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part of the group.”
His words were a reality check that hurt. Clearly, the OIC, and probably
some of the other guys, thought I was a little different. Of course I was! I
came from fucking nothing! I didn’t get recruited to the Naval Academy. I
didn’t even know where the fuck Cambridge was. I wasn’t raised around

pools. I had to teach myself to swim. Fuck, I shouldn’t have even been a
SEAL, but I made it, and I thought 
made me part of the group, but now
I realized I was part of the Teams—not the brotherhood.
I had to go out and socialize with the guys after hours to prove my value?
That was a big ask for an introvert like me.
Fuck that.
I’d arrived in that platoon because of my intense dedication and I wasn’t
about to let up. While people were out at night I was reading up on tactics,
weaponry, and war. I was a perpetual student! In my mind I was training for
opportunities that didn’t even exist yet. Back then you couldn’t screen to
join DEVGRU until after you finished your second platoon, but I was
already preparing for that opportunity, and I refused to compromise who I
was to conform to their unwritten rules.
DEVGRU (and the Army’s Delta Force) are considered the very best within
the best of special operations. They get the tip of the spear missions, like
the Osama Bin Laden raid, and from that point on, I decided I wouldn’t and
couldn’t be satisfied just being a vanilla Navy SEAL. Yeah, we were all
uncommon, hard motherfuckers compared to civilians, but now I saw I was
uncommon even among the uncommon, and if that’s who I was, then so the
fuck be it. I may as well separate myself even more. Not long after that
evaluation, I won the morning race for the first time. I passed up Dana and
the OIC in the last half mile and never looked back.
Platoon assignments last for two years, and by the end of our deployment
most of the guys were ready for a breather before tackling their next
platoon, which judging by the wars we were involved in were almost
guaranteed to take them into combat. I didn’t want or need a break because
the uncommon among uncommon don’t take breaks!
After my first evaluation I started studying the other branches in the
military (Coast Guard not included) and read up on their special forces.
Navy SEALs like to think that we’re the best of them all, but I wanted to
see for myself. I suspected all the branches employed a few individuals who
stood out in the worst environments. I was on a hunt to find and train with

those guys because I knew they could make me better. Plus, I’d read that
Army Ranger School was known as one of the best, if not the best,
leadership schools in the entire military, so during my first platoon, I put
seven chits in with my OIC hoping to get approval to go to Army Ranger
School between deployments. I wanted to sponge more knowledge, I told
him, and become more skilled as a special operator.
Chits are special requests, and my first six were ignored. I was a new guy,
after all, and some thought my focus should remain within Naval Special
Warfare, rather than stray into the dreaded Army. But I’d earned my own
reputation after serving two years in my first platoon, and my seventh
request went up the ladder to the CO in charge of Seal Team Five. When he
signed off, I was in.
“Goggins,” my OIC said after giving me the good news, “you are the type
of motherfucker who wishes you were a POW just to see if you have what it
takes to last.”
He was onto me. He knew the kind of person I was becoming—the type of
man willing to challenge myself to the nth degree. We shook hands. The
OIC was off to DEVGRU, and there was a chance we’d meet there soon.
He told me that with two ongoing wars, for the first time DEVGRU had
opened their recruitment process to include guys off their first platoon. By
always searching for more and preparing my mind and body for
opportunities that didn’t yet exist, I was one of a handful of men on the
West Coast approved by SEAL Team Five brass to screen for Green Team,
the training program for DEVGRU, just before I left for Army Ranger
The Green Team screening process unfolds over two days. The first day is
the physical fitness portion, which included a three-mile run, a 1,200-meter
swim, three minutes of sit-ups and push-ups, and a max set of pull-ups. I
smoked everybody, because my first platoon had made me a much stronger
swimmer and a better runner. Day two was the interview, which was more
like an interrogation. Only three men from my screening class of eighteen
guys were approved for Green Team. I was one of them, which theoretically
meant that after my second platoon I’d be one step closer to joining
DEVGRU. I could hardly wait. It was December 2003, and as imagined,

my special forces career was zooming into hyperspace because I kept
proving myself to be the most uncommon of motherfuckers, and remained
on track to become that One Warrior.
A few weeks later, I arrived in Fort Benning, Georgia, for Army Ranger
School. It was early December, and as the only Navy guy in a class of 308
men, I was greeted with skepticism by the instructors because a few classes
before mine, a couple of Navy SEALs quit in the middle of training. Back
then they used to send Navy SEALs to Ranger School as punishment, so
they may not have been the best representatives. I’d been begging to go, but
the instructors didn’t know that yet. They thought I was just another cocky
special ops guy. Within hours they stripped me and everyone else of our
uniforms and reputations until we all looked the same. Officers lost rank,
and minted special forces warriors like me became nobodies with a hell of a
lot to prove.
On day one, we were split into three companies and I was appointed first
sergeant in command of Bravo company. I got the job because the original
first sergeant had been asked to recite the Ranger Creed after a beat down
on the pull-up bar, and he was so tired he fucked it up. To Rangers, their
creed is everything. Our Ranger Instructor (RI) was livid as he took stock of
Bravo company, all of us locked at attention.
“I don’t know where you think you men are, but if you expect to become
Rangers then I expect you to know our creed.” His eyes found me. “I know
for a fact Old Navy here doesn’t know the Ranger Creed.”
I’d been studying it for months and could have recited it while standing on
my head. For effect, I cleared my throat and got loud.
“Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of
my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor,
and high spirit de corps of the Rangers!”
“Very surpri…” He tried to cut me off, but I wasn’t done.
“Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives
at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a

Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than
any other Solider!”
The RI nodded with a wry smile, but this time stayed out of my way.
“Never shall I fail my comrades! I will always keep myself mentally alert,
physically strong, and morally straight, and I will shoulder more than my
share of the task whatever it may be, 100 percent and then some!
“Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-
trained Soldier! My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care
of equipment shall set the example for others to follow!
“Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country! I shall defeat them on
the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might!
Surrender is not a Ranger word! I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall
into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever
embarrass my country!
“Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the
Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor!
“Rangers lead the way!”
I recited all six stanzas, and afterward he shook his head in disbelief, and
mulled the ideal way to get the last laugh. “Congratulations, Goggins,” he
said, “you are now first sergeant.”
He left me there, in front of my platoon, speechless. It was now my job to
march our platoon around and make sure every man was prepared for
whatever lay in front of us. I became part boss, part big brother, and full-
time quasi-instructor. In Ranger School it’s hard enough to get yourself
squared away enough to graduate. Now I had to look after a hundred men
and make sure they had their shit together, too.
Plus, I still had to go through the same evolutions as everyone else, but that
was the easy part and actually gave me a chance to chill out. For me the
physical punishment was more than manageable, but the way I went about

accomplishing those physical tasks had shifted. In BUD/S I’d always lead
my boat crews, often with tough love, but in general I didn’t care how the
guys in the other boat crews were doing or if they quit. This time, I wasn’t
just putting out, I was also looking after everybody. If I saw someone
having trouble with navigation, patrolling, keeping up on a run, or staying
awake all night, I made sure we all rallied together to help. Not everybody
wanted to. The training was so difficult that when some guys weren’t on the
clock being graded, they did the bare minimum and found opportunities to
rest and hide. In my sixty-nine days at Ranger School I didn’t coast for a
single second. I was becoming a true leader.
The whole point of Ranger School is to give every man a taste of what it
takes to lead a high-level team. The field exercises were like an operator’s
scavenger hunt blended with an endurance race. Over the course of six
testing phases we were evaluated on navigation, weapons, rope techniques,
reconnaissance, and overall leadership. The field tests were notorious for
their Spartan brutality and capped three separate phases of training.
First, we were split into groups of twelve men and together spent five days
and four nights in the foothills for Fort Benning phase. We were given very
little food to eat—one or two MREs per day—and only a couple of hours
sleep per night, as we raced the clock to navigate cross-country terrain
between stations where we’d knock off a series of tasks to prove our
proficiency in a particular skill. Leadership in the group rotated between
Mountain phase was exponentially harder than Fort Benning. Now we were
grouped into teams of twenty-five men to navigate the mountains in north
Georgia, and buddy, Appalachia gets cold as fuck in wintertime. I’d read
stories about black soldiers with Sickle Cell Trait dying during Mountain
Phase, and the Army wanted me to wear special dog tags with a red casing
to alert medics if something went wrong, but I was leading men and didn’t
want my crew to think of me as some sickly child, so the red casing never
quite found its way to my dog tags.
In the mountains we learned how to rappel and rock climb, among other
mountaineering skills, and became proficient in ambush techniques and
mountain patrol. To prove it we went out on two separate, four-night field

training exercises, known as FTXs. A storm blew in during our second
FTX. Thirty-mile-per-hour winds howled with ice and snow. We didn’t haul
sleeping bags or warm clothes, and again we had very little food. All we
could use to keep warm was a poncho liner and one another, which was an
issue because the rancid odor in the air was our own. We’d burned so many
calories without proper nutrition, we’d lost all our fat and were incinerating
our own muscle mass for fuel. The putrid stink made our eyes water. It
triggered the gag reflex. Visibility narrowed to a few feet. Guys wheezed,
coughed, and jackhammered, their eyes wide with terror. I thought for sure
someone was gonna die from frostbite, hypothermia, or pneumonia that
Whenever you stop to sleep during field tests, rest is brief and you’re
required to maintain security in four directions, but in the face of that storm,
Bravo platoon buckled. These were generally very hard men with a ton of
pride, but they were focused on survival above all else. I understood the
impulse, and the instructors didn’t mind because we were in weather
emergency mode, but to me that presented an opportunity to stand apart and
lead by example. I looked at that winter storm as a platform to become
uncommon among uncommon men.
No matter who you are, life will present you similar opportunities where
you can prove to be uncommon. There are people in all walks of life who
relish those moments, and when I see them I recognize them immediately
because they are usually that motherfucker who’s all by himself. It’s the suit
who’s still at the office at midnight while everyone else is at the bar, or the
badass who hits the gym directly after coming off a forty-eight-hour op.
She’s the wildland firefighter who instead of hitting her bedroll, sharpens
her chainsaw after working a fire for twenty-four hours. That mentality is
there for all of us. Man, woman, straight, gay, black, white, or purple
fucking polkadot. All of us can be the person who flies all day and night
only to arrive home to a filthy house, and instead of blaming family or
roommates, cleans it up right then because they refuse to ignore duties
All over the world amazing human beings like that exist. It doesn’t take
wearing a uniform. It’s not about all the hard schools they graduated from,

all their patches and medals. It’s about wanting it like there’s no tomorrow
—because there might not be. It’s about thinking of everybody else before
yourself and developing your own code of ethics that sets you apart from
others. One of those ethics is the drive to turn every negative into a positive,
and then when shit starts flying, being prepared to lead from the front.
My thinking on that Georgia mountaintop was that, in a real-world scenario,
a storm like that would provide the perfect cover for an enemy attack, so I
didn’t group up and seek warmth. I dialed deeper, welcomed the carnage of
ice and snow, and held the western perimeter like it was my duty—because
it damn well was! And I loved every second of it. I squinted into the wind,
and as hail stung my cheeks, I screamed into the night from the depths of
my misunderstood soul.
A few guys heard me, popped out of the tree line to the north, and stood
tall. Then another guy emerged to the east, and another on the edge of the
south-facing slope. They were all shivering, wrapped in their measly
poncho liners. None of them wanted to be there, but they rose up and did
their duty. In spite of one of the most brutal storms in Ranger School
history, we held a complete perimeter until the instructors radioed us to
come in from the cold. Literally. They put up a circus tent. We filed in and
huddled up until the storm passed.
The final weeks in Ranger School are called Florida Phase, a ten-day FTX
in which fifty men navigate the panhandle, GPS point by GPS point, as a
single unit. It started with a static line jump from an aircraft at 1,500 feet
into frigid swamplands near Fort Walton Beach. We waded and swam
across rivers, set up rope bridges, and with our hands and feet shimmied
back to the other side. We couldn’t stay dry, and the water temperature was
in the high thirties and low forties. We’d all heard the story that during the
winter of 1994 it got so cold, four would-be Rangers died of hypothermia
during Florida Phase. Being near the beach, freezing my nuts off, reminded
me of Hell Week. Whenever we stopped, guys were nut to butt and
jackhammering, but as usual, I focused hard and refused to show any
weakness. This time it wasn’t about taking the souls of our instructors. It
was about giving courage to the men who were struggling. I’d cross the
river six times if that’s what it took to help one of my guys tie off his rope

bridge. I’d walk them step-by-step through the process until they could
prove their value to the Ranger brass.
We slept very little, ate even less, and continually knocked off
reconnaissance tasks, hitting waypoints, setting up bridges and weapons,
and preparing for ambush, while taking turns leading a group of fifty men.
Those men were tired, hungry, cold, frustrated, and they did not want to be
there anymore. Most were at their ultimate edge, their 100 percent. I was
getting there too, but even when it wasn’t my turn to lead, I helped out
because in those sixty-nine days of Ranger School I learned that if you want
to call yourself a leader, that’s what it takes.
A true leader stays exhausted, abhors arrogance, and never looks down on
the weakest link. He fights for his men and leads by example. That’s what it
meant to be uncommon among uncommon. It meant being one of the best
and helping your men find their best too. It was a lesson I’d wish sunk in a
lot deeper, because in just a few more weeks I’d be challenged in the
leadership department and come up well short.
Ranger School was so demanding, and the standards were so high that only
ninety-six men graduated out of a class of 308 candidates, and the majority
of them were from Bravo platoon. I was awarded Enlisted Honor Man and
received a 100 percent peer evaluation. To me that meant even more,
because my classmates, my fellow knuckle draggers, had valued my
leadership in harsh conditions, and one look in the mirror revealed just how
harsh those conditions were.

Certificate for being the Enlisted Honor Man at Ranger School
I lost fifty-six pounds in Ranger School. I looked like death. My cheeks
were sunken. My eyes bugged out. I had no bicep muscle left. All of us
were emaciated. Guys had trouble running down the block. Men who could
do forty pull-ups in one go now struggled to do a single one. The Army
expected that and scheduled three days between the end of Florida Phase
and graduation to fatten us up before our families flew in to celebrate.
As soon as the final FTX was called, we hustled straight to chow hall. I
piled my tray with doughnuts, fries, and cheeseburgers, and went looking
for the milk machine. After drinking all those damn chocolate shakes when
I was down and out, my body had become lactose intolerant, and I hadn’t
touched dairy in years. But that day I was like a little child, unable to stifle
a primordial yearning for a glass of milk.
I found the milk machine, pulled the lever down and watched, confused, as
it funneled out, chunky as cottage cheese. I shrugged and sniffed. It smelled
all kinds of wrong, but I remember downing that spoiled milk like it was a

fresh glass of sweet tea, courtesy of another hellacious special forces school
that put us through so much, by the end anybody who survived was grateful
for their cold glass of spoiled milk.
* * *
Most people take a couple weeks off to recover from Ranger School and put
some weight back on. Most people do that. The day of graduation, on
Valentine’s Day, I flew into Coronado to meet up with my second platoon.
Once again, I looked at that lack of lag time as an opportunity to be
uncommon. Not that anybody else was watching, but when it comes to
mindset, it doesn’t matter where other people’s attention lies. I had my own
uncommon standards to live up to.
At every stop I’d made in the SEALs, from BUD/S to that first platoon to
Ranger School, I was known as a hard motherfucker, and when the OIC in
my second platoon put me in charge of PT, I was encouraged because it told
me that once again I’d landed with a group of men who were driven to put
out and get better. Inspired, I bent my brain to think of evil shit we could do
to get us battle ready. This time we all knew we’d deploy to Iraq, and I
made it my mission to help us become the hardest SEAL platoon in the
fight. That was a high bar, set by the original Navy SEAL legend still
lodged like an anchor deep in my brain. Our legend suggested we were the
type of men to swim five miles on Monday, run twenty miles on Tuesday,
and climb a 14,000-foot peak on Wednesday, and my expectations were sky
fucking high.
For the first week, guys rallied at 5 a.m. for a run-swim-run or a twelve-
mile ruck, followed by a lap through the O-Course. We carried logs over the
berm and hammered hundreds of push-ups. I had us doing the hard shit, the
real shit, the workouts that made us SEALs. Each day the workouts were
harder than the last and over the course of a week or two, that wore people
down. Every alpha male in special ops wants to be the best at everything
they do, but with me leading PT they couldn’t always be the best. Because I
never gave them a break. We were all breaking down and showing
weakness. That was the idea, but they didn’t want to be challenged like that

every day. During the second week, attendance flagged and the OIC and the
Chief of our platoon took me aside.
“Look, dude,” our OIC said, “this is stupid. What are we doing?”
“We aren’t in BUD/S anymore, Goggins,” said the Chief.
To me, this wasn’t about being in BUD/S, this was about living the SEAL
ethos and earning the Trident every day. These guys wanted to do their own
PT, which typically meant hitting the gym and getting big. They weren’t
interested in being punished physically, and definitely weren’t interested in
being pushed to meet my standard. Their reaction shouldn’t have surprised
me, but it sure as hell disappointed me and made me lose all respect for
their leadership.
I understood that not everyone wanted to work out like an animal for the
rest of their career, because I didn’t want to do that shit either! But what put
distance between me and almost everybody else in that platoon is that I
didn’t let my desire for comfort rule me. I was determined to go to war with
myself to find more because I believed it was our duty to maintain a BUD/S
mentality and prove ourselves every day. Navy SEALs are revered the
world over and are thought to be the hardest men that God ever created, but
that conversation made me realize that wasn’t always true.
I had just come from Ranger School, a place where nobody has any rank at
all. Even if a General had classed up, he’d have been in the same clothes we
all had to wear, that of an enlisted man on day one of basic fucking training.
We were all maggots reborn, with no future and no past, starting at zero. I
loved that concept because it sent a message that no matter what we’d
accomplished in the outside world, as far as the Rangers were concerned we
weren’t shit. And I claimed that metaphor for myself, because it’s always
and forever true. No matter what you or I achieve, in sports, business, or
life, we can’t be satisfied. Life is too dynamic a game. We’re either getting
better or we’re getting worse. Yes, we need to celebrate our victories.
There’s power in victory that’s transformative, but after our celebration we
should dial it down, dream up new training regimens, new goals, and start
at zero the very next day. I wake up every day as if I am back in BUD/S,
day one, week one.

Starting at zero is a mindset that says my refrigerator is never full, and it
never will be. We can always become stronger and more agile, mentally and
physically. We can always become more capable and more reliable. Since
that’s the case we should never feel that our work is done. There is always
more to do.
Are you an experienced scuba diver? Great, shed your gear, take a deep
breath and become a one-hundred-foot free diver. Are you a badass
triathlete? Cool, learn how to rock climb. Are you enjoying a wildly
successful career? Wonderful, learn a new language or skill. Get a second
degree. Always be willing to embrace ignorance and become the dumb fuck
in the classroom again, because that is the only way to expand your body of
knowledge and body of work. It’s the only way to expand your mind.
During week two of my second platoon, my Chief and OIC showed their
cards. It was devastating to hear that they didn’t feel that we needed to earn
our status every day. Sure, all the guys I worked with over the years were
relatively hard guys and highly skilled. They enjoyed the challenges of the
job, the brotherhood, and being treated like superstars. They all loved being
SEALs, but some weren’t interested in starting at zero because just by
qualifying to breathe rare air they were already satisfied. Now, that is a very
common way of thinking. Most people in the world, if they ever push
themselves at all, are willing to push themselves only so far. Once they
reach a cushy plateau, they chill the fuck out and enjoy their rewards, but
there’s another phrase for that mentality. It’s called getting soft, and that I
could not abide.
As far as I was concerned I had my own reputation to uphold, and when the
rest of the platoon opted out of my custom made hellscape, the chip on my
shoulder grew even bigger. I ramped up my workouts and vowed to put out
so hard it would hurt their fucking feelings. As head of PT, that was not in
my job description. I was supposed to inspire guys to give more. Instead, I
saw what I considered a glaring weakness and let them know I wasn’t
In one short week, my leadership regressed light years from where I was in
Ranger School. I lost touch with my situational awareness (SA) and didn’t
respect the men in my platoon enough. As a leader, I was trying to bull my

way through, and they bucked against that. Nobody gave an inch, including
the officers. I suppose all of us took a path of least resistance. I just didn’t
notice it because physically I was going harder than ever.
And I had one guy with me. Sledge was a hard motherfucker who grew up
in San Bernardino, the son of a firefighter and a secretary, and, like me, he
taught himself to swim in order to pass the swim test and qualify for
BUD/S. He was only a year older but was already in his fourth platoon. He
was also a heavy drinker, a little overweight, and looking to change his life.
The morning after the Chief, the OIC, and I had words, Sledge showed up
at 5 a.m. ready to roll. I’d been there since 4:30 a.m. and had a lather of
sweat working already.
“I like what you’re doing with the workouts,” he said, “and I wanna keep
doing them.”
“Roger that.”
From then on, no matter where we were stationed, whether that was
Coronado, Niland, or Iraq, we got after it every single morning. We’d meet
up at 4 a.m. and get to it. Sometimes that meant running up the side of a
mountain before hitting the O-Course at high speed and carrying logs up
and over the berm and down the beach. In BUD/S, usually six men carried
those logs. We did it with just the two of us. On another day we rocked a
pull-up pyramid, hitting sets of one, all the way up to twenty, and back
down to one again. After every other set we’d climb a rope forty feet high.
One thousand pull-ups before breakfast became our new mantra. At first,
Sledge struggled to rock one set of ten pull-ups. Within months he’d lost
thirty-five pounds and was hitting one hundred sets of ten!
In Iraq, it was impossible to get long runs in, so we lived in the weight
room. We did hundreds of deadlifts and spent hours on the hip sled. We
went way beyond overtraining. We didn’t care about muscle fatigue or
breakdown because after a certain point we were training our minds, not our
bodies. My workouts weren’t designed to make us fast runners or to be the
strongest men on the mission. I was training us to take torture so we’d
remain relaxed in extraordinarily uncomfortable environments. And shit did
get uncomfortable from time to time.

Despite the clear divide within our platoon (Sledge and me vs. everyone
else) we operated well together in Iraq. Off duty, however, there was a huge
gulf between who the two of us were becoming and who I thought the men
in my platoon were, and my disappointment showed. I wore my shitty
attitude around like a shroud, thus earning me the platoon nickname David
“Leave Me Alone” Goggins, and never woke up to realize that my
disappointment was my own problem. Not my teammates’ fault.
Platoon dynamics aside, there was still a job to do in Iraq
That’s the drawback of becoming uncommon amongst uncommon. You can
push yourself to a place that is beyond the current capability or temporal
mindset of the people you work with, and that’s okay. Just know that your
supposed superiority is a figment of your own ego. So don’t lord it over
them, because it won’t help you advance as a team or as an individual in
your field. Instead of getting angry that your colleagues can’t keep up, help
pick your colleagues up and bring them with you!

We are all fighting the same battle. All of us are torn between comfort and
performance, between settling for mediocrity or being willing to suffer in
order to become our best self, all the damn time. We make those kinds of
decisions a dozen or more times each day. My job as head of PT wasn’t to
demand that my guys live up to the Navy SEAL legend
I loved, it was to
help them become the best version of themselves. But I never listened, and I
didn’t lead. Instead, I got angry and showed up my teammates. For two
years I played the tough guy and never took a step back with a calm mind to
address my original error. I had countless opportunities to bridge the gap I’d
helped create, but I never did, and it cost me.
I didn’t realize any of that right away, because after my second platoon, I
was ordered to freefall school, then made an assaults instructor. Both were
posts scheduled to prep me for Green Team. Assaults was critical because
most people who get cut from Green Team are dismissed for sloppy house
runs. They move too slow when clearing buildings, are too easily exposed,
or are amped up and trigger happy and end up shooting friendly targets.
Teaching those skills made me clinical, stealthy, and calm in confined
environments, and I expected to receive my orders to train with DEVGRU
in Dam Neck, Virginia, any day, but they never came. The other two guys
who’d rocked the screening with me received their orders. Mine went
I called leadership at Dam Neck. They told me to screen again, and that’s
when I knew something was off. I thought about the process I’d been
through. Did I really expect to do better? I smoked that shit. But then I
remembered the actual interview, which felt more like an interrogation with
two men playing good cop, bad cop. They didn’t probe my skillset or Navy
knowhow. Eighty-five percent of their questions had nothing to do with my
ability to operate whatsoever. The bulk of that interview was about my race.
“We are a bunch of good ol’ boys,” one of them said, “and we need to know
how you’re gonna handle hearing black jokes, bro.”
Most of their questions were a variation on that one theme and through it
all, I smiled and thought, 

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