September 5th 2020
activists often com-
plain that cute beasts get more sym-
pathy than equally deserving ugly ones.
If so, one would think a cuddly critter
like the mink would be easy to protect.
Yet in the Netherlands, mink are the only
animal that can still legally be farmed for
their fur. That is about to change. On
August 28th the government brought
forward to March a ban on mink-farming
that had been scheduled to take effect in
2024. The timetable was sped up not
because mink had become more ador-
able, but because they can contract co-
vid-19 and spread it to humans.
Dutch farmers normally raise about
2.5m mink a year, making the Neth-
erlands the world’s fourth-largest pro-
ducer after Denmark, China and Poland.
In April a clutch of mink and the farm
hands who tended them were diagnosed
with covid-19. Genetic tracing showed
that at least two workers had probably
been infected by mink, rather than the
other way around. The contaminated
animals were destroyed and stricter
hygiene rules imposed, but by summer
the virus had spread to a third of the
country’s farms. In June parliament
voted to shut down the industry as soon
as possible, and the cabinet agreed.
That was a win for the Dutch arm of
Party for the Animals, which has four
seats in the 150-member parliament. In
2013 it helped pass the law that gave mink
farmers until 2024 to get out of the busi-
ness. Now the party and its allies object
to the lavish compensation the govern-
ment has offered for bringing forward
the deadline: €150m ($178m), or €1m-
€1.5m per farmer. Some
s allege that
the compensation paid for destroying
the infected minks was higher than the
market price for their fur.
Fur farmers say modern standards
allow mink to be raised humanely, and
that they are not a big reason for the
spread of the virus. But mink are solitary
predators; animal-rights advocates say
they cannot be raised humanely in
stacked cages. As for covid-19, the worry
is that mink could serve as a reservoir for
it to evade human immunisation pro-
grammes. The industry’s turnover is
modest (farmers put it at €150m-200m,
activists at under €100m), and polls show
the public overwhelmingly opposes it.
“In a democratic country, that wide-
spread conviction has to translate into a
political decision to ban fur farming,”
says Esther Ouwehand, leader of the
Party for the Animals. The farmers accept
they are shutting down. The remaining
argument is over money.
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