Almost all the rivers in India are polluted. The
lar. This is a case study of the river Damodar as
Down to Earth. The 563 km long
Damodar river originates near Chandwa village
in the Chhotanagpur hills in Bihar’s Palamau
district. It flows through one of the richest min-
eral belts in the world before draining into the
Hooghly, about 50 km south of Calcutta. In-
dian industry depends heavily on this region as
60 percent of the coal consumed in our country
comes from the Chhotanagpur belt. Coal based
industries of all types dot the area because of
locational advantages and the easy availability
of water and power. In addition various indus-
tries such as the steel, cement, fertilizer and
explosive plants are also located here. The river
Damodar is polluted with minerals, mine rejects
and toxic effluents. Both its water and its sand
are infested by coal dust and waste from these
industries. There are seven thermal power plants
in the Damodar valley. The states of Bihar and
West Bengal depend almost entirely on this area
for their power requirements. These power
plants not only consume a lot of water but also
dump ash in the valley.
As underground mines cannot keep pace with
the rising demand, 60 percent of the coal ex-
tracted from the area comes from open cast
mines which are responsible for serious land
degradation. The disposal of rock and soil ex-
tracted along with the coal only adds to the
The industries in the area do not have proper
effluent treatment plants. Among the big coal
based industries the washeries account for the
bulk of the pollution in terms of the total sus-
pended solids (TSS), oil and grease. About 20
percent of the coal handled goes out in the form
of slurry which is deposited in the ponds out-
side. After the slurry settles, coalfine (the sedi-
ment) is collected manually. Due to inadequate
retrieval methods very often the water dis-
charges into the river from the pond carries high
amounts of fine coal particles and oil thus pol-
luting the river. The other major coal based pol-
luters are the coke oven plants that heat coal to
temperatures as high as 1100
C in the absence
of oxygen to prepare it for use in blast furnaces
and foundries. The volatile components in the
coal are removed, leaving hot, non-volatile coke
in the oven which is washed with huge quanti-
ties of water. This water that contains oil and
suspended particles is then discharged into the
Flyash from the thermal power plants
Only one of the thermal power plants has an
electrostatic precipitator to collect the fly ash
while the other just make do with mechanical
dust collectors. As most of these plants are lo-
cated on the banks of the river the fly ash even-
tually finds its way into the river. The bottom
ash from the boilers is mixed with water to form
a slurry which is then drained into ash ponds.
Most of the ponds are full and in several cases
the drainage pipes are choked. The slurry is
therefore directly discharged into the river.
The river and its tributaries are the largest source
of drinking water for the huge population that
lives in the valley. On April 2, 1990 about
200,000 litres of furnace oil spilled into the river
from the Bokaro Steel Plant. This oil traveled
150 km downstream to Durgapur. For a week
after the incident five million people drank con-
taminated water in which the oil levels were 40
to 80 times higher than the permissible value of
0.03 mg/l.
The Damodar Action Plan an end-of-the pipe
pollution treatment scheme seeks to tackle ef-
fluents. One viable option could be to switch to
less polluting industries and cleaner technology.
This would need strong Government initiative
and also a mass movement by people.
4/9/2004, 5:09 PM