"Computer words" to start up the computer − kompyuterni yoqmoq
shut down the computer − kompyuterni o'chirmoq
to get online/access the internet − internet tarmog'iga ulanmoq
to check one's e−mail − elektron pochtasida yangi xabar bor yoki yo'qligini tekshirmoq
to write and send messages − xabar yozib yubormoq
to reply to an e−mail − xabarga javob qaytarib yozmoq
to forward an e−mail − xabarni shundayligicha boshqa bir kishiga yubormoq
to attach a file − yuborilayotgan xabarga fayl qo'shib yubormoq
to log into one's bank account online − kimningdir bankdagi hisob raqamiga online tarzda
the website is down − ma'lum bir web−sahifa ayni paytda tarmoqda mavjud emas,
vaqtincha ish faoliyatida emas
the home page − ma'lum bir web−saytning asosiy sahifasi
to do scheduled maintenance − tizimni yaxshilashga qaratilgan texnik sozlash ishlari olib