PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2058-2067
ISSN: 00333077
Destination consists of the following
components: attraction (natural resources or man-
made, i.e. something that encourages a tourist to
travel); amenities (accommodation, catering,
entertainment and other services in the service
sector, such as retail and medical facilities,
barbershops, currency exchange offices, banks).
Destination services and facilities are used
not only by tourists, but also by others: including
locals and employees of this destination.
The study found that four main external
factors have a significant impact on the image of a
tourist destination:
- the general image or prestige of the region
determines the destination;
- external influences: natural disasters,
terrorism, radical socio-economic changes, etc .;
- communication strategy of destination in
target markets;
- Demand and preferences of potential
tourists in the target markets.
The image of a tourist destination is closely
related to the overall image of the region, which
includes socio-economic, business, political, legal,
investment and other aspects.
Tourist destination in Uzbekistan has
sufficient development potential. This situation is
marked by the presence of a large number of
unique natural objects (lakes, mountain peaks,
forests on the banks of rivers) and a rich cultural
and historical heritage. There are more than 4,000
architectural, artistic and historical monuments of
different cultural and historical periods in our
country, most of which are included in the
UNESCO World Heritage List.
According to the results of the study, the
image of Uzbekistan as a sustainable developing
republic in Central Asia has all the opportunities
for the further development of tourist destinations.
Komilova, N.Kh., Karshibaeva, L.K., Egamberdiyeva, U.T.,
Abduvalieva, Z. L., & Allanov, Sh.Q.(2020) Study of
nozogeographic situation and its study on the basis of
sociological survey. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine
and Toxicology. 14(3), 2093-2098.
Tourist destinations in Uzbekistan, which has
development of a model of interaction between
suppliers and consumers.
As noted above, the modern general law of
urban development is associated with a complete
or partial change in the specialization in which its
economy is formed, the functions performed by
the city in the system of national distribution of
labor. At the same time, the city is objectively
affected by the processes of formation of a new
specialty, which allows to effectively address the
scale of socio-economic problems in the new
conditions of the regional economy. Accordingly,
the types of activities that should be the
development of the city in the future for the city
of Jizzakh will begin to develop more rapidly. In
today's conditions, one of such "destinations" is
the existing tourist complex in Jizzakh.
Local enterprises and organizations of the
city tourist complex are an integral part of the
socio-economic potential of the city and have a
significant impact on the strategic choice of the
city, ie the structure of future functions of the city,
its main directions and goals in social and
economic spheres. At the same time, depending
on the strategic choice of the city, the policy of
development of its tourist complex will be
In this regard, it is necessary to study the
main factors and patterns that occur within and
outside the urban tourism sector and provide
sustainable trends and directions of these changes.
However, identifying internal and external factors
as well as trends may not be sufficient conditions
to formulate a strategy.
These factors should be combined with the
results of the analysis of the existing tourist
potential of the city and the forecasting and
analytical materials of tourism enterprises with
proposals for "inclusion" in the package of urban
tourism products. This method of strategic
analysis defines the use of the laws of tourism
development in order to identify and study the