Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Source: OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT  Volume: 104  Pages: 150-158  DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.12.015  Published: FEB 2015   12045

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Source: OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT  Volume: 104  Pages: 150-158  DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.12.015  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: A comparison of epiphytic diatom communities on Plocamium cartilagineum (Plocamiales, Florideophyceae) from two Antarctic areas

Author(s): Majewska, R (Majewska, Roksana); Kuklinski, P (Kuklinski, Piotr); Balazy, P (Balazy, Piotr); Yokoya, NS (Yokoya, Nair Sumie); Martins, AP (Martins, Aline Paternostro); De Stefano, M (De Stefano, Mario)

Source: POLAR BIOLOGY  Volume: 38  Issue: 2  Pages: 189-205  DOI: 10.1007/s00300-014-1578-7  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Global effects of land use intensity on the impoverishment of insect herbivore assemblages

Author(s): de Araujo, WS (de Araujo, Walter Santos); Tscharntke, T (Tscharntke, Teja); Almeida-Neto, M (Almeida-Neto, Mario)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 24  Issue: 2  Pages: 271-285  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0807-2  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Ants at the edge: a sharp forest-steppe boundary influences the taxonomic and functional organization of ant species assemblages along elevational gradients in northwestern Patagonia (Argentina)

Author(s): Werenkraut, V (Werenkraut, Victoria); Fergnani, PN (Fergnani, Paula Nilda); Ruggiero, A (Ruggiero, Adriana)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 24  Issue: 2  Pages: 287-308  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0808-1  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Weed seeds, not grain, contribute to the diet of wintering skylarks in arable farmlands of Western France

Author(s): Eraud, C (Eraud, Cyril); Cadet, E (Cadet, Emilie); Powolny, T (Powolny, Thibaut); Gaba, S (Gaba, Sabrina); Bretagnolle, F (Bretagnolle, Francois); Bretagnolle, V (Bretagnolle, Vincent)

Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH  Volume: 61  Issue: 1  Pages: 151-161  DOI: 10.1007/s10344-014-0888-y  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Spatio-temporal variations and recruitment of Sargassum flavifolium Kutzing in sublittoral cobble bottoms: relationships with environmental variables

Author(s): Sangil, C (Sangil, Carlos); Sanson, M (Sanson, Marta); Afonso-Carrillo, J (Afonso-Carrillo, Julio)

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY  Volume: 27  Issue: 1  Pages: 455-467  DOI: 10.1007/s10811-014-0317-3  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Spatial and temporal variation of algal assemblages in six Midwest agricultural streams having varying levels of atrazine and other physicochemical attributes

Author(s): Andrus, JM (Andrus, J. Malia); Winter, D (Winter, Diane); Scanlan, M (Scanlan, Michael); Sullivan, S (Sullivan, Sean); Bollman, W (Bollman, Wease); Waggoner, JB (Waggoner, J. B.); Hosmer, AJ (Hosmer, Alan J.); Brain, RA (Brain, Richard A.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 505  Pages: 65-89  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.09.033  Published: FEB 1 2015  

Title: Species sorting and seasonal dynamics primarily shape bacterial communities in the Upper Mississippi River

Author(s): Staley, C (Staley, Christopher); Gould, TJ (Gould, Trevor J.); Wang, P (Wang, Ping); Phillips, J (Phillips, Jane); Cotner, JB (Cotner, James B.); Sadowsky, MJ (Sadowsky, Michael J.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 505  Pages: 435-445  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.012  Published: FEB 1 2015  

Title: Small Mammals Along SW-Atlantic Marshes: Diversity Correlates with Inland Habitats but Abundance Correlates with Marsh Characteristics

Author(s): Canepuccia, AD (Canepuccia, Alejandro D.); Pascual, J (Pascual, Jesus); Biondi, LM (Biondi, Laura M.); Iribarne, OO (Iribarne, Oscar O.)

Source: WETLANDS  Volume: 35  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-12  DOI: 10.1007/s13157-014-0586-2  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Temporal and Vertical Distributions of Bacterioplankton at the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Author(s): Lu, XX (Lu, Xinxin); Sun, SL (Sun, Shulei); Zhang, YQ (Zhang, Yu-Qin); Hollibaugh, JT (Hollibaugh, James T.); Mou, XZ (Mou, Xiaozhen)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 81  Issue: 3  Pages: 910-917  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02802-14  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: High-Resolution Taxonomic Profiling of the Subgingival Microbiome for Biomarker Discovery and Periodontitis Diagnosis

Author(s): Szafranski, SP (Szafranski, Szymon P.); Wos-Oxley, ML (Wos-Oxley, Melissa L.); Vilchez-Vargas, R (Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro); Jauregui, R (Jauregui, Ruy); Plumeier, I (Plumeier, Iris); Klawonn, F (Klawonn, Frank); Tomasch, J (Tomasch, Juergen); Meisinger, C (Meisinger, Christa); Kuhnisch, J (Kuehnisch, Jan); Sztajer, H (Sztajer, Helena); Pieper, DH (Pieper, Dietmar H.); Wagner-Dobler, I (Wagner-Doebler, Irene)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 81  Issue: 3  Pages: 1047-1058  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03534-14  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Herbivory by subterranean termite colonies and the development of fairy circles in SW Namibia

Author(s): Vlieghe, K (Vlieghe, Kelly); Picker, M (Picker, Mike); Ross-Gillespie, V (Ross-Gillespie, Vere); Erni, B (Erni, Birgit)

Source: ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY  Volume: 40  Issue: 1  Pages: 42-49  DOI: 10.1111/een.12157  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: The effects of dietary marine protein hydrolysates on the development of sea bass larvae, Dicentrarchus labrax, and associated microbiota

Author(s): Delcroix, J (Delcroix, J.); Gatesoupe, FJ (Gatesoupe, F. -J.); Desbruyeres, E (Desbruyeres, E.); Huelvan, C (Huelvan, C.); Le Delliou, H (Le Delliou, H.); Le Gall, MM (Le Gall, M. -M.); Quazuguel, P (Quazuguel, P.); Mazurais, D (Mazurais, D.); Zambonino-Infante, JL (Zambonino-Infante, J. L.)

Source: AQUACULTURE NUTRITION  Volume: 21  Issue: 1  Pages: 98-104  DOI: 10.1111/anu.12139  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Changes in the dynamics of functional groups in communities of dung beetles in Atlantic forest fragments adjacent to transgenic maize crops

Author(s): Campos, RC (Campos, Renata C.); Hernandez, MIM (Hernandez, Malva I. M.)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 49  Pages: 216-227  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.09.043  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: The impacts of an invasive herbivore (Camelus dromedaries) on arid zone freshwater pools: An experimental investigation of the effects of dung on macroinvertebrate colonisation

Author(s): McBurnie, G (McBurnie, Glenis); Davis, J (Davis, Jenny); Thompson, RM (Thompson, Ross M.); Nano, C (Nano, Catherine); Brim-Box, J (Brim-Box, Jayne)

Source: JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS  Volume: 113  Pages: 69-76  DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2014.09.011  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Sharptooth catfish shows its metal: A case study of metal contamination at two impoundments in the Olifants River, Limpopo river system, South Africa

Author(s): Jooste, A (Jooste, Antoinette); Marr, SM (Marr, Sean M.); Addo-Bediako, A (Addo-Bediako, Abraham); Luus-Powell, WJ (Luus-Powell, Wilmien J.)

Source: ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY  Volume: 112  Pages: 96-104  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.10.033  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Non-native rainbow trout change the structure of benthic communities in headwater streams of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa

Author(s): Shelton, JM (Shelton, Jeremy M.); Samways, MJ (Samways, Michael J.); Day, JA (Day, Jenny A.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 745  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-15  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2067-2  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Is the Cantabrian region of northern Spain a biodiversity hotspot for obligate groundwater fauna? The case of oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata)

Author(s): Achurra, A (Achurra, Ainara); Rodriguez, P (Rodriguez, Pilar); Reynoldson, TB (Reynoldson, Trefor B.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 745  Issue: 1  Pages: 151-166  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2101-4  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Flushing-related changes of phytoplankton seasonal assemblages in marsh ponds of the warm temperate Guadalquivir river estuary (SW Spain)

Author(s): Canavate, JP (Canavate, Jose Pedro); Perez-Gavilan, C (Perez-Gavilan, Carmen); Mazuelos, N (Mazuelos, Narciso); Manchado, M (Manchado, Manuel)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 744  Issue: 1  Pages: 15-33  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2051-x  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Sequence-based mapping approach to spatio-temporal snow patterns from MODIS time-series applied to Scotland

Author(s): Poggio, L (Poggio, Laura); Gimona, A (Gimona, Alessandro)

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION  Volume: 34  Pages: 122-135  DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2014.08.005  Published: FEB 2015  

Title: Evident bacterial community changes but only slight degradation when polluted with pyrene in a red soil

Author(s): Ren, G (Ren, Gaidi); Ren, WJ (Ren, Wenjie); Teng, Y (Teng, Ying); Li, ZG (Li, Zhengao)

Source: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 6  Article Number: 22  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00022  Published: JAN 30 2015  

Title: More coral, more fish? Contrasting snapshots from a remote Pacific atoll

Author(s): Beldade, R (Beldade, Ricardo); Mills, SC (Mills, Suzanne C.); Claudet, J (Claudet, Joachim); Cote, IM (Cote, Isabelle M.)

