LESSON 8.1. Doing exercises according to the theme
Activity 4
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. (You may have to change the from
of some words slightly)
1) Correct, correctly, corrective, correctness
a) Word processing programs have ‘spell checkers’ which will automatically check
the…….of your spelling.
b) Provided you enter the data……….a computer will always give you the……..answer.
c) If a company is losing money the management should take……..action.
2) Compute, computer, computerize, computerization
a) The…….of factories has led to an increase in the number of jobless people.
b) “Have you……..the results yet?”
c) ………..used to fill whole room but now they can be carried around in a briefcase.
3) Technology, technological, technologically,
a) Factories in Uzbekistan are much more…… advanced than they were five years ago.
b) He works as a computer……,designing and testing new hardware.
c) The invention of the microchip was a great……achievement.
Activity 5.Translate the following article from a British students’ magazine into Uzbek or
It’s a problem. The university is closed, you don’t have a computer at home and need to finish
some research. What can you do? The answer may be a cybercafé, a new kind of café opening
up all over the UK. Cybercafés offer the usual selection of food and drink but are also equipped
with computers for their customers to use. As well as continuing your research project until late
in the evening, you can book a computer and browse on the Internet exploring all the
information and services available. For a small charge, international students can also get an e-
mail address and use the café as a post office.
Activity 6
Read the following words:
physics, picture, right, departure, station, structure, fight, knit, philosophy, knew, dictation,
light, action, phone, future.
Activity 7 Bucket pronouns
(Collect small objects from the students and put them in a cardboard box or bag. Take an
object out and elicit this sequence.)
T - Is this yours?
A - No, it’s not mine.
T - Whose is it then?
A - It’s his/hers/Maria’s, etc. )
(Write the exchange on the board. Walk around the class inviting students to take an object and
have a similar exchange with their partner. Gradually erase the model from the board.)
Activity 8 Reflexive pronouns
Use these pairs of words and a reflexive pronoun in sentences, e.g.
matches/burn - He burnt himself while he was playing with matches.
tea/make, present/buy, mirror/admire, sweets/sick, cake/help, pay rise/give, I drink/pour,
dinner/cook, gun/shoot, question/ask, card/send, help/more
Using some of the same verbs, make sentences that are true for you, and tell your
partner, e.g. I made myself a nice cup of coffee and watched TV