Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

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Title: Taxonomic Distinctness and Richness of Helminth Parasite Assemblages of Freshwater Fishes in Mexican Hydrological Basins

Author(s): Quiroz-Martinez, B (Quiroz-Martinez, Benjamin); Salgado-Maldonado, G (Salgado-Maldonado, Guillermo)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number:   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074419  Published: SEP 27 2013  

Title: Seasonal Dynamics of Fish Assemblages on Breakwaters and Natural Rocky Reefs in a Temperate Estuary: Consistent Assemblage Differences Driven by Sub-Adults

Author(s): Fowler, AM (Fowler, Ashley M.); Booth, DJ (Booth, David J.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e75790  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075790  Published: SEP 26 2013  

Title: Ascitic Microbiota Composition Is Correlated with Clinical Severity in Cirrhosis with Portal Hypertension

Author(s): Rogers, GB (Rogers, Geraint B.); van der Gast, CJ (van der Gast, Christopher J.); Bruce, KD (Bruce, Kenneth D.); Marsh, P (Marsh, Peter); Collins, JE (Collins, Jane E.); Sutton, J (Sutton, Julian); Wright, M (Wright, Mark)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e74884  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074884  Published: SEP 25 2013  

Title: Why Does Amphibian Chytrid (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) Not Occur Everywhere? An Exploratory Study in Missouri Ponds

Author(s): Strauss, A (Strauss, Alex); Smith, KG (Smith, Kevin G.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e76035  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076035  Published: SEP 25 2013  

Title: Temporal characterization of bacterial communities in a phytoremediation pilot plant aimed at decontaminating polluted sediments dredged from Leghorn harbor, Italy

Author(s): Chiellini, C (Chiellini, Carolina); Iannelli, R (Iannelli, Renato); Petroni, G (Petroni, Giulio)

Source: NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 30  Issue: 6  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 772-779  DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt.2012.10.002  Published: SEP 25 2013  

Title: Development of microsatellite markers for Croomia japonica and cross-amplification in its congener

Author(s): Fang, M (Fang, Ming); Fu, CX (Fu, Chen-Xi); Fu, CX (Fu, Cheng-Xin); Zhu, YL (Zhu, You-Lin); Naiki, A (Naiki, Akiyo); Li, EX (Li, En-Xiang)

Source: SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE  Volume: 161  Pages: 228-232  DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2013.07.014  Published: SEP 24 2013  

Title: Seasonal Variations in Maternal Provisioning of Crepidula fornicata (Gastropoda): Fatty Acid Composition of Females, Embryos and Larvae

Author(s): Leroy, F (Leroy, Fanny); Meziane, T (Meziane, Tarik); Riera, P (Riera, Pascal); Comtet, T (Comtet, Thierry)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e75316  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075316  Published: SEP 24 2013  

Title: Thalassiosira spp. community composition shifts in response to chemical and physical forcing in the northeast Pacific Ocean

Author(s): Chappell, PD (Chappell, P. Dreux); Whitney, LP (Whitney, LeAnn P.); Haddock, TL (Haddock, Traci L.); Menden-Deuer, S (Menden-Deuer, Susanne); Roy, EG (Roy, Eric G.); Wells, ML (Wells, Mark L.); Jenkins, BD (Jenkins, Bethany D.)

Source: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 4  Article Number: 273  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00273  Published: SEP 23 2013  

Title: Response of a salt marsh microbial community to metal contamination

Author(s): Mucha, AP (Mucha, Ana P.); Teixeira, C (Teixeira, Catarina); Reis, I (Reis, Izabela); Magalhaes, C (Magalhaes, Catarina); Bordalo, AA (Bordalo, Adriano A.); Almeida, CMR (Almeida, C. Marisa R.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 130  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 81-88  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.01.016  Published: SEP 20 2013  

Title: Effects of commercial harvesting of intertidal macroalgae on ecosystem biodiversity and functioning

Author(s): Stagnol, D (Stagnol, Doriane); Renaud, M (Renaud, Michel); Davoult, D (Davoult, Dominique)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 130  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 99-110  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.02.015  Published: SEP 20 2013  

Title: Abiotic modulation of Spartina maritima photobiology in different latitudinal populations

Author(s): Duarte, B (Duarte, B.); Couto, T (Couto, T.); Freitas, J (Freitas, J.); Valentim, J (Valentim, J.); Silva, H (Silva, H.); Marques, JC (Marques, J. C.); Dias, JM (Dias, J. M.); Cacador, I (Cacador, I.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 130  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 127-137  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.02.008  Published: SEP 20 2013  

Title: The distribution of macrofauna on the inner continental shelf of southeastern Brazil: The major influence of an estuarine system

Author(s): Zalmon, IR (Zalmon, I. R.); Macedo, IM (Macedo, I. M.); Rezende, CE (Rezende, C. E.); Falcao, APC (Falcao, A. P. C.); Almeida, TC (Almeida, T. C.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 130  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 169-178  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.03.001  Published: SEP 20 2013  

Title: The influence of submarine groundwater discharges on subtidal meiofauna assemblages in south Portugal (Algarve)

Author(s): Encarnacao, J (Encarnacao, Joao); Leitao, F (Leitao, Francisco); Range, P (Range, Pedro); Pilo, D (Pilo, David); Chicharo, MA (Chicharo, M. Alexandra); Chicharo, L (Chicharo, Luis)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 130  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 202-208  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.04.013  Published: SEP 20 2013  

Title: Phylogeographic evidence of cognate recognition site patterns and transformation efficiency differences in H. pylori: theory of strain dominance

Author(s): Maldonado-Contreras, A (Maldonado-Contreras, Ana); Mane, SP (Mane, Shrinivasrao P.); Zhang, XS (Zhang, Xue-Song); Pericchi, L (Pericchi, Luis); Alarcon, T (Alarcon, Teresa); Contreras, M (Contreras, Monica); Linz, B (Linz, Bodo); Blaser, MJ (Blaser, Martin J.); Dominguez-Bello, MG (Dominguez-Bello, Maria Gloria)

Source: BMC MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 13  Article Number: 211  DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-13-211  Published: SEP 19 2013  

Title: Effects of genotoxicity and its consequences at the population level in sexual and asexual Artemia assessed by analysis of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR)

Author(s): Sukumaran, S (Sukumaran, Sandhya); Grant, A (Grant, Alastair)

Source: MUTATION RESEARCH-GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS  Volume: 757  Issue: 1  Pages: 8-14  DOI: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2013.03.015  Published: SEP 18 2013  

Title: Catch Rates, Composition and Fish Size from Reefs Managed with Periodically-Harvested Closures

Author(s): Cohen, PJ (Cohen, Philippa Jane); Alexander, TJ (Alexander, Timothy J.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e73383  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073383  Published: SEP 16 2013  

Title: Seasonal and interannual variation in the planktonic communities of the northeastern Chukchi Sea during the summer and early fall

Author(s): Questel, JM (Questel, Jennifer M.); Clarke, C (Clarke, Cheryl); Hopcroft, RR (Hopcroft, Russell R.)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 67  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 23-41  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.11.003  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Benthic ecology of the northeastern Chukchi Sea. Part I. Environmental characteristics and macrofaunal community structure, 2008-2010

Author(s): Blanchard, AL (Blanchard, Arny L.); Parris, CL (Parris, Carrie L.); Knowlton, AL (Knowlton, Ann L.); Wade, NR (Wade, Nicole R.)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 67  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 52-66  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2013.04.021  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Benthic ecology of the northeastern Chukchi Sea. Part II. Spatial variation of megafaunal community structure, 2009-2010

Author(s): Blanchard, AL (Blanchard, Arny L.); Parris, CL (Parris, Carrie L.); Knowlton, AL (Knowlton, Ann L.); Wade, NR (Wade, Nicole R.)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 67  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 67-76  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2013.04.031  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Trace and major elements distribution and transfer within a benthic system: Polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus, commensal crab Polyonyx gibbesi, worm tube, and sediments

Author(s): Eca, GF (Eca, Gilmara F.); Pedreira, RMA (Pedreira, Rodrigo M. A.); Hatje, V (Hatje, Vanessa)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 74  Issue: 1  Pages: 32-41  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.07.036  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Gull-derived trace elements trigger small-scale contamination in a remote Mediterranean nature reserve

Author(s): Signa, G (Signa, Geraldina); Mazzola, A (Mazzola, Antonio); Tramati, CD (Tramati, Cecilia Doriana); Vizzini, S (Vizzini, Salvatrice)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 74  Issue: 1  Pages: 237-243  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.051  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Impact of flood events on macrobenthic community structure on an intertidal flat developing in the Ohta River Estuary

