Филологические науки
the pedagogical essence of distance learning, so as not to reduce it by analogy with the
correspondence form only to changing the forms of transportation of educational ma-
Distance learning
is a new form of training that already exists along with full-
time, part-time, and external studies. And it should be considered precisely as an inde-
pendent training system. Whatever form is used in the training and education of a per-
son, it should correspond to and reflect the general laws of the science of pedagogy,
educational psychology, the laws
of didactics, and particular methods.
Distance learning in its development has gone through several stages:
• at the first stage, the organization of training forms was carried out according
to the scheme “teacher - several students”; with this form of training, such communica-
tion means as regular mail, telephone, personal computers were used;
• The second stage is associated with the emergence of local networks and the
improvement of communications. In this case, the form of training corresponds to the
following scheme: "the teacher is a lot of students." This stage is characterized by the
appearance of video and audio cassettes, training computer programs, etc.
• The third stage of development of DL is associated with the use of global net-
works; the use of the Internet in education has become an alternative to traditional ed-
ucation and has several advantages over it.
The main advantage of this form of training is providing remote users with an
interface that makes it possible to optimally use all the functionalities of the educational
environment ¬ educational environment with maximum
convenience for all partici-
pants in the educational process. Modularity, dynamism, adaptability, continuity, crea-
tivity, openness are the main principles of the DO system.
Distance learning is based on predominantly independent obtaining the neces-
sary volume and the required quality of knowledge and at the same time provides for
the use of a wide range of both traditional and new information technologies [1].
The use of technology DO allows students to acquire not only new information
competencies necessary for each professional to function successfully in any activity,
but also to replenish the list of skills and competencies that are socially significant, de-
termining the further success of a person in all spheres of his life, and also become an
active subject of the educational process [5,130]. The most significant ¬ in this list are
the following:
- the ability to make decisions, make an informed choice and bear responsibility
for it;
- the ability to independently plan activities;
- the ability to effectively organize activities, focusing it on the end result;
- the ability to work in the information space: to select information in accordance
the topic, structure and use adequately the task;
- the skill of presenting performance results using various information technol-
- the skill of reflection, contributing to the successful functioning of the subject
in any activity;
- skill of self-education [4,219].
Distance education (in the understanding of the process) or training can be basic
and additional. In the latter case, we can talk about distance teaching activities (organ-
of distance seminars, conferences,
work with graduate students, Olympiads,
quizzes, etc.). If we consider the distance learning form as an independent system, then
it is logical to conclude that it is necessary to create a single information and educational
space that includes all kinds of electronic sources of information (including network):
virtual libraries, a variety of databases, consulting services, electronic textbooks, me-
thodical associations, etc. So, if we are talking about distance learning, we understand
that the system provides
for the presence of a teacher, a textbook (information and
methodological support) and students in it. It should be noted with satisfaction that at
present, such an understanding of distance learning is increasingly recognized both in
the domestic education system and abroad. From this it is important to conclude that it
is necessary to develop didactic support for
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