in the end
” birikmasi esa “
va nihoyat, axiyri
” ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Bu birikmaning sinonimi
” so’zidir:
Yesterday I looked for my friend’s house all day and in the end I found it at 6 o’clock.
Kech men kuni bilan do’stimning uyini izladim va nihoyat soat 6 da uni topdim.
UNIT 121 Noun + preposition
a cheque FOR
(a sum of money)- lik chek:
They sent me a cheque for £50. Ular menga 50 funtlik chek
a demand, a need FOR
something – uchun talab, muhtojlik:
-The firm closed down because there wasn't
enough demand for its product. Firma yopildi, chunki uning mahsulotlariga yetarlicha talab bo’lmadi.
a reason FOR
something – ning sabab: -
The tram was late but no-one knew the reason for the delay.
Tramvay kechikdi, lekin kechikishning sababini hech kim bilmadi.
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