Author(s): Nishijima, W (Nishijima, Wataru); Nakano, Y (Nakano, Yoichi); Nakai, S (Nakai, Satoshi); Okuda, T (Okuda, Tetsuji); Imai, T (Imai, Tsuyoshi); Okada, M (Okada, Mitsumasa)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 74  Issue: 1  Pages: 364-373  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.028  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Coral recruitment and potential recovery of eutrophied and blast fishing impacted reefs in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia

Author(s): Sawall, Y (Sawall, Yvonne); Jompa, J (Jompa, Jamaluddin); Litaay, M (Litaay, Magdalena); Maddusila, A (Maddusila, Andi); Richter, C (Richter, Claudio)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 74  Issue: 1  Pages: 374-382  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.022  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Multigenerational exposure of the microalga Tetraselmis suecica to diuron leads to spontaneous long-term strain adaptation

Author(s): Stachowski-Haberkorn, S (Stachowski-Haberkorn, Sabine); Jerome, M (Jerome, Marc); Rouxel, J (Rouxel, Julien); Khelifi, C (Khelifi, Celia); Rince, M (Rince, Maeva); Burgeot, T (Burgeot, Thierry)

Source: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY  Volume: 140  Pages: 380-388  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.06.016  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Variability of warm/dry mixed conifer forests in southwestern Colorado, USA: Implications for ecological restoration

Author(s): Korb, JE (Korb, Julie E.); Fule, PZ (Fule, Peter Z.); Wu, R (Wu, Rosalind)

Source: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT  Volume: 304  Pages: 182-191  DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.04.028  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Molecular assessment of the sensitivity of sulfate-reducing microbial communities remediating mine drainage to aerobic stress

Author(s): Lefevre, E (Lefevre, Emilie); Pereyra, LP (Pereyra, Luciana P.); Hiibel, SR (Hiibel, Sage R.); Perrault, EM (Perrault, Elizabeth M.); De Long, SK (De Long, Susan K.); Reardon, KF (Reardon, Kenneth F.); Pruden, A (Pruden, Amy)

Source: WATER RESEARCH  Volume: 47  Issue: 14  Pages: 5316-5325  DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.06.014  Published: SEP 15 2013  

Title: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Eastern Australia Subtropical Coral Communities

Author(s): Dalton, SJ (Dalton, Steven J.); Roff, G (Roff, George)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e75873  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075873  Published: SEP 13 2013  

Title: Matrix Intensification Alters Avian Functional Group Composition in Adjacent Rainforest Fragments

Author(s): Deikumah, JP (Deikumah, Justus P.); McAlpine, CA (McAlpine, Clive A.); Maron, M (Maron, Martine)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number:   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074852  Published: SEP 13 2013  

Title: The saliva microbiome of Pan and Homo

Author(s): Li, J (Li, Jing); Nasidze, I (Nasidze, Ivan); Quinque, D (Quinque, Dominique); Li, MK (Li, Mingkun); Horz, HP (Horz, Hans-Peter); Andre, C (Andre, Claudine); Garriga, RM (Garriga, Rosa M.); Halbwax, M (Halbwax, Michel); Fischer, A (Fischer, Anne); Stoneking, M (Stoneking, Mark)

Source: BMC MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 13  Article Number: 204  DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-13-204  Published: SEP 11 2013  

Title: Plant soil interactions alter carbon cycling in an upland grassland soil

Author(s): Thomson, BC (Thomson, Bruce C.); Ostle, NJ (Ostle, Nick J.); McNamara, NP (McNamara, Niall P.); Oakley, S (Oakley, Simon); Whiteley, AS (Whiteley, Andrew S.); Bailey, MJ (Bailey, Mark J.); Griffiths, RI (Griffiths, Robert I.)

Source: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 4  Article Number: 253  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00253  Published: SEP 10 2013  

Title: Innate and Introduced Resistance Traits in Genetically Modified Aspen Trees and Their Effect on Leaf Beetle Feeding

Author(s): Hjalten, J (Hjalten, Joakim); Axelsson, EP (Axelsson, E. Petter); Julkunen-Tiitto, R (Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta); Wennstrom, A (Wennstrom, Anders); Pilate, G (Pilate, Gilles)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e73819  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073819  Published: SEP 10 2013  

Title: Are Hotspots Always Hotspots? The Relationship between Diversity, Resource and Ecosystem Functions in the Arctic

Author(s): Link, H (Link, Heike); Piepenburg, D (Piepenburg, Dieter); Archambault, P (Archambault, Philippe)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number:   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074077  Published: SEP 10 2013  

Title: Shifts in the Microbial Community Composition of Gulf Coast Beaches Following Beach Oiling

Author(s): Newton, RJ (Newton, Ryan J.); Huse, SM (Huse, Susan M.); Morrison, HG (Morrison, Hilary G.); Peake, CS (Peake, Colin S.); Sogin, ML (Sogin, Mitchell L.); McLellan, SL (McLellan, Sandra L.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e74265  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074265  Published: SEP 10 2013  

Title: beta-Diversity of Functional Groups of Woody Plants in a Tropical Dry Forest in Yucatan

Author(s): Lopez-Martinez, JO (Omar Lopez-Martinez, Jorge); Sanaphre-Villanueva, L (Sanaphre-Villanueva, Lucia); Dupuy, JM (Manuel Dupuy, Juan); Hernandez-Stefanoni, JL (Luis Hernandez-Stefanoni, Jose); Meave, JA (Arturo Meave, Jorge); Gallardo-Cruz, JA (Alberto Gallardo-Cruz, Jose)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e73660  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073660  Published: SEP 10 2013  

Title: Thermogenesis in decomposing carcasses

Author(s): Johnson, AP (Johnson, Aidan P.); Mikac, KM (Mikac, Katarina M.); Wallman, JF (Wallman, James F.)

Source: FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL  Volume: 231  Issue: 1-3  Pages: 271-277  DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.05.031  Published: SEP 10 2013  

Title: Dynamic Edge Effects in Small Mammal Communities across a Conservation-Agricultural Interface in Swaziland

Author(s): Hurst, ZM (Hurst, Zachary M.); McCleery, RA (McCleery, Robert A.); Collier, BA (Collier, Bret A.); Fletcher, RJ (Fletcher, Robert J., Jr.); Silvy, NJ (Silvy, Nova J.); Taylor, PJ (Taylor, Peter J.); Monadjem, A (Monadjem, Ara)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 9  Article Number: e74520  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074520  Published: SEP 9 2013  

Title: Typhoon damage on a shallow mesophotic reef in Okinawa, Japan

Author(s): White, KN (White, Kristine N.); Ohara, T (Ohara, Taku); Fujii, T (Fujii, Takuma); Kawamura, I (Kawamura, Iori); Mizuyama, M (Mizuyama, Masaru); Montenegro, J (Montenegro, Javier); Shikiba, H (Shikiba, Haruka); Naruse, T (Naruse, Tohru); McClelland, TY (McClelland, T. Y.); Denis, V (Denis, Vianney); Reimer, JD (Reimer, James D.)

Source: PEERJ  Volume: 1  Article Number:   DOI: 10.7717/peerj.151  Published: SEP 3 2013  

Title: Benthic community structure in kelp forests from the Southern California Bight

Author(s): Torres-Moye, G (Torres-Moye, Guillermo); Edwards, MS (Edwards, Matthew S.); Montano-Moctezuma, CG (Gabriela Montano-Moctezuma, Cira)

Source: CIENCIAS MARINAS  Volume: 39  Issue: 3  Pages: 239-252  DOI: 10.7773/cm.v39i3.2250  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Feeding habits of the speckled guitarfish Rhinobatos glaucostigma (Elasmobranchii, Batoidea) in the southeastern Gulf of California

Author(s): de la Rosa-Meza, K (de la Rosa-Meza, Karina); Sosa-Nishizaki, O (Sosa-Nishizaki, Oscar); de la Cueva-Salcedo, H (de la Cueva-Salcedo, Horacio)

Source: CIENCIAS MARINAS  Volume: 39  Issue: 3  Pages: 277-290  DOI: 10.7773/cm.v39i3.2229  Published: SEP 2013  
Title: Marine invasions on a subtropical island: fouling studies and new Records in a recent marina on Madeira Island (Eastern Atlantic Ocean)

Author(s): Canning-Clode, J (Canning-Clode, Joao); Fofonoff, P (Fofonoff, Paul); McCann, L (McCann, Linda); Carlton, JT (Carlton, James T.); Ruiz, G (Ruiz, Gregory)

Source: AQUATIC INVASIONS  Volume: 8  Issue: 3  Pages: 261-270  DOI: 10.3391/ai.2013.8.3.02  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Is a rapid expansion of the invasive amphipod Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 associated with its niche selection: a case study in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea

Author(s): Kotta, J (Kotta, Jonne); Parnoja, M (Paernoja, Merli); Katajisto, T (Katajisto, Tarja); Lehtiniemi, M (Lehtiniemi, Maiju); Malavin, SA (Malavin, Stanislaw A.); Reisalu, G (Reisalu, Greta); Panov, VE (Panov, Vadim E.)

Source: AQUATIC INVASIONS  Volume: 8  Issue: 3  Pages: 319-332  DOI: 10.3391/ai.2013.8.3.08  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Northward expansion of the rhizocephalan Loxothylacus panopaei (Gissler, 1884) in the northwest Atlantic

Author(s): Freeman, AS (Freeman, Aaren S.); Blakeslee, AMH (Blakeslee, April M. H.); Fowler, AE (Fowler, Amy E.)

Source: AQUATIC INVASIONS  Volume: 8  Issue: 3  Pages: 347-353  DOI: 10.3391/ai.2013.8.3.11  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Nematode diversity in different microhabitats in a mangrove region

Author(s): Pinto, TK (Pinto, Taciana K.); Austen, MCV (Austen, Melanie C. V.); Warwick, RM (Warwick, Richard M.); Somerfield, PJ (Somerfield, Paul J.); Esteves, AM (Esteves, Andre M.); Castro, FJV (Castro, Francisco J. V.); Fonseca-Genevois, VG (Fonseca-Genevois, Veronica G.); Santos, PJP (Santos, Paulo J. P.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 257-268  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12011  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Environmental factors shaping boring sponge assemblages at Mexican Pacific coral reefs

Author(s): Nava, H (Nava, Hector); Carballo, JL (Luis Carballo, Jose)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 269-279  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12012  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Effects of coastal orientation and depth on the distribution of subtidal benthic assemblages

Author(s): Martins, GM (Martins, Gustavo M.); Patarra, RF (Patarra, Rita F.); Alvaro, NV (Alvaro, Nuno V.); Prestes, ACL (Prestes, Afonso C. L.); Neto, AI (Neto, Ana I.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 289-297  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12014  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Environmental predictors of decapod species richness and turnover along an extensive Australian continental margin (13-35 degrees S)

Author(s): McCallum, AW (McCallum, Anna W.); Poore, GCB (Poore, Gary C. B.); Williams, A (Williams, Alan); Althaus, F (Althaus, Franziska); O'Hara, T (O'Hara, Tim)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 298-312  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12016  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Seasonal dynamics of the structure of epiphytic algal community on different substrates from a Neotropical floodplain

Author(s): Neif, EM (Neif, Erika Maria); Behrend, RDD (de Lima Behrend, Romulo Diego); Rodrigues, L (Rodrigues, Liliana)

Source: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY  Volume: 36  Issue: 3  Pages: 169-177  DOI: 10.1007/s40415-013-0021-6  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Ant Fauna on Cecropia pachystachya Trecul (Urticaceae) Trees in an Atlantic Forest Area, Southeastern Brazil

Author(s): Reis, PCJ (Reis, P. C. J.); DaRocha, WD (DaRocha, W. D.); Falcao, LAD (Falcao, L. A. D.); Guerra, TJ (Guerra, T. J.); Neves, FS (Neves, F. S.)

Source: SOCIOBIOLOGY  Volume: 60  Issue: 3  Pages: 222-228  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Changes in alpine vegetation over 21 years: Are patterns across a heterogeneous landscape consistent with predictions?

Author(s): Spasojevic, MJ (Spasojevic, Marko J.); Bowman, WD (Bowman, William D.); Humphries, HC (Humphries, Hope C.); Seastedt, TR (Seastedt, Timothy R.); Suding, KN (Suding, Katharine N.)

Source: ECOSPHERE  Volume: 4  Issue: 9  Article Number:   DOI: 10.1890/ES13-00133.1  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Microbes, macrofauna, and methane: A novel seep community fueled by aerobic methanotrophy

Author(s): Thurber, AR (Thurber, Andrew R.); Levin, LA (Levin, Lisa A.); Rowden, AA (Rowden, Ashley A.); Sommer, S (Sommer, Stefan); Linke, P (Linke, Peter); Kroger, K (Kroeger, Kerstin)

Source: LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY  Volume: 58  Issue: 5  Pages: 1640-1656  DOI: 10.4319/lo.2013.58.5.1640  Published: SEP 2013  

Title: Silicic acid supplied to coastal diatom communities influences cellular silicification and the potential export of carbon

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quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish