c) Until (till) – (-gacha): I shall stay here
until I have finished my work. Ishimni tugatguncha shu
yerda bo’laman.
d) As soon as (-gach): I shall do my homework
as soon as I get home. Uyga borgach uyga
vazifamni bajaraman.
e) while (paytda): I caught a fish
while I was swimming. Cho’milayotganimda baliq tutib oldim.
f) before (oldin): Don’t forget to close the window
before you go home. Uyga ketishingizdan
oldin derazani yopishni unitmang.
g) since (-dan
buyon): He has been eating
since he came. U kelganidan buyon ovqat yeyapti.
h) after (keyin ): We went to the restaurant
after we had passed the exam. Imtihondan
o’tganimizdan keyin restoranga bordik.
Shuningdek quyidagilar ham Payt ergash gaplarni bog’lash uchun ishlatiladi: