+no it won’t be the same. It was lovely what he made. It had
cream it had wine it was beautiful.
It’s the same. You'll get the same thing hun.
You won’t dad.
You could have a look like.
D'you know the book you got in the Times yesterday? <$=>
There was a crab coconut <\$=> there was a crab and
coconut milk soup. Did you know that
Connor ?
There was a crab meat and coconut soup.
Here, the turn management vocative, marked in bold, is used by the father mid-way
through the conversation to select Connor (the son). The vocative then shifts the turn
alignment towards Connor. The vocative has not been classed
topic management
because no new conversational topic develops afterwards.
7.3.2 Vocative function: TravCorp
The vocatives from TravCorp were classified functionally as shown in Figure 7.5: