Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Title: Coastal zone planning: a geophysical classification of inlets to define ecological representation Author(s)

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Title: Coastal zone planning: a geophysical classification of inlets to define ecological representation

Author(s): Greenlaw, ME (Greenlaw, Michelle E.); Roff, JC (Roff, John C.); Redden, AM (Redden, Anna M.); Allard, KA (Allard, Karel A.)

Source: AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Pages: 448-461 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1200 Published: JUL-AUG 2011

Title: Additive partitioning of reef fish diversity variation: a promising marine biodiversity management tool

Author(s): Rodriguez-Zaragoza, FA (Rodriguez-Zaragoza, Fabian A.); Cupul-Magana, AL (Cupul-Magana, Amilcar L.); Galvan-Villa, CM (Galvan-Villa, Cristian M.); Rios-Jara, E (Rios-Jara, Eduardo); Ortiz, M (Ortiz, Marco); Robles-Jarero, EG (Robles-Jarero, Elba G.); Lopez-Uriarte, E (Lopez-Uriarte, Ernesto); Arias-Gonzalez, JE (Arias-Gonzalez, Jesus E.)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 20 Issue: 8 Pages: 1655-1675 DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0053-9 Published: JUL 2011

Title: The effects of aperiodic desiccation on the diversity of benthic desmid assemblages in a lowland peat bog

Author(s): Neustupa, J (Neustupa, Jiri); Cerna, K (Cerna, Katerina); Stastny, J (Stastny, Jan)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 20 Issue: 8 Pages: 1695-1711 DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0055-7 Published: JUL 2011


Author(s): Pereira, GH (Pereira-Filho, Guilherme Henrique); Amado, GM (Amado-Filho, Gilberto Menezes); Guimaraes, SMPB (Guimaraes, Silvia M. P. B.); Moura, RL (Moura, Rodrigo L.); Sumida, PYG (Sumida, Paulo Y. G.); Abrantes, DP (Abrantes, Douglas P.); Bahia, RG (Bahia, Ricardo G.); Guth, AZ (Gueth, Arthur Z.); Jorge, RR (Jorge, Renato R.); Francini, RB (Francini Filho, Ronaldo Bastos)

Source: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 59 Issue: 3 Pages: 201-212 Published: JUL-SEP 2011

Title: Evidence for hybridization between the endangered Roan Mountain bluet, Houstonia purpurea var. montana (Rubiaceae) and its common congener

Author(s): Glennon, KL (Glennon, Kelsey L.); Donaldson, JT (Donaldson, J. T.); Church, SA (Church, Sheri A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY Volume: 138 Issue: 3 Pages: 272-286 Published: JUL-SEP 2011

Title: Trophic structure of a fish community in Bananal stream subbasin in Brasilia National Park, Cerrado biome (Brazilian Savanna), DF

Author(s): Schneider, M (Schneider, Mariana); de Aquino, PDU (Uchoa de Aquino, Pedro De Podesta); Silva, MJM (Martins Silva, Maria Julia); Fonseca, CP (Fonseca, Claudia Padovesi)

Source: NEOTROPICAL ICHTHYOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 579-592 Published: JUL-SEP 2011

Title: The Effect of Exotic Acacia saligna Tree on Plant Biodiversity of Northern Jordan

Author(s): Odat, N (Odat, Nidal); Al Khateeb, W (Al Khateeb, Wesam); Muhaidat, R (Muhaidat, Riyadh); Al U'datt, M (Al U'datt, Muhammad); Irshiad, L (Irshiad, Leena)

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 823-826 Published: 2011

Title: Variability in Isotopic (delta(13)C, delta(15)N, delta(34)S) Composition of Organic Matter Contributing to Detritus-based Food Webs of the Columbia River Estuary

Author(s): Maier, GO (Maier, Greer O.); Toft, JD (Toft, Jason D.); Simenstad, CA (Simenstad, Charles A.)

