r to find a bag of straw, ten to fifteen sticks,a car of reed grass – for house, and a bull?
“God damn” thing to do. Even the cat doesn’t go out in the sun for free (“Thief”).
ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 10, Issue 9, September, 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.699
Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
- It’s very difficult for us now. If my forehead is not salty, …- said the old man, looking at the
ground (“Thief”).
After two or three pushes on the side of hissister-wives, Unsin raised his head,
glanced at
Dodho(the applicant officer), who was staring at him in disbelief, and bowed his head again, but
gave a bold answer (“Horror”).
He turned sharply, got into the carriage, and sat on the head of the deceasedso as said: “Let my
shoulder see this place now”(“Horror”).
Abduganiboy was very sorry to hear his words, he said that he was ready to kick his wife if he
could, and then asked .. (“Patient”).
It was obvious how happy Akramjon was of sitting and enjoying Mastura with us as well as how
he was worried about getting her tired (“A Thousand and One Souls”).
After he lefthis mill and village, grandpaHaydar,as a head, married him a widow (“Grandpa
- Will you die if you show me one? You have made everyone’s heart bleed! - said (“Grandpa
Grandpa Haidar wishing to calm him down a littlesaid:
- Stop it, don’t hurt her, she ishalf-hearted, -but Asrorqul became even angrier (“Grandpa
- Your friend isa disaster for me. He does not give me letters from Yodgor. Nor does he show to
Abror; if the letter does not arrive, he does not say about it (“Grandpa Asror”).
In fact, on such nights, anyone who remembers a graveyard, especially a person over the age of a
prophet like Dodho (the applicant officer), who put his shroud in a box, will be sweated coldly to
his tongue when he/herthinks of lying in the graveyard rather than dying (“Horror”).
- Alright, alright! - Said Unsinin astonishment, - But you won’t back down...
Dodho’s (the applicant officer)breath caught in fear (“Horror”).
Khodji akahaddifficulty knowing where to look first(“A Thousand and One Souls”).
… I wonder why this man is laughing when I look at him… his face turned gray. (“A Thousand
and One Souls”)and so on.
Some of the phrases cited are compounds that are widely used in the vernacular. Their use has
given Abdullah Khakhhor’s stories an artistic touch, conciseness, brevity. In particular, the fact
that these phraseological compounds are the lexical norm of ordinary folk speech, brought the
language of the work closer to the vernacular, further increased its effectiveness. In addition,
these phrases show that Abdullah Khakhhor was well aware of the lexical riches of the
vernacular and used them appropriately.
In language, too, each element has its own function, scope of meaning, laws of connection with
other elements, units. A writer who is perfectly aware of these laws, who has a high artistic taste,
intuition and skill, creates a unique image, unexpected artistic plates, as a result of which the
reader becomes a captive not only of the writer's idea, but also of his beautiful language. In this
case, the creator is the decisive tool of linguistic-artistic-aesthetic meanings, based on the