clause: She greeed him as if he
were her brother.( Galsworthy)- Akasi bilan salomlashgandek u bilan
salomlashdi; 4.2. The analytical Subjunctive in the Past Perfect form is used if the
action of the subordinate clause is prior to that of the principle clause : She shook
hands with him as though they had known each other all their lives…(Trollope)-
Bir-birovlarini bir umr bilgandek u bilan qo’l berib salomlashdi ; 5.1. In
predicative clauses the synthetic Subjunctive is used if the action of the
subordinate clause (introduced by the conjunctions as if, as though) is
simultaneous with the action of the principle clause: I feel as if we were back
seven years, Jon.(Galsworthy)-Yetti yil orqaga qaytgandek o’zimni his etdim, Jon;
5.2. The analytical Subjunctive in the Past Perfect form is used if the action of the
subordinate clause is prior to the action of the principle clause:…now I feel as if
you had never been away.(Shaw)- Hech qachon ketib qolmagansizdek , o’zimni his
etayapman ; 6. In subject clauses the analytical Subjunctive with the auxiliary
should is used; in these cases the principle clause consists of It is necessary, It is
important, It is desirable, etc.: It was necessary that the child’s history should be
known to none.(Trollope)- Bolaning tarixini hech kim bilmasligi kerak edi ; 7. In
object clauses both the synthetic and the analytical Subjunctive are used :7.1.If the
predicate of the principle clause consists of the verb wish in order to express the
simultaneous action of the principle clause with the action of the subordinate
clause the synthetic Subjunctive is used: She wished she were free and could follow
them.(Ch.Bronte)- Ozod bo’lmaganligi(ga) va ular bilan boraolmaganiga
afsuslandi; 7.2. If the action of the sudordinate clause is prior to the action of the
principle clause the analytical Subjunctive in the Past Perfect form is used : Antie,
I wish I had not done it. (Twain)- Xolajon bu ishni qilib qo’yganimga
afsuslanaman ; 7.3. In object clauses expressing request or annoyance with
different subjects in the principle and subordinate clauses the analytical
Subjunctive with the mood auxiliary would for all persons is used ; in these cases
the action refers to the present or future: I wish you would stay with me for a
while. (Voynich)-Men bilan bir oz birga qolishingizni xohlardim; 7.4. The
analytical Subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should is used in object clauses if
the predicate of the principle clause consiss of the verb denoting fear; in this case
the subordinate clause is introduced by the conjunction lest : He trembled lest his
secret should be discovered.- U sirim ochilib qolmasin deb q’o’rqardi; 7.5. The
analytical Subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should is used in object clauses if
we find words and word groups denoting order, suggestion, advice, desire, etc. in
the principle clause: She (Agnes) proposed to my aunt that we should go upstairs
and see my room.(Dickens)- Agnis xolamga yuqori qavatga chiqib xonamni
ko’rishimizni taklif etdi; 7.6. In American English in these cases the synthetic
Subjunctive is used : …she insisted that they open a bottle of wine and toast his
success. (Stone)- Shishani ochib, uning muvaffaqiyayi uchun ularning ichishlarini
talab qildi; 8.1. In attributive clauses with the principle clauses consisting of It is
time, It is high time the synthetic Subjunctive is used : It’s time you learned you
are in the army.(Heym)- Armiyada ekanligingizni tushunishingizning vaqti keldi;
It’s time we went home- Uyga ketish vaqti keldi; 8.2. In these cases sometimes the
analytical Subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should is used :It’s time we should
go home
In the previous item it was noted that the Subjunctive Mood is also used to
express an emotional attitude of the speaker to real facts :9.1.The analytical
Subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should in combination with the notional verb
is used to express simultaneous action of the principle and subordinate clauses or
if the action of the subordinate clause refers to the present or future: I am sorry
you should take such needless trouble!(Ch.Bronte)-Foydasiz tashvishlarni
zimmangizga olishingizdan afsuslanaman! 9.2. If the action of the subordinate
clause is prior to the action of the principle clause Perfect analytical Subjunctive is
used: It is strange I should never have heard him even mention your
name!(Austen)-Ismingizni hatto eslaganini hech qachon eshitmaganim g’ayri
tabiiy hol!
Analysis of the material concerning the synthetic and the analytical
Subjunctive Mood in English shows that while rendering this grammatical
category into Uzbek the following affixal morphemes are added to the root or the
stem of the Uzbek verb:1)
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