Source: NORTHWEST SCIENCE  Volume: 85  Issue: 1  Pages: 41-54  DOI: 10.3955/046.085.0104  Published: WIN 2011  

Title: Effects of Unplanned Development on Marine Biodiversity: A Lesson from Albania (Central Mediterranean Sea)

Author(s): Fraschetti, S (Fraschetti, Simonetta); Terlizzi, A (Terlizzi, Antonio); Guarnieri, G (Guarnieri, Giuseppe); Pizzolante, F (Pizzolante, Fausto); D'Ambrosio, P (D'Ambrosio, Paolo); Maiorano, P (Maiorano, Porzia); Beqiraj, S (Beqiraj, Saimir); Boero, F (Boero, Ferdinando)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: SI58  Pages: 106-115  DOI: 10.2112/SI_58_10  Published: WIN 2011  

Title: Space Distribution of Phyto- and Microzooplankton in the Vlora Bay (Southern Albania, Mediterranean Sea)

Author(s): Moscatello, S (Moscatello, Salvatore); Caroppo, C (Caroppo, Carmela); Hajderi, E (Hajderi, Edmond); Belmonte, G (Belmonte, Genuario)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: SI58  Pages: 80-94  DOI: 10.2112/SI_58_8  Published: WIN 2011  

Title: Bioecological Study of the Benthic Communities on the Soft Bottom of the Vlora Gulf (Albania)

Author(s): Maiorano, P (Maiorano, Porzia); Mastrototaro, F (Mastrototaro, Francesco); Beqiraj, S (Beqiraj, Sajmir); Costantino, G (Costantino, Gaetano); Kashta, L (Kashta, Lefter); Gherardi, M (Gherardi, Miriam); Sion, L (Sion, Letizia); D'Ambrosio, P (D'Ambrosio, Paolo); Carlucci, R (Carlucci, Roberto); D'Onghia, G (D'Onghia, Gianfranco); Tursi, A (Tursi, Angelo)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: SI58  Pages: 95-105  DOI: 10.2112/SI_58_9  Published: WIN 2011  

Title: Chl-a fluorescence parameters as biomarkers of metal toxicity in fluvial biofilms: an experimental study

Author(s): Corcoll, N (Corcoll, Natalia); Bonet, B (Bonet, Berta); Leira, M (Leira, Manel); Guasch, H (Guasch, Helena)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 673  Issue: 1  Pages: 119-136  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-011-0763-8  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Latitudinal gradients in macroalgal biodiversity in the Southwest Atlantic between 36 and 55 degrees S

Author(s): Liuzzi, MG (Liuzzi, Maria G.); Gappa, JL (Lopez Gappa, Juan); Piriz, ML (Piriz, Maria L.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 673  Issue: 1  Pages: 205-214  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-011-0780-7  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Aquatic insects associated with two morphologically different submerged macrophytes, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius and Vallisneria aethiopica, in small fishless ponds

Author(s): Phiri, C (Phiri, Crispen); Chakona, A (Chakona, Albert); Day, JA (Day, Jenny A.)

Source: AQUATIC ECOLOGY  Volume: 45  Issue: 3  Pages: 405-416  DOI: 10.1007/s10452-011-9363-y  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Impacts of the 'Pacific Adventurer' Oil Spill on the Macrobenthos of Subtropical Sandy Beaches

Author(s): Schlacher, TA (Schlacher, Thomas Alfred); Holzheimer, A (Holzheimer, Andrew); Stevens, T (Stevens, Tim); Rissik, D (Rissik, David)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 34  Issue: 5  Pages: 937-949  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-010-9354-6  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Species diversity, spatial distribution, and assemblages of zooplankton within the Strait of Magellan in austral summer

Author(s): Zagami, G (Zagami, Giacomo); Antezana, T (Antezana, Tarcisio); Ferrari, I (Ferrari, Ireneo); Granata, A (Granata, Antonia); Sitran, R (Sitran, Raffaella); Minutoli, R (Minutoli, Roberta); Guglielmo, L (Guglielmo, Letterio)

Source: POLAR BIOLOGY  Volume: 34  Issue: 9  Pages: 1319-1333  DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-0962-9  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Multilevel regression models describing regional patterns of invertebrate and algal responses to urbanization across the USA

Author(s): Cuffney, TF (Cuffney, Thomas F.); Kashuba, R (Kashuba, Roxolana); Qian, SS (Qian, Song S.); Alameddine, I (Alameddine, Ibrahim); Cha, Y (Cha, YoonKyung); Lee, B (Lee, Boknam); Coles, JF (Coles, James F.); McMahon, G (McMahon, Gerard)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY  Volume: 30  Issue: 3  Pages: 797-819  DOI: 10.1899/10-140.1  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Leaf ontogeny interacts with Bt modification to affect innate resistance in GM aspens

