try’s growth potential, ensuring at the same time the sustainability and inclusiveness of growth. This
is the first time in the country’s history that such a comprehensive and detailed national strategy is being
prepared and that a highly participatory bottom-up approach was followed.
The Ministry of Regional De-
velopment and EU Funds (MRDEUF) who was assigned by the Government of Croatia to lead the process
of the preparation of the NDS Croatia 2030 organized a series of consultations and meetings about devel-
opment goals and priorities. Beside line ministries and relevant government agencies all relevant stake-
holders, including private sector representatives, trade unions and academia were part of the discussions.
Consultations were organized in 12 Thematic/Horizontal Working Groups covering the following areas:
Health and Quality of Life; Energy and Sustainable Environment; Transport and Mobility; Security; Food
and Bio-economy; Digital Society; Tourism and Creative Society; Macroeconomic policies, judiciary and
good governance; Territorial Development; Education, Science and Human Resource Development; De-
mography and Social Policies; Competitiveness, Industrial Development and Development of Entrepre-
neurship and Crafts. Working Groups were asked to discuss main challenges, opportunities and investment
and reform priorities and come up with the vision, development directions and set of strategic objectives
for the country.
The World Bank was asked to provide support to the MRDEUF and the Working Groups by producing 21 policy notes including rigorous sectoral diagnostic, backed up by lists of priority areas of reforms and required actions that Croatia could undertake during the next decade. 5
Several World
Bank teams have worked closely with thematic working groups organized by Croatian authorities to pro-
duce policy notes that deep dive into sectoral developments and compare Croatia with its EU peers. The
findings were also discussed in detail with the EC representatives in light of the preparations for the new
multiannual financial framework. The policy notes prepared by the World Bank covered the following
Macroeconomic stability, Fiscal Policy and Taxation
; Growth, Competitiveness and Innovation
; Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Processing in Croatia's Food & Bio-Economy; Education and Skills; En-
ergy Sector, Environment, Family Policies; Health Sector; Justice Sector; Labor Market; Personal Income
Tax Benefits for Families with Children; Public Administration Modernization; Regional Availability of
Social Services; State Asset Management; Territorial Development and Transport Sector
. These notes were
officially endorsed by the steering committee organized at the level of the Ministry of Regional Develop-
ment and EU Funds.
In addition, five background documents were produced by the World Bank to inform
the discussion, including: Adequacy of Pensions in Croatia
; Poverty Note; Gender Assessment; Smart Cit-
ies; and Smart Islands
. All these documents serve as background for the preparation of the NDS Croatia
2030 and will also be used as an input for the new Partnership Agreement between Croatia and the Euro-
pean Commission. Croatian authorities now have a good analytical insight into sectoral developments that
allow them to prioritize reforms and investments and prepare effective operational programs.