never rude to anyone and even could turn down anything without being
impolite. Last year, a boy fell in her and proposed to be his partner but she
refused the issue so precisely that the boy did not ask anything else to her and
left. It happened for several times with the other
boys as well who came to
convince her over the same issue. Sometimes she turns funnier and the most
attractive issue for everyone to like her is her smiling face. I have never seen
her without a smile on the face. The smile is a kind of signature for her and her
lips keep the smile always on. As a result, she
is also popular among the
teachers and other classmates.
The friendship with Jenny is a history now. It is been 12 years we are together
and now we are the best friends of each other. I met her first when I went to
school at the age of five. My father hired the apartment as he was transferred
to Greece from Paris. I was admitted to the local elementary school and got
introduced with Jenny at the class. Gradually I discovered that Jenny and I have
some similarities and the top most important factor
for me was she liked books
like me. I was amazed when I went to her home for the first time as she had a
notable collection of comic books and now the collection has been enriched
and replaced by a wide number of novels and other important books. Since
then, I sense of strong bond grew between us and still this is being continued
and hope to continue it for the lifetime.
We are friends since our early childhood. Both of
us had the chances to grow
the friendship with the other girls but we did not find any such girls who could
comply with us. Thereby, we picked each other to be the best friends forever.
We underwent a large number of adventures and some of those were worst in
our life. Sometimes we shared our academic accessories like pens, books or
even exam notes as well. But such issues are
not common among the other
girls. They are not helpful in such cases to lend pens, pencils, books or other
academic materials to one another. The understanding and the sense of
compromise is the most important factor for our longer friendship.
Many of the girls in our school have said that the friendship between Jenny
and Rossy (I) was the best they have ever seen. It
is unbelievable that we do
not quarrel and did not for the past 12 years. We grew together and our
parents also inspired the issue. I have passed lots of hours at Jenny’s house
while she also stayed with me at night during the exam dates to have a group
study. We always try to make the other one comfortable. It is always a
pleasure for me to do something for Jenny while
she is glad too when she
could favour me even over the minor issue like lending a pen at the class. So,
we are not just good friends, we are best friends.