Author(s): Axelsson, EP (Axelsson, E. Petter); Hjalten, J (Hjalten, Joakim); Whitham, TG (Whitham, Thomas G.); Julkunen-Tiitto, R (Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta); Pilate, G (Pilate, Gilles); Wennstrom, A (Wennstrom, Anders)

Source: CHEMOECOLOGY  Volume: 21  Issue: 3  Pages: 161-169  DOI: 10.1007/s00049-011-0080-8  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Assessment of regional and local biodiversity in tropical and subtropical coastal habitats in the East African Marine Ecoregion

Author(s): Barnes, N (Barnes, Natalie); Bamber, RN (Bamber, Roger N.); Bennell, G (Bennell, Graham); Cornelius, N (Cornelius, Nils); Glassom, D (Glassom, David); Henderson, SCD (Henderson, Sophie Conroy-Dalton); Jiddawi, N (Jiddawi, Narriman); Lee, CNW (Lee, Christine N. W.); Macia, A (Macia, Adriano); Msangameno, DJ (Msangameno, Daudi J.); Paula, J (Paula, Jose); Yahya, S (Yahya, Saleh); Ferrero, TJ (Ferrero, Timothy J.)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 20  Issue: 10  Pages: 2075-2109  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0076-2  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) engineering effects promote plant heterogeneity in Mediterranean dehesa pastures

Author(s): Galvez-Bravo, L (Galvez-Bravo, L.); Lopez-Pintor, A (Lopez-Pintor, A.); Rebollo, S (Rebollo, S.); Gomez-Sal, A (Gomez-Sal, A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS  Volume: 75  Issue: 9  Pages: 779-786  DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2011.03.015  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Meiofauna in sandy back-reef platforms differently exposed to the monsoons in the Maldives (Indian Ocean)

Author(s): Semprucci, F (Semprucci, F.); Colantoni, P (Colantoni, P.); Sbrocca, C (Sbrocca, C.); Baldelli, G (Baldelli, G.); Rocchi, M (Rocchi, M.); Balsamo, M (Balsamo, M.)

Source: JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS  Volume: 87  Issue: 3-4  Pages: 208-215  DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.04.002  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Constraints in the identification and interpretation of ozone as a significant predictor of effects on the supersensitive indicator Nicotiana tabacum Bel-W3 in biomonitoring studies

Author(s): Cristofolini, F (Cristofolini, Fabiana); Cristofori, A (Cristofori, Antonella); Gottardini, E (Gottardini, Elena); Maccherini, S (Maccherini, Simona); Ferretti, M (Ferretti, Marco)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 11  Issue: 5  Pages: 1065-1073  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.12.003  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Evaluating the influence of off-shore cage aquaculture on the benthic ecosystem in Alghero Bay (Sardinia, Italy) using AMBI and M-AMBI

Author(s): Forchino, A (Forchino, Andrea); Borja, A (Borja, Angel); Brambilla, F (Brambilla, Fabio); Rodriguez, JG (German Rodriguez, Jose); Muxika, I (Muxika, Inigo); Terova, G (Terova, Genciana); Saroglia, M (Saroglia, Marco)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 11  Issue: 5  Pages: 1112-1122  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.12.011  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: An approach to identifying potential surrogates of periphytic ciliate communities for monitoring water quality of coastal waters

Author(s): Xu, HL (Xu, Henglong); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Jiang, Y (Jiang, Yong); Min, GS (Min, Gi-Sik); Choi, JK (Choi, Joong-Ki)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 11  Issue: 5  Pages: 1228-1234  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.12.025  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Can biotic indices detect mild organic enrichment of the seafloor?

Author(s): Sampaio, L (Sampaio, Leandro); Rodrigues, AM (Rodrigues, Ana Maria); Quintino, V (Quintino, Victor)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 11  Issue: 5  Pages: 1235-1244  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.01.001  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Identifying grasshopper bioindicators for habitat quality assessment of ecological networks

Author(s): Bazelet, CS (Bazelet, Corinna S.); Samways, MJ (Samways, Michael J.)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 11  Issue: 5  Pages: 1259-1269  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.01.005  Published: SEP 2011  

Title: Vegetation diversity in a large Neotropical wetland during two different climatic scenarios

Author(s): Neiff, JJ (Neiff, J. J.); Casco, SL (Casco, S. L.); Cozar, A (Cozar, A.); de Neiff, ASGP (Poi de Neiff, A. S. G.); Ubeda, B (Ubeda, B.)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 20  Issue: 9  Pages: 2007-2025  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0071-7  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Detection of regime shifts in multi-species communities: the Bay of Quinte phytoplankton example

Author(s): Nicholls, KH (Nicholls, Kenneth H.)

Source: METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION  Volume: 2  Issue: 4  Pages: 416-426  DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00093.x  Published: AUG 2011  


Author(s): Millie, DF (Millie, David F.); Fahnenstiel, GL (Fahnenstiel, Gary L.); Weckman, GR (Weckman, Gary R.); Klarer, DM (Klarer, David M.); Dyble, J (Dyble, Julianne); Vanderploeg, HA (Vanderploeg, Henry A.); Fishman, DB (Fishman, Daniel B.)

Source: JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY  Volume: 47  Issue: 4  Pages: 714-730  DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2011.01022.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Diet and prey selection of sympatric tropical skinks

Author(s): Manicom, C (Manicom, Carryn); Schwarzkopf, L (Schwarzkopf, Lin)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 5  Pages: 485-496  DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2010.02181.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Conservation value of low fire frequency in tropical savannas: Ants in monsoonal northern Australia

Author(s): Andersen, AN (Andersen, Alan N.); Hoffmann, BD (Hoffmann, Benjamin D.)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 5  Pages: 497-503  DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2010.02151.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Impacts of an invasive willow (Salix x rubens) on riparian bird assemblages in south-eastern Australia

Author(s): Holland-Clift, S (Holland-Clift, Sarah); O'Dowd, DJ (O'Dowd, Dennis J.); Mac Nally, R (Mac Nally, Ralph)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 5  Pages: 511-520  DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2010.02178.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Hidden effects of forest management practices: responses of a soil stored seed bank to logging and repeated prescribed fire

Author(s): Penman, TD (Penman, T. D.); Binns, DL (Binns, D. L.); Shiels, RJ (Shiels, R. J.); Allen, RM (Allen, R. M.); Penman, SH (Penman, S. H.)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 5  Pages: 571-580  DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2010.02192.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Disturbance-induced changes in a high-alpine cushionfield community, south-central New Zealand

Author(s): Mark, AF (Mark, Alan F.); Whigham, PA (Whigham, Peter A.)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 5  Pages: 581-592  DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2010.02193.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Phytoplankton community metrics based on absolute and relative abundance and biomass: implications for multivariate analyses

Author(s): Lavoie, I (Lavoie, Isabelle); Hamilton, PB (Hamilton, Paul B.); Poulin, M (Poulin, Michel)

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY  Volume: 23  Issue: 4  Pages: 735-743  DOI: 10.1007/s10811-010-9573-z  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Biochemical characteristics of surface sediments on the eastern Weddell Sea continental shelf, Antarctica: is there any evidence of seasonal patterns?

Author(s): Isla, E (Isla, Enrique); Gerdes, D (Gerdes, Dieter); Rossi, S (Rossi, Sergio); Fiorillo, I (Fiorillo, Ida); Sane, E (Sane, Elisabet); Gili, JM (Gili, Josep-Maria); Arntz, WE (Arntz, Wolf E.)

Source: POLAR BIOLOGY  Volume: 34  Issue: 8  Pages: 1125-1133  DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-0973-6  Published: AUG 2011  


Author(s): Janssen, EML (Janssen, Elisabeth M. -L.); Thompson, JK (Thompson, Janet K.); Luoma, SN (Luoma, Samuel N.); Luthy, RG (Luthy, Richard G.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY  Volume: 30  Issue: 8  Pages: 1819-1826  DOI: 10.1002/etc.574  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Ecosystem response to removal of exotic riparian shrubs and a transition to upland vegetation

Author(s): Reynolds, LV (Reynolds, Lindsay V.); Cooper, DJ (Cooper, David J.)

Source: PLANT ECOLOGY  Volume: 212  Issue: 8  Pages: 1243-1261  DOI: 10.1007/s11258-011-9901-7  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Grassland composition, structure, and diversity patterns along major environmental gradients in the Central Tien Shan

Author(s): Taft, JB (Taft, John B.); Phillippe, LR (Phillippe, Loy R.); Dietrich, CH (Dietrich, Chris H.); Robertson, KR (Robertson, Kenneth R.)

Source: PLANT ECOLOGY  Volume: 212  Issue: 8  Pages: 1349-1361  DOI: 10.1007/s11258-011-9911-5  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: The role of vicariance and dispersal on New Zealand's estuarine biodiversity: the case of Paracorophium (Crustacea: Amphipoda)

Author(s): Knox, MA (Knox, Matthew A.); Hogg, ID (Hogg, Ian D.); Pilditch, CA (Pilditch, Conrad A.)

