Bog'liq Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners - Get up and running with 8 smart and exciting AI applications by Joshua Eckroth (
[ 131 ] Revisiting the bird species identifier to use images In this section, we're going to revisit the bird species identifier from before. This time, we're
going to update it to use neural networks and deep learning. Can you recall the birds
dataset? It has 200 different species of birds across 12,000 images. Unlike last time, we won't
be using the human-labeled attributes, and instead we'll use the actual images without any
pre-processing. In our first attempt, we're going to build a custom convolutional neural
network, just like we did for the mathematical symbols classifier.
Let's go to the code. We will start with the typical imports:
We'll make some convenience variables, the rows and columns of the image, the width and
height, and the number of channels, RGB, though every bird image will be equal. Even
though they're not all necessarily the same size, we're going to resize them to this size so
that they're all consistent: