siya tizimi
boshqa tizimlar orasida
axborot uzatish bilan bog‗liq
yordamchi vazifalarni
bajaradigan tizim
the various methods of sending
information between people
and places, especially official
systems such as post systems,
radio, telephone, etc
bu masofadan turib
о‗qitishning usullariga
asoslangan holda aholining
keng qatlamlariga taqdim
etiluvchi zamonaviy ta‘lim
Interactive interaction both
between the teacher and pupils,
and between them and
interactive source of an
information resource (for
example, Web-site or Web-
page), reflecting all
components, inherent in
educational process, (purpose,
contents, methods,
organizational forms, means of
training), carried out in
conditions of realization of
means ICT
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