o‘quv semestri —
oliy ta’lim muassasasida o‘quv yilining
yarmini tashkil etuvchi o‘zaro bog‘langan
fanlarning ma’lum majmuini
o‘zlashtirishga mo‘ljallangan va ular
bo‘yicha yakuniy nazorat bilan
tugallanadigan qismi
academic semester — part of a
higher education institution
intended for mastering a certain
set of interconnected disciplines
that make up half of the academic
year and ending with the final
control over them
o‘quv fani
ta’lim mazmuni, uning talabalar
educational program — normative
O‘zbek tilidagi sharhi
Ingliz tilidagi sharhi
dasturi —
tomonidan o‘zlashtirilishining eng
maqbul usullari, axborot manbalari
ko‘rsatilgan normativ hujjat
document indicating the content of
education, the most optimal
methods of its mastering by
students, sources of information
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