Research environment The evaluation panel considers the research environment to be very good: there is a
tradition of high-level basic research in materials chemistry and a broad range of
excellent equipment available for the researchers. The research environment is
perhaps somewhat limited by the fact that mobility among young Finnish researchers
is rather low, leading to a very large proportion of the postdoctoral fellows in the
group being UEF graduates. The unit is trying to compensate for this by sending
students abroad, but it could also be refreshing for the research environment to have
students or postdoctoral fellows come to Joensuu. The addition of an international
Master’s programme and the opportunity for Bachelor’s students to work in the
research laboratories during their first years are also great initiatives in efforts to
increase and broaden the recruitment base.
The spokesman for the unit very nicely formulated a “moving platform” strategy
for the groups, where the present research capabilities can be used as a stepping stone
for the foreseeable change in research personnel that will occur in the next five years.