getting very old,
too old for active service, and it is stated that he felt
strongly inclined to name Lee as his successor, but Lee had other views on
the question and he joined his fortune with that of the South.
Perhaps a letter written to his sister will more clearly portray Lee's
convictions and motives at the breaking out of hostilities than anything that
can be found elsewhere in history:—"The whole South is in a state of
revolution into which Virginia has been drawn after a long struggle; and
though I recognize no necessity for this state of things and would have
forborne and pleaded to the end for redress of grievances, real or supposed,
yet in my own person I had to meet the question whether I should take part
against my native State. With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling
of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up
my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home."
These were the words of General Lee to his sister. The idea of certain
power reserved from the "central power,"
as they termed it, had been
inculcated since Jefferson and Madison drew up the Kentucky and Virginia
resolution in 1798. Upon these did Calhoun claim authority to rest justified
when he fostered the idea of State Rights. Had it not been for a sudden
wave of popular politics which swept Jefferson into power it might have
been Thomas Jefferson or James Madison who would have been known in
history as the author of the Nullification Acts which did not come until
Calhoun's day.
This doctrine had been taught in the South for several generations, and
had enlarged with rolling. The profitable use of slaves helped to sustain it,
and it is no wonder, to a careful observer, that
these people were carried
away by rebellion, when he takes into consideration these things, the
characteristics of the people, etc. As it was with Lee, so it was with the
South, and despite assertions to the contrary, we believe that Robert E. Lee
was sincere, and not looking after glory any more than other officers of
recognized ability, who cast their fortunes with the North.
Then, too, Lee gained his position at the head of the Southern army only
after one general had been killed,
another wounded, and another stricken
with a paralytic stroke; he coming fourth in order.
On June 3d, 1862, Lee received his commission, and immediately
launched out upon a series of battles known as the seven-days battle, in
which he succeeded in driving McClellan from before Richmond. Pope was
now placed in command of the Union forces, and Lee signally defeated him
in the second battle of Bull Run. Now he attempted his first invasion of the
North, and was forced back in the battle of Antietam. Retreating into
Virginia, he massed his forces at Fredericksburg. The North being
dissatisfied with the slow manner in which McClellan was following Lee,
Burnside in command, who attacked Lee in his position, but was
signally repulsed by the Confederates. He next met Hooker at
Chancellorsville, and again success attended the standard of Lee.
Flushed with the great victories of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville,
Lee once more started on an invasion of the North. Meade was now put at
the head of the Union forces, who at once started in pursuit. They met at
Gettysburgh, Pennsylvania. Three long days of terrible fighting resulted in
the repulse of Lee, and he retreated south in good order. When he reached
the Potomac he found it impassable. If Meade had followed Lee up now he
might have gained a glorious victory, but he allowed Lee to escape into
General Grant was now placed at the head of the Union forces and Lee
found he had other metal with which to deal. Grant was not only made of
different material but he could profit by the experience of his predecessors.
Then, too, Grant had the great resources of the North behind him and the
confidence of President Lincoln. Lee could never replace the 30,000
lost at Gettysburg, but Grant could lose later 80,000 and the
government was amply able to replace three times that number. Grant now
commenced to starve Lee out, to wear the Confederacy threadbare. The
history of the war from now until the close of the war is a series of flanking
movements carried on by two most skillful generals. At last Lee was
obliged to surrender on the 9th of April, 1865.
After the war he became president of Washington and Lee University, his
great popularity and good management gaining for it a large patronage. He
died on the 12th of October, 1870.