we had, we might never have jumped; the ground just swept upward and then ducked away
downward, inverted, like a goddamned ski jump.
I rocketed up the lip of that back slope making about eighty knots, on my back, feetfirst. In the
air I made two complete backflips and I landed again feet first, on my back, still coming down
the cliff face like a howitzer shell. And at that moment I knew there was a God.
First of all, I appeared not to be dead, which was right up there with Jesus walking on the water.
But even more amazing was I could see my rifle not two feet from my right hand, as if God
Himself had reached down to me and given me hope.
I heard Him say,
you’re gonna
need this.
At least, I think I heard Him. In fact, I swear to God I heard Him. Because this was a
miracle, no doubt in my mind. And I had not even had time to say my prayers.
I didn’t know how far down we’d fallen, but it must have been two or three hundred yards. And
we were both still going very fast. I could see Mikey up ahead, and I honestly did not know
whether he was dead or alive. It was just a person crashing through the dirt and boulders. If he
had not broken every bone in his body, that too was a miracle.
Me? I was too battered to hurt, and I could still see my rifle tumbling down beside me. That rifle
never strayed more than two feet from my hand throughout this death-defying fall. And I’ll
always know it was guided by the hand of God. Because there is no other explanation.
We hit the bottom, both of us landing with terrific impact, like we’d jumped off a goddamned
skyscraper. It shook the wind out of me,
and I gasped for breath, trying to work out how badly
injured I was. My right shoulder hurt, my back hurt, and on one side of my face, the skin had
been more or less scoured away. I was covered in blood and bruised to hell.
But I could stand, which was actually a really bad idea, because then the RPGs began to arrive,
landing close, and I went down again. They exploded more or less harmlessly but sent up clouds
of dust, shale, and wood shards from the trees. Mikey was next to me, maybe fifteen feet away,
and we picked ourselves up from the ground.
He still had his rifle strapped on. Mine was resting at my feet. I grabbed it, and I heard Murphy
shout through the din of explosions, “You good?”
I turned to him, and his entire face was black with dust. Even his goddamned teeth were black.
“You look like shit, man,” I told him. “Fix yourself up!”
Despite everything, Mikey laughed, and then I noticed he’d been shot during the fall. There was
blood pumping out of his stomach. But just then there was a thunderous
explosion from one of
the grenades, too close, much too close. We both wheeled around in the swirling dust and smoke,
and there behind us were two large logs, actually felled trees.
They were crossed over at the ends, like a pair of giant chopsticks, facing up the mountain, and
we turned simultaneously and sprinted for cover. We cleared the logs and crashed down behind
them, safe from gunfire attack for the moment. We were both still armed and ready to fight. I
took the right-hand side, Mikey center left, guarding both the head-on approach and the flank.
We could see them plainly now, swarming down the flanks of the cliff we had just crashed
down. They were moving very fast, though not nearly as fast as we had. Mikey had a pretty good
line on them, and mine wasn’t bad. We opened fire straight at them, picking them off one by one
as they moved in on us.
Trouble was, there were so many, and it didn’t seem to matter how many
we killed, they just kept coming. I remember thinking that the two hundred estimate was a lot
closer than the eighty minimum we had been advised.
And this must have been Sharmak’s work. Because these guys were not really marksmen, were
using marginal rifles pretty recklessly, but nonetheless followed the military rules for this type of
assault. They advanced down the side of the battlefield, trying to outflank their enemy, always
attempting to get a 360-degree cover on their target. We were surely slowing their progress
down, but we weren’t stopping them.
The fire never slackened for five minutes. They had sustained, nonstop, that opening volley, the
one fired way back up the mountain when they could not see their target. They had blasted away
at us all the way down to these logs, and they had augmented their fire with aimed rocket-
propelled grenades. These guys were not being led by some mad-eyed hysteric, they were being
led by someone who understood the rudiments of what he was doing. Understood them well. Too
well. The fucker. And now they had
us pinned down behind the logs, and, as ever, the bullets
were flying, but we were somehow getting the better of the exchanges.
Mikey was ignoring his wound and fighting like a SEAL officer should, uncompromising,
steady, hard-eyed, and professional. I could see the guys on that left flank dropping down in their
tracks as they raced toward us. On my side, over on the right, the ground was just a little flatter,
with trees, and there did not seem to be so many of them. Every time they moved, I shot ’em.
It was probably clear to them that Mikey and I could not be dislodged as long as the big logs
covered us. And that’s when they went to their biggest barrage of RPGs yet. These damn things,
trailing that familiar white smoke, were unleashed at us from farther up the mountain. They
landed to the front and the side but not behind, and they caused a tidal wave of dirt, rocks, and
smoke, showering us with the stuff, robbing us of our vision.
Our heads went down, and I asked Mikey where the
hell were Axe and Danny, and of course
neither of us knew. All we knew was they were up the mountain, not yet having jumped, as we
“Guess Axe must have dug in and kept fighting out on the left,” he said. “Danny’s got a better
chance of radio contact high up than he would down here.”
We risked a look up through the gloom, and we saw a figure plummeting down the mountain,
just to the left of where we had fallen. Axe, no doubt, but could he survive that fall? He was on
the first slope before the trees, and a second later he hurtled over the ski jump, flipped, and
crashed on down the almost sheer cliff face. The gradient saved him, as it had saved Mikey and
me, the way the steep mountain saves a ski jumper, enabling him to continue down at high speed
without a terminal collision with flat ground.