Part-time job provides exposure to students and helps them understand how real jobs work. Also, it provides students with work experience which in turn adds value to their resume and puts them a step ahead in the rat-race we’re all running in. ● A part-time job teaches you how to manage time and provides you with an opportunity to do something productive in your spare time. It also helps you earn extra pocket money which can be used for your future studies or investment plans.
Body Paragraph 2:
Central idea: ‘Disadvantages of a part-time job.’
Supporting points:
● The downside of this would be that students who take up part-time jobs might fall out of school, result in absenteeism or not be involved in school activities. ● Students who work and study are more likely to be stressful, this might affect their grades and performance in their studies such as not having enough time to complete their homework or assignments.