Source: PEERJ  Volume: 3  Article Number: e745  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.745  Published: JAN 29 2015  

Title: Effect of Phase Shift from Corals to Zoantharia on Reef Fish Assemblages

Author(s): Cruz, ICS (Cruz, Igor C. S.); Loiola, M (Loiola, Miguel); Albuquerque, T (Albuquerque, Tiago); Reis, R (Reis, Rodrigo); Nunes, JDCC (Nunes, Jose de Anchieta C. C.); Reimer, JD (Reimer, James D.); Mizuyama, M (Mizuyama, Masaru); Kikuchi, RKP (Kikuchi, Ruy K. P.); Creed, JC (Creed, Joel C.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: e0116944  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116944  Published: JAN 28 2015  

Title: Determination of Key Environmental Factors Responsible for Distribution Patterns of Fiddler Crabs in a Tropical Mangrove Ecosystem

Author(s): Mokhtari, M (Mokhtari, Mohammad); Abd Ghaffar, M (Abd Ghaffar, Mazlan); Usup, G (Usup, Gires); Cob, ZC (Cob, Zaidi Che)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: e0117467  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117467  Published: JAN 28 2015  

Title: Microbial community composition of transiently wetted Antarctic Dry Valley soils

Author(s): Niederberger, TD (Niederberger, Thomas D.); Sohm, JA (Sohm, Jill A.); Gunderson, TE (Gunderson, Troy E.); Parker, AE (Parker, Alexander E.); Tirindelli, J (Tirindelli, Joelle); Capone, DG (Capone, Douglas G.); Carpenter, EJ (Carpenter, Edward J.); Cary, SC (Cary, Stephen C.)

Source: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 6  Article Number: 9  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00009  Published: JAN 28 2015  

Title: Environmental Control on Fish and Macrocrustacean Spring Community-Structure, on an Intertidal Sandy Beach

Author(s): Benazza, A (Benazza, Achwak); Selleslagh, J (Selleslagh, Jonathan); Breton, E (Breton, Elsa); Rabhi, K (Rabhi, Khalef); Cornille, V (Cornille, Vincent); Bacha, M (Bacha, Mahmoud); Lecuyer, E (Lecuyer, Eric); Amara, R (Amara, Rachid)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: e0117220  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117220  Published: JAN 24 2015  

Title: Does the Current Fungicide Risk Assessment Provide Sufficient Protection for Key Drivers in Aquatic Ecosystem Functioning?

Author(s): Zubrod, JP (Zubrod, Jochen P.); Englert, D (Englert, Dominic); Feckler, A (Feckler, Alexander); Koksharova, N (Koksharova, Natalia); Konschak, M (Konschak, Marco); Bundschuh, R (Bundschuh, Rebecca); Schnetzer, N (Schnetzer, Nadja); Englert, K (Englert, Katja); Schulz, R (Schulz, Ralf); Bundschuh, M (Bundschuh, Mirco)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 49  Issue: 2  Pages: 1173-1181  DOI: 10.1021/es5050453  Published: JAN 20 2015  

Title: Spatial patterns in species assemblages associated with the northwestern Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl fishery

Author(s): Monk, MH (Monk, Melissa H.); Powers, JE (Powers, Joseph E.); Brooks, EN (Brooks, Elizabeth N.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 519  Pages: 1-12  DOI: 10.3354/meps11150  Published: JAN 20 2015  

Title: Interannual variations in phytoplankton community structure in the northern California Current during the upwelling seasons of 2001-2010

Author(s): Du, XN (Du, Xiuning); Peterson, W (Peterson, William); O'Higgins, L (O'Higgins, Linda)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 519  Pages: 75-87  DOI: 10.3354/meps11097  Published: JAN 20 2015  

Title: Seasonal variation in dinitrogen fixation and oxygen fluxes associated with two dominant zooxanthellate soft corals from the northern Red Sea

Author(s): Bednarz, VN (Bednarz, Vanessa N.); Cardini, U (Cardini, Ulisse); van Hoytema, N (van Hoytema, Nanne); Al-Rshaidat, MMD (Al-Rshaidat, Mamoon M. D.); Wild, C (Wild, Christian)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 519  Pages: 141-152  DOI: 10.3354/meps11091  Published: JAN 20 2015  

Title: Response of a seagrass fish assemblage to improved wastewater treatment

Author(s): Ourgaud, M (Ourgaud, M.); Ruitton, S (Ruitton, S.); Bell, JD (Bell, J. D.); Letourneur, Y (Letourneur, Y.); Harmelin, JG (Harmelin, J. G.); Harmelin-Vivien, ML (Harmelin-Vivien, M. L.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 90  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 25-32  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.11.038  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: The effects of oil pollution on Antarctic benthic diatom communities over 5 years

Author(s): Polmear, R (Polmear, R.); Stark, JS (Stark, J. S.); Roberts, D (Roberts, D.); McMinn, A (McMinn, A.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 90  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 33-40  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.11.035  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: Seasonal variation of bacterial communities in shellfish harvesting waters: Preliminary study before applying phage therapy

Author(s): Pereira, C (Pereira, C.); Santos, L (Santos, L.); Silva, AP (Silva, A. P.); Silva, YJ (Silva, Y. J.); Cunha, A (Cunha, A.); Romalde, JL (Romalde, J. L.); Nunes, ML (Nunes, M. L.); Almeida, A (Almeida, A.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 90  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 68-77  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.11.019  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: Distribution of trace metals and the benthic foraminiferal assemblage as a characterization of the environment in the north Minjiang River Estuary (Fujian, China)

Author(s): Li, T (Li, Tao); Li, XJ (Li, Xuejie); Zhong, HX (Zhong, Hexian); Yang, CP (Yang, Chupeng); Sun, GH (Sun, Guihua); Luo, WD (Luo, Weidong)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 90  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 227-241  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.10.047  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: The impacts of thinning on the fruiting of saprophytic fungi in Cryptomeria japonica plantations in central Taiwan

Author(s): Lin, WR (Lin, Wan-Rou); Wang, PH (Wang, Pi-Han); Chen, MC (Chen, Ming-Chieh); Kuo, YL (Kuo, Yau-Lun); Chiang, PN (Chiang, Po-Neng); Wang, MK (Wang, Ming-Kuang)

Source: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT  Volume: 336  Pages: 183-193  DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.022  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: Influence of the interaction between phosphate and arsenate on periphyton's growth and its nutrient uptake capacity

Author(s): Castro, MCR (Rodriguez Castro, Ma. Carolina); Urrea, G (Urrea, Gemma); Guasch, H (Guasch, Helena)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 503  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 122-132  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.06.094  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: Freshwater scarcity effects on the aquatic macrofauna of a European Mediterranean-climate estuary

Author(s): Gonzalez-Ortegon, E (Gonzalez-Ortegon, Enrique); Baldo, F (Baldo, Francisco); Arias, A (Arias, Alberto); Cuesta, JA (Cuesta, Jose A.); Fernandez-Delgado, C (Fernandez-Delgado, Carlos); Vilas, C (Vilas, Cesar); Drake, P (Drake, Pilar)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 503  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 213-221  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.06.020  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: Flow regime in a restored wetland determines trophic links and species composition in the aquatic macroinvertebrate community

Author(s): Gonzalez-Ortegon, E (Gonzalez-Ortegon, E.); Walton, MEM (Walton, M. E. M.); Moghaddam, B (Moghaddam, B.); Vilas, C (Vilas, C.); Prieto, A (Prieto, A.); Kennedy, HA (Kennedy, H. A.); Canavate, JP (Pedro Canavate, J.); Le Vay, L (Le Vay, L.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 503  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 241-250  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.09.002  Published: JAN 15 2015  

Title: Life-Style and Genome Structure of Marine Pseudoalteromonas Siphovirus B8b Isolated from the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea

Author(s): Lara, E (Lara, Elena); Holmfeldt, K (Holmfeldt, Karin); Solonenko, N (Solonenko, Natalie); Sa, EL (Laia Sa, Elisabet); Ignacio-Espinoza, JC (Ignacio-Espinoza, J. Cesar); Cornejo-Castillo, FM (Cornejo-Castillo, Francisco M.); Verberkmoes, NC (Verberkmoes, Nathan C.); Vaque, D (Vaque, Dolors); Sullivan, MB (Sullivan, Matthew B.); Acinas, SG (Acinas, Silvia G.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: e0114829  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114829  Published: JAN 14 2015  

