7. To have + Infinitive.
to have + Infinitive modal ifoda 3 ta zamonda qo’llanilad: hozirgi oddiy,
o’tgan oddiy, kelasi oddiy zamonlarda
- I have to get up at six every day.
- Har kuni men soat oltida turishim kerak (shart).
- When water was rushing through the tents and everybody had to sleep in wet
blankets, it was treated as a joke. (Prichard) [15,133]
- Suv palatka usti bo’ylab suzib o’tganda, hammamiz nam yopinchilqarda
uxlashga majbur edik, bu kulgili tuyilar edi.
- I shall have to take the pupils into the hills, as usual, and see them settled there.
(Voynich) [15,133]
- Men odatda bolalarni olib adirga chiqib va ularni o’sha erga joyilashganligini
ko’rishim kerak edi.
Inkor va so’roq shakllari do yordamchi fe’li bilan ifodalanadi.
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