Source: BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY  Volume: 103  Issue: 4  Pages: 863-874  DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01675.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Impact of copper on the diversity, abundance and transcription of nitrite and nitrous oxide reductase genes in an urban European estuary

Author(s): Magalhaes, CM (Magalhaes, Catarina M.); Machado, A (Machado, Ana); Matos, P (Matos, Patricia); Bordalo, AA (Bordalo, Adriano A.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 77  Issue: 2  Pages: 274-284  DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01107.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Soil and plant factors driving the community of soil-borne microorganisms across chronosequences of secondary succession of chalk grasslands with a neutral pH

Author(s): Kuramae, E (Kuramae, Eiko); Gamper, H (Gamper, Hannes); van Veen, J (van Veen, Johannes); Kowalchuk, G (Kowalchuk, George)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 77  Issue: 2  Pages: 285-294  DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01110.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Early Pleistocene vegetation change in upland south-eastern Australia

Author(s): Sniderman, JMK (Sniderman, J. M. Kale)

Source: JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY  Volume: 38  Issue: 8  Pages: 1456-1470  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02518.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Biogeographical structure and affinities of the marine demersal ichthyofauna of Australia

Author(s): Last, PR (Last, Peter R.); White, WT (White, William T.); Gledhill, DC (Gledhill, Daniel C.); Pogonoski, JJ (Pogonoski, John J.); Lyne, V (Lyne, Vince); Bax, NJ (Bax, Nic J.)

Source: JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY  Volume: 38  Issue: 8  Pages: 1484-1496  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02484.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Effect of bacterial community dynamics on DOC seasonal changes in the north-western Mediterranean Sea

Author(s): Trabelsi, A (Trabelsi, Asma); Rassoulzadegan, F (Rassoulzadegan, Fereidoun)

Source: JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH  Volume: 33  Issue: 8  Pages: 1249-1262  DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbr024  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio alginolyticus in the German Bight over a seasonal cycle

Author(s): Oberbeckmann, S (Oberbeckmann, Sonja); Wichels, A (Wichels, Antje); Wiltshire, KH (Wiltshire, Karen H.); Gerdts, G (Gerdts, Gunnar)

Source: ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 100  Issue: 2  Pages: 291-307  DOI: 10.1007/s10482-011-9586-x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: The contribution of long-term isolated water bodies to floodplain fish diversity

Author(s): Schomaker, C (Schomaker, Christian); Wolter, C (Wolter, Christian)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 56  Issue: 8  Pages: 1469-1480  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02583.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Implications of community concordance for assessing stream integrity at three nested spatial scales in Minnesota, USA

Author(s): Dolph, CL (Dolph, Christine L.); Huff, DD (Huff, David D.); Chizinski, CJ (Chizinski, Christopher J.); Vondracek, B (Vondracek, Bruce)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 56  Issue: 8  Pages: 1652-1669  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02589.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Hydromorphological restoration of running waters: effects on benthic invertebrate assemblages

Author(s): Sundermann, A (Sundermann, Andrea); Antons, C (Antons, Claudia); Cron, N (Cron, Nathalie); Lorenz, AW (Lorenz, Armin W.); Hering, D (Hering, Daniel); Haase, P (Haase, Peter)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 56  Issue: 8  Pages: 1689-1702  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02599.x  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Benthic biodiversity changes due to the opening of an artificial channel in a tropical coastal lagoon (Mexican Caribbean)

Author(s): Hernandez-Arana, HA (Hernandez-Arana, Hector A.); Ameneyro-Angeles, B (Ameneyro-Angeles, Brenda)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM  Volume: 91  Issue: 5  Pages: 969-978  DOI: 10.1017/S0025315410002043  Published: AUG 2011  

Title: Diversity and ecology of epigeous ectomycorrhizal macrofungal assemblages in a native wet eucalypt forest in Tasmania, Australia

Author(s): Gates, GM (Gates, Genevieve M.); Mohammed, C (Mohammed, Caroline); Ratkowsky, DA (Ratkowsky, David A.); Wardlaw, T (Wardlaw, Tim); Davidson, NJ (Davidson, Neil J.)

Source: FUNGAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 4  Issue: 4  Pages: 290-298  DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2011.02.002  Published: AUG 2011  
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asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish