Bog'liq ozbekistonda nodavlat notizhorat tashkilotlarining tashkilij-huquqij asoslarini takomillashtirish
“Liquidation of a non-state non-profit organization Voluntary liquidation of a non-state non-profit organization (except for the public fund) is carried out by the decision of the supreme body authorized in its constituent documents, and compulsory liquidation – by a court decision. Registration authority or prosecutor’s office: when a non-state non-profit organization carries out activities prohibited by this Code; a non-state non-profit organization may submit a petition to the court for compulsory liquidation of the organization if it fails to eliminate the violation that caused the termination of its activities or if such violation is repeated. The decision to liquidate international, republican, interregional non-state non-profit organizations and representative offices and branches of international and foreign non-state non-profit organizations was made by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the decision to liquidate other non-state non-profit organizations was made by Tashkent city courts. The decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the compulsory liquidation of non-state non-profit organizations shall not be appealed. The decision of the Civil Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional civil courts and the city of Tashkent on the liquidation of non-state non-profit organizations may be appealed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The founders, participants (members) of a non-state non-profit organization or the body that made the decision to liquidate the non-state non-profit organization shall appoint a liquidation commission. Compulsory liquidation of a non-state non-profit organization in court may be carried out by a non-state non-profit organization in case of violation of the legislation and in other cases provided by law. A court that has decided to liquidate a non-state non-profit organization may appoint members of the governing body or the head of the non-state non-profit organization as liquidators. Liquidation of a non-state non-profit organization shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation. Unless otherwise provided by this Code, the property remaining after satisfaction of creditors’ claims shall not be distributed among the participants (members) of the organization, as well as members of the governing bodies or employees of non-state non-profit organizations and used for the purposes and (or) charitable purposes.