Step 24: Don't Be Sarcastic and Put Others Down Negative people's humor may include sarcasm, putdowns and hurtful remarks. Any
humor involving sarcasm that makes fun of others is in poor taste. An injury is forgiven
more easily than an insult.
When someone blushes with embarrassment, when someone carries away an ache, when something sacred is made to appear common, when someone's weakness provides the laughter, when profanity is required to make it funny, when a child is brought to tears or when everyone can't join in the laughter, it's a poor joke. --Cliff Thomas To a sadist everything is funny, so long as it is happening to someone else. It is not an
uncommon sight to see boys throwing stones at frogs just to have fun. The boys' fun
means death to the frogs. It is not fun for the frogs.
Humor can be valuable or dangerous, depending on whether you are laughing with
someone or at someone. When humor involves making fun of or ridiculing others, it is not
in good taste nor is it innocent. Hurting others' feelings can be cruel. Some people get
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their fun by putting others down. Sarcasm alienates people. It is a good idea to keep
humor low risk.