Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
certain requirements which, for example in the United States, must
be met by persons seeking to obtain a tenured position — a body
of publications, favorable references — are in Russia presented before
those who aspire to obtain a Candidate’s degree.
The awarding of academic degrees is considerably more centralized
than, say again, in the United States. Persons wishing to obtain
an academic degree must submit their applications to an academic
council (at a scientific research institute or university). After a series
of formal procedures, in the event of a favorable outcome a defense
takes place at a meeting of the academic council. This is not the
end of the matter, however: the material of the case is then sent for
review to the so-called Higher Attestation Commission, only after
whose confirmation the degree is finally awarded. In addition, both
the creation of the academic council itself and the basic requirements
that the defense must meet are within the purview of the Commission
The sciences are divided into different areas, and attached to
each of them is a six-digit code, whose first two digits indicate
the branch of science as a whole. For example, 01.01.01 refers to
mathematical analysis, while 01.01.04 refers to geometry and topology.
The “methodology of mathematics instruction,” which is in certain
respects the equivalent of what in English is known as “mathematics
education,” belongs to the scientific branch of pedagogy (code 13)
and to the category 13.00.02 (theory and methodology of teaching
and education), which includes the methodologies of teaching other
subjects as well. Consequently, an academic council must also have a
specialized slant; for example, an academic council might have the right
to direct dissertations in category 13.00.02 (mathematics, computer
science, physics), but not in category 13.00.02 (Russian language) or
category 13.00.01 (general pedagogy and history of pedagogy).
We should say that a large amount of work that is relevant to math-
ematics education is conducted within the framework of psychological
research (the studies that were translated into English in the past were
classified in the USSR under the category of psychology, code 19).
Such studies, however, fall outside the bounds of our discussion in this
March 9, 2011
9in x 6in
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
On Mathematics Education Research in Russia
The current system of dissertation research took shape gradually,
but the crucial step — the actual appearance of dissertations in
pedagogy in the USSR — occurred in 1934 (Zaguzov, 1999a).
Doctoral dissertations in the methodology of mathematics education,
however, did not appear immediately: the first such dissertation,
Theoretic Arithmetic by I. V. Arnold, was defended only in 1941.
Zaguzov (1999b) produced an index that contains the titles of all
doctoral dissertations defended in pedagogy from 1937 until 1998
and the names of their authors. The figure below, which indicates the
number of doctoral dissertations defended in each decade, is based
on the information found in this index. (The index contains some
errors — some of the dissertations mentioned there were in fact never
defended, and conversely, in some instances, dissertations that were
defended are not mentioned in the index. Nonetheless, the number of
such cases is very small.) From 1999 until the present time, as far as
may be judged from the catalogs of the main libraries, no fewer than
50 doctoral dissertations in the category 13.00.02 (mathematics) have
been defended.
As already noted, it is customary to publish the results of dissertation
research prior to the defense. In addition to the formats named
above, the Higher Attestation Commission recognizes publications
in “general” journals, such as the bulletins published by relatively
major universities. Persons wishing to obtain an academic degree
Fig. 1.
Defended doctoral dissertations in mathematics education by decade.
March 9, 2011
9in x 6in
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
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