Горный вестник Узбекистана № 4 (79) 2019
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| Bog'liq 2019-oktyabr-dekabr
Горный вестник Узбекистана № 4 (79) 2019
At present different technologies based on the mechanical, physical
and chemical, thermal and other influences are being used for surface
treatment of rock mass. The explosion method refers to one of the most
progressive and intensive trends of ground work. This method has advan-
tageous over others while conducting the process in ground mass with
unstable structural connections, where the usage of traditional mechanical
means are both difficult and unavailable [1-5].
The development of method on compaction by explosion water-
saturated ground with the development of theoretical and experimental
studies of the explosion action in unstable tract.
Experimental study carried out for growth of the efficiency in the energy
use of trench charges outburst energy, show that in the terms of subterranean
lay close to surface, method of formation of the lengthened excavation with
the help of trench charge outburst was considered to be the least effective
causing ground heaving on the excavation axis. It was caused relatively, by a
huge ground flow which flows back initially upwards along the axe of trench.
The study proposed that while forming specific excavation of flowing ground
by the explosion of trench charge outburst to have been observed their flowing
back. The main reason of this process is the destruction of flowing ground under
the explosion of energy motion and its transition into the dilution state [6-10].
Accordingly, one of the actual problems of impregnation methods in
forming depth extraction excavation with pre-compaction of edge and
bottom is study of the changes of compaction zones in the exploration of
flowing grounds by the method of the exploration of trench charge outburst
using different types of surface active substances (SAS) solutions.
The study is carried out with the use of complex methods including
theoretical and experimental investigating in the laboratory and industry
conditions with the use of mathematical and physical modeling on identify-
ing the changes of depth extraction excavation of flowing ground by explo-
sive way of trench charge outburst. Additionally, such methods as mathe-
matical programming and statistics, correlation analyze of industrial exper-
iments research with the use of computer technology were involved.
The study was conducted in accordance with the thematic plan on State
Grant of Science and Technology Center at the Cabinet of the Ministry of
Uzbekistan Republic of applied scientific research № P. 6.2.5 – “Survey and
Exploitation of New Methods in Forming Depth extraction Excavation of
Flowing Ground by Exploration of Trench Charge Outburst” and 5-038-
“Exploitation of Ground Compaction Technology in Forming Depth Extraction
Excavation by the Exploration of Trench Charge Outburst”.
It is established the parabolic changes of compaction zone sizes on
upper and lower butts, center and also by charge of outburst with using
surface-active substances (aluminum hydroxide) depending angle of ground
containment of trench charge outburst in different density degrees of flowing
ground. Results given on the Fig.1-4.
The research established that increasing angle of ground containment of
trench charge outburst from 10 to 200 compaction zone sizes of flowing
ground in use aluminum hydroxide solution is going up in under investigation
grounds. On angle 200 of ground containment of trench charge outburst will
be maximum value the sizes of compaction zone. Maximum value will reach
at the level of ground compaction 0-0,2. Further increasing of angle of
ground containment of trench charge outburst will go to destruction of clip-
ping side of flowing and influence to forming of dilution zone, herewith reduc-
ing stability of boards and bottom of excavation.
The statistical analyses of the obtained results shows, the sizes of com-
paction grounds in the ground on upper and lower butts, center and also
under charge parabolic depend on angle of ground containment of trench
charge outburst and the level of ground compaction which characterized
consequently, by the following empirical equations:
Coefficient of correlation for the given equation is 0,90±0,015.
УДК 622.235.(043.3)
© Умаров Ф.Я., Насиров У.Ф. Раимжанов Б.Р. 2019 г.
O'zbekiston Respublikasining iqtisodiy salohiyatini kuchaytirish tog'-metallurgiya sanoatini har tomonla-
ma rivojlantirishga yordam beradi. Ushbu maqsadga erishish uchun portlash ishlari asosiy rolni o'ynaydi.
Ochiq kon ishlarining rivojlanishi birinchi navbatda turli xil sharoitlarda qazish-yuklash ishlarining katta hajmda
bajarilishi bilan bog'liq. Portlash energiyasidan foydalangan holda ochiq konlarni qazib olish bo'yicha katta tajriba
shuni ko'rsatdiki, portlash usullari texnologik jihatdan sodda va iqtisodiy jihatdan foydali. Shunga ko'ra, xandaq
zaryadini to'kish orqali oqadigan erlar uchun cho'zilgan qazishlarni shakllantirishda ishlab chiqilgan texnologiya-
larga alohida e'tibor qaratilmoqda. Maqsadga erishish uchun har xil turdagi SAS (sirt faol moddalar) eritmasidan
zona hajmiga qarab xandaq zaryadining ko'tarilishi yer osti burchagiga ta'sirini o'rganish kerak. siqish.
O'rganish jarayonida xandaq zaryadining ko'tarilishi er osti ko'chkisi burchagiga qarab alyuminiy
gidroksid eritmasidan foydalanish paytida oqayotgan zamin zichligi o'lchamlari aniqlandi.
Bundan tashqari, xandaq zaryadining chiqish zona zichligini hisoblash uchun er osti ko'chkisi burchagi-
ga qarab turli xil SAS eritmalaridan foydalanish uchun maxsus muhandislik texnikasi berilgan.
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