Title: Agricultural Intensification Exacerbates Spillover Effects on Soil Biogeochemistry in Adjacent Forest Remnants

Author(s): Didham, RK (Didham, Raphael K.); Barker, GM (Barker, Gary M.); Bartlam, S (Bartlam, Scott); Deakin, EL (Deakin, Elizabeth L.); Denmead, LH (Denmead, Lisa H.); Fisk, LM (Fisk, Louise M.); Peters, JMR (Peters, Jennifer M. R.); Tylianakis, JM (Tylianakis, Jason M.); Wright, HR (Wright, Hannah R.); Schipper, LA (Schipper, Louis A.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: e0116474  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116474  Published: JAN 9 2015  

Title: Contrasting Effects of Land Use Intensity and Exotic Host Plants on the Specialization of Interactions in Plant-Herbivore Networks

Author(s): de Araujo, WS (de Araujo, Walter Santos); Vieira, MC (Vieira, Marcos Costa); Lewinsohn, TM (Lewinsohn, Thomas M.); Almeida-Neto, M (Almeida-Neto, Myrio)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Article Number: e0115606  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115606  Published: JAN 7 2015  

Title: Using stable isotopes to discern mechanisms of connectivity in estuarine detritus-based food webs

Author(s): Howe, ER (Howe, Emily R.); Simenstad, CA (Simenstad, Charles A.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 518  Pages: 13-29  DOI: 10.3354/meps11066  Published: JAN 7 2015  

Title: Comparison of the gut microbiomes of 12 bony fish and 3 shark species

Author(s): Givens, CE (Givens, Carrie E.); Ransom, B (Ransom, Briana); Bano, N (Bano, Nasreen); Hollibaugh, JT (Hollibaugh, James T.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 518  Pages: 209-223  DOI: 10.3354/meps11034  Published: JAN 7 2015  

Title: Demography of fish populations reveals new challenges in appraising juvenile habitat values

Author(s): Kimirei, IA (Kimirei, I. A.); Nagelkerken, I (Nagelkerken, I.); Slooter, N (Slooter, N.); Gonzalez, ET (Gonzalez, E. T.); Huijbers, CM (Huijbers, C. M.); Mgaya, YD (Mgaya, Y. D.); Rypel, AL (Rypel, A. L.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 518  Pages: 225-237  DOI: 10.3354/meps11059  Published: JAN 7 2015  

Title: Community, trophic structure and functioning in two contrasting Laminaria hyperborea forests

Author(s): Leclerc, JC (Leclerc, Jean-Charles); Riera, P (Riera, Pascal); Laurans, M (Laurans, Martial); Leroux, C (Leroux, Cedric); Leveque, L (Leveque, Laurent); Davoult, D (Davoult, Dominique)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 152  Pages: 11-22  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.005  Published: JAN 5 2015  

Title: Biogenic reefs affect multiple components of intertidal soft-bottom benthic assemblages: the Lanice conchilega case study

Author(s): De Smet, B (De Smet, Bart); D'Hondt, AS (D'Hondt, An-Sofie); Verhelst, P (Verhelst, Pieterjan); Fournier, J (Fournier, Jerome); Godet, L (Godet, Laurent); Desroy, N (Desroy, Nicolas); Rabaut, M (Rabaut, Marijn); Vincx, M (Vincx, Magda); Vanaverbeke, J (Vanaverbeke, Jan)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 152  Pages: 44-55  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.002  Published: JAN 5 2015  

Title: Early winter mesozooplankton of the coastal south-eastern Barents Sea

Author(s): Dvoretsky, VG (Dvoretsky, Vladimir G.); Dvoretsky, AG (Dvoretsky, Alexander G.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 152  Pages: 116-123  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.016  Published: JAN 5 2015  

Title: Changes in macrozoobenthic assemblages in a shallow subtropical lake (Lake Taihu, China): 1987-1988vs. 2007

Author(s): Cai, YJ (Cai, Yongjiu); Lu, YJ (Lu, Yongjun); Gong, ZJ (Gong, Zhijun)

Source: JOURNAL OF FRESHWATER ECOLOGY  Volume: 30  Issue: 1  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 157-168  DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2014.993730  Published: JAN 2 2015  

Title: Climate-related variables and geographic distance affect fern species composition across a vegetation gradient in a shrinking hotspot

Author(s): de Gasper, AL (de Gasper, Andre Luis); Eisenlohr, PV (Eisenlohr, Pedro V.); Salino, A (Salino, Alexandre)

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fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish