Source: GEODERMA Volume: 228 Special Issue: SI Pages: 182-191 DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.07.021 Published: SEP 2014
Title: Fishing strange data in national fisheries statistics of Greece
Author(s): Moutopoulos, DK (Moutopoulos, Dimitrios K.); Koutsikopoulos, C (Koutsikopoulos, Constantin)
Source: MARINE POLICY Volume: 48 Pages: 114-122 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.03.017 Published: SEP 2014
Title: Interactive effects of hypoxia and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) on microbial community assembly in surface marine sediments
Author(s): Chan, YK (Chan, Yuki); Li, A (Li, Amy); Gopalakrishnan, S (Gopalakrishnan, Singaram); Shin, PKS (Shin, Paul K. S.); Wu, RSS (Wu, Rudolf S. S.); Pointing, SB (Pointing, Stephen B.); Chiu, JMY (Chiu, Jill M. Y.)
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 400-409 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.04.052 Published: AUG 30 2014
Title: Effects of hypoxia on biofilms and subsequently larval settlement of benthic invertebrates
Author(s): Cheung, SG (Cheung, S. G.); Chan, CYS (Chan, C. Y. S.); Po, BHK (Po, B. H. K.); Li, AL (Li, A. L.); Leung, JYS (Leung, J. Y. S.); Qiu, JW (Qiu, J. W.); Ang, PO (Ang, P. O.); Thiyagarajan, V (Thiyagarajan, V.); Shin, PKS (Shin, P. K. S.); Chiu, JMY (Chiu, J. M. Y.)
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 418-424 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.04.051 Published: AUG 30 2014
Title: Structure and taxonomic composition of free-living nematode and macrofaunal assemblages in a eutrophic subtropical harbour, Hong Kong
Author(s): Xu, WZ (Xu, W. Z.); Cheung, SG (Cheung, S. G.); Shin, PKS (Shin, Paul K. S.)
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 764-773 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.01.023 Published: AUG 30 2014
Title: Environmental variabilities and the distribution of octocorals and black corals in Hong Kong
Author(s): Yeung, CW (Yeung, C. W.); Cheang, CC (Cheang, C. C.); Lee, MW (Lee, M. W.); Fung, HL (Fung, H. L.); Chow, WK (Chow, W. K.); Ang, P (Ang, P., Jr.)
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 774-782 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.12.043 Published: AUG 30 2014
Title: Spatio-temporal composition and dynamics of zooplankton in the Kalmar Sound (western Baltic Sea) in 2009-2010
Author(s): Diaz-Gil, C (Diaz-Gil, Carlos); Werner, M (Werner, Malin); Lovgren, O (Lovgren, Olof); Kaljuste, O (Kaljuste, Olavi); Grzyb, A (Grzyb, Anna); Margonski, P (Margonski, Piotr); Casini, M (Casini, Michele)
Source: BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 323-335 Published: AUG 29 2014
Title: A Nuclear DNA Perspective on Delineating Evolutionarily Significant Lineages in Polyploids: The Case of the Endangered Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Author(s): King, TL (King, Tim L.); Henderson, AP (Henderson, Anne P.); Kynard, BE (Kynard, Boyd E.); Kieffer, MC (Kieffer, Micah C.); Peterson, DL (Peterson, Douglas L.); Aunins, AW (Aunins, Aaron W.); Brown, BL (Brown, Bonnie L.)
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e102784 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102784 Published: AUG 28 2014
Title: The Conflict between Cheetahs and Humans on Namibian Farmland Elucidated by Stable Isotope Diet Analysis
Author(s): Voigt, CC (Voigt, Christian C.); Thalwitzer, S (Thalwitzer, Susanne); Melzheimer, J (Melzheimer, Joerg); Blanc, AS (Blanc, Anne-Sophie); Jago, M (Jago, Mark); Wachter, B (Wachter, Bettina)
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e101917 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101917 Published: AUG 27 2014
Title: High Biodiversity on a Deep-Water Reef in the Eastern Fram Strait
Author(s): Meyer, KS (Meyer, Kirstin S.); Soltwedel, T (Soltwedel, Thomas); Bergmann, M (Bergmann, Melanie)
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e105424 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105424 Published: AUG 25 2014
Title: Interpopulation differences in parasite load and variable selective pressures on MHC genes in Ctenomys talarum
Author(s): Cutrera, AP (Paula Cutrera, Ana); Zenuto, RR (Zenuto, Roxana R.); Lacey, EA (Lacey, Eileen A.)
Source: JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Volume: 95 Issue: 4 Pages: 679-695 DOI: 10.1644/13-MAMM-A-120 Published: AUG 22 2014
Title: Concordant Biogeographic Patterns among Multiple Taxonomic Groups in the Mexican Freshwater Biota
Author(s): Quiroz-Martinez, B (Quiroz-Martinez, Benjamin); Alvarez, F (Alvarez, Fernando); Espinosa, H (Espinosa, Hector); Salgado-Maldonado, G (Salgado-Maldonado, Guillermo)
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e105510 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105510 Published: AUG 19 2014
Title: Relationships between dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like biphenyls (dl-PCBs) congener concentrations in aquatic organisms from Sydney Estuary, Australia and physiology, spatial, seasonality, trophodynamic and life history traits
Author(s): Sezmis, AL (Sezmis, Aysha Laila); Birch, G (Birch, Gavin); Covaci, A (Covaci, Adrian)
Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Volume: 490 Pages: 50-58 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.093 Published: AUG 15 2014
Title: Recent history of sediment metal contamination in Lake Macquarie, Australia, and an assessment of ash handling procedure effectiveness in mitigating metal contamination from coal-fired power stations
Author(s): Schneider, L (Schneider, Larissa); Maher, W (Maher, William); Potts, J (Potts, Jaimie); Gruber, B (Gruber, Bernd); Batley, G (Batley, Graeme); Taylor, A (Taylor, Anne); Chariton, A (Chariton, Anthony); Krikowa, F (Krikowa, Frank); Zawadzki, A (Zawadzki, Atun); Heijnis, H (Heijnis, Henk)
Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Volume: 490 Pages: 659-670 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.055 Published: AUG 15 2014
Title: Sediment-preserved diatom assemblages can distinguish a petroleum activity signal separately from the nutrient signal of the Mississippi River in coastal Louisiana
Author(s): Parsons, ML (Parsons, M. L.); Turner, RE (Turner, R. E.); Overton, EB (Overton, E. B.)
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Pages: 164-171 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.05.057 Published: AUG 15 2014
Title: Impact of multispecies diatom bloom on plankton community structure in Sundarban mangrove wetland, India
Author(s): Biswas, SN (Biswas, Sejuti Naha); Rakshit, D (Rakshit, Dibyendu); Sarkar, SK (Sarkar, Santosh Kumar); Sarangi, RK (Sarangi, Ranjit Kumar); Satpathy, KK (Satpathy, Kamala Kanta)
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Pages: 306-311 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.04.015 Published: AUG 15 2014
Title: Random Whole Metagenomic Sequencing for Forensic Discrimination of Soils
Author(s): Khodakova, AS (Khodakova, Anastasia S.); Smith, RJ (Smith, Renee J.); Burgoyne, L (Burgoyne, Leigh); Abarno, D (Abarno, Damien); Linacre, A (Linacre, Adrian)
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e104996 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104996 Published: AUG 11 2014
Title: Distribution and abundance of mysid shrimps (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in the Northern Indian Ocean
Author(s): Biju, A (Biju, Abraham); Jagadeesan, L (Jagadeesan, Loganathan); Panampunnayil, SU (Panampunnayil, Saramma U.)
Source: MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Pages: 694-711 DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2013.841946 Published: AUG 9 2014
Title: Marked deleterious changes in the condition, growth and maturity schedules of Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae) in an estuary reflect environmental degradation
Author(s): Cottingham, A (Cottingham, Alan); Hesp, SA (Hesp, S. Alex); Hall, NG (Hall, Norman G.); Hipsey, MR (Hipsey, Matthew R.); Potter, IC (Potter, Ian C.)
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE Volume: 149 Pages: 109-119 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.07.021 Published: AUG 5 2014
Title: Recruitment of fish larvae and juveniles into two estuarine nursery areas with evidence of ebb tide use
Author(s): Pattrick, P (Pattrick, Paula); Strydom, N (Strydom, Nadine)
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE Volume: 149 Pages: 120-132 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.08.003 Published: AUG 5 2014
Title: Does thalli complexity and biomass affect the associated flora and fauna of two co-occurring Fucus species in the Baltic Sea?
Author(s): Schagerstrom, E (Schagerstrom, Ellen); Forslund, H (Forslund, Helena); Kautsky, L (Kautsky, Lena); Parnoja, M (Paernoja, Merli); Kotta, J (Kotta, Jonne)
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE Volume: 149 Pages: 187-193 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.08.022 Published: AUG 5 2014
Title: Additive and site-specific effects of two foundation species on invertebrate community structure
Author(s): Hughes, AR (Hughes, A. Randall); Gribben, PE (Gribben, Paul E.); Kimbro, DL (Kimbro, David L.); Bishop, MJ (Bishop, Melanie J.)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 508 Pages: 129-138 DOI: 10.3354/meps10867 Published: AUG 4 2014
Title: Effect of Incubation on Bacterial Communities of Eggshells in a Temperate Bird, the Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica)
Author(s): Lee, WY (Lee, Won Young); Kim, M (Kim, Mincheol); Jablonski, PG (Jablonski, Piotr G.); Choe, JC (Choe, Jae Chun); Lee, SI (Lee, Sang-im)
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e103959 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103959 Published: AUG 4 2014
Author(s): Delph, RJ (Delph, Robert J.); Clifford, MJ (Clifford, Michael J.); Cobb, NS (Cobb, Neil S.); Ford, PL (Ford, Paulette L.); Brantley, SL (Brantley, Sandra L.)
Source: WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST Volume: 74 Issue: 2 Pages: 162-184 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Habitat characterization of deep-water coral reefs in La Gaviera Canyon (Aviles Canyon System, Cantabrian Sea)
Author(s): Sanchez, F (Sanchez, Francisco); Gonzalez-Pola, C (Gonzalez-Pola, Cesar); Druet, M (Druet, Maria); Garcia-Alegre, A (Garcia-Alegre, Ana); Acosta, J (Acosta, Juan); Cristobo, J (Cristobo, Javier); Parra, S (Parra, Santiago); Rios, P (Rios, Pilar); Altuna, A (Altuna, Alvaro); Gomez-Ballesteros, M (Gomez-Ballesteros, Maria); Munoz-Recio, A (Munoz-Recio, Araceli); Rivera, J (Rivera, Jesus); del Rio, GD (Diaz del Rio, Guillermo)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 106 Special Issue: SI Pages: 118-140 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.12.014 Published: AUG 2014
Title: A comparative study of the macrobenthic infauna of two bathyal Cantabrian Sea areas: The Le Danois Bank and the Aviles Canyon System (S Bay of Biscay)
Author(s): Lourido, A (Lourido, Antia); Parra, S (Parra, Santiago); Sanchez, F (Sanchez, Francisco)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 106 Special Issue: SI Pages: 141-150 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.039 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Distribution and biogeographic trends of decapod assemblages from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic) at depths between 700 and 1800 m, with connexions to regional water masses
Author(s): Cartes, JE (Cartes, J. E.); Papiol, V (Papiol, V.); Frutos, I (Frutos, I.); Macpherson, E (Macpherson, E.); Gonzalez-Pola, C (Gonzalez-Pola, C.); Punzon, A (Punzon, A.); Valeiras, X (Valeiras, X.); Serrano, A (Serrano, A.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 106 Special Issue: SI Pages: 165-178 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.034 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Temporal changes in the structure of a slope suprabenthic community from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean)
Author(s): Sorbe, JC (Sorbe, Jean Claude); Elizalde, M (Elizalde, Marta)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 106 Special Issue: SI Pages: 179-191 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.041 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Differential processing of anthropogenic carbon and nitrogen in benthic food webs of A Coruna (NW Spain) traced by stable isotopes
Author(s): Bode, A (Bode, Antonio); Fernandez, C (Fernandez, Consolacion); Mompean, C (Mompean, Carmen); Parra, S (Parra, Santiago); Rozada, F (Rozada, Fernando); Valencia-Vila, J (Valencia-Vila, Joaquin); Viana, IG (Viana, Ines G.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 106 Special Issue: SI Pages: 198-206 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.033 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Seasonal Reproduction of the Greenhouse Frog Eleutherodactylus planirostris (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) in Havana, Cuba
Author(s): Iturriaga, M (Iturriaga, Manuel); Sanz, A (Sanz, Ana); Oliva, R (Oliva, Rafael)
Source: SOUTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Pages: 142-150 DOI: 10.2994/SAJH-D-13-00039.1 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Composition of bat assemblages (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in tropical riparian forests
Author(s): Lourenco, EC (Lourenco, Elizabete Captivo); Gomes, LAC (Costa Gomes, Luiz Antonio); Pinheiro, MD (Pinheiro, Michele da Costa); Patricio, PMP (Peixoto Patricio, Priscilla Maria); Famadas, KM (Famadas, Katia Maria)
Source: ZOOLOGIA Volume: 31 Issue: 4 Pages: 361-369 DOI: 10.1590/S1984-46702014000400007 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Tidal variation in fish assemblages and trophic structures in tropical Indo-Pacific seagrass beds
Author(s): Lee, CL (Lee, Chen-Lu); Huang, YH (Huang, Yen-Hsun); Chung, CY (Chung, Chia-Yun); Lin, HJ (Lin, Hsing-Juh)
Source: ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES Volume: 53 Article Number: 56 DOI: 10.1186/s40555-014-0056-9 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Effects of benthic macrofauna bioturbation on the bacterial community composition in lake sediments
Author(s): Zeng, J (Zeng, Jin); Zhao, DY (Zhao, Da-Yong); Liu, P (Liu, Peng); Yu, ZB (Yu, Zhong-Bo); Huang, R (Huang, Rui); Wu, QLL (Wu, Qinglong L.)
Source: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 60 Issue: 8 Pages: 517-524 DOI: 10.1139/cjm-2014-0132 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Cytokine Responses to Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium in Relation to Infection in a Co-endemic Focus in Northern Senegal
Author(s): Meurs, L (Meurs, Lynn); Mbow, M (Mbow, Moustapha); Boon, N (Boon, Nele); Vereecken, K (Vereecken, Kim); Amoah, AS (Amoah, Abena Serwaa); Labuda, LA (Labuda, Lucja A.); Dieye, TN (Dieye, Tandakha Ndiaye); Mboup, S (Mboup, Souleymane); Yazdanbakhsh, M (Yazdanbakhsh, Maria); Polman, K (Polman, Katja)
Source: PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e3080 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003080 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Factors associated with winged forms of soybean aphid and an examination of North American spatial dynamics of this species in the context of migratory behaviour
Author(s): Bahlai, CA (Bahlai, Christine A.); Schaafsma, AW (Schaafsma, Arthur W.); Lagos, D (Lagos, Doris); Voegtlin, D (Voegtlin, David); Smith, JL (Smith, Jocelyn L.); Welsman, JA (Welsman, J. Andrew); Xue, YG (Xue, Yingen); DiFonzo, C (DiFonzo, Christina); Hallett, RH (Hallett, Rebecca H.)
Source: AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 240-250 DOI: 10.1111/afe.12051 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Bottom-up manipulations alter the community structures of galling insects and gall morphs on Neoboutonia macrocalyx trees in a moist tropical rainforest
Author(s): Malinga, GM (Malinga, Geoffrey M.); Valtonen, A (Valtonen, Anu); Nyeko, P (Nyeko, Philip); Roininen, H (Roininen, Heikki)
Source: AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 314-320 DOI: 10.1111/afe.12061 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Analysis of the bacterial community composition in acidic well water used for drinking in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
Author(s): Machado, A (Machado, Ana); Bordalo, AA (Bordalo, Adriano A.)
Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Pages: 1605-1614 DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2014.05.027 Published: AUG 1 2014
Title: Testing the saprobity hypothesis in a Mediterranean lagoon: Effects of confinement and organic enrichment on benthic communities
Author(s): Foti, A (Foti, A.); Fenzi, GA (Fenzi, G. A.); Di Pippo, F (Di Pippo, F.); Gravina, MF (Gravina, M. F.); Magni, P (Magni, P.)
Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Volume: 99 Pages: 85-94 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.04.004 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Artificial structures in sediment-dominated estuaries and their possible influences on the ecosystem
Author(s): Wetzel, MA (Wetzel, Markus A.); Scholle, J (Scholle, Jorg); Teschke, K (Teschke, Katharina)
Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Volume: 99 Pages: 125-135 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.04.008 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Genetically based latitudinal variation in Artemisia californica secondary chemistry
Author(s): Pratt, JD (Pratt, Jessica D.); Keefover-Ring, K (Keefover-Ring, Ken); Liu, LY (Liu, Lawrence Y.); Mooney, KA (Mooney, Kailen A.)
Source: OIKOS Volume: 123 Issue: 8 Pages: 953-963 DOI: 10.1111/oik.01156 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Habitat structure and body size distributions: cross-ecosystem comparison for taxa with determinate and indeterminate growth
Author(s): Nash, KL (Nash, Kirsty L.); Allen, CR (Allen, Craig R.); Barichievy, C (Barichievy, Chris); Nystrom, M (Nystrom, Magnus); Sundstrom, S (Sundstrom, Shana); Graham, NAJ (Graham, Nicholas A. J.)
Source: OIKOS Volume: 123 Issue: 8 Pages: 971-983 DOI: 10.1111/oik.01314 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Effects of flow and fine sediment dynamics on the turnover of stream invertebrate assemblages
Author(s): Buendia, C (Buendia, Cristina); Gibbins, CN (Gibbins, Chris N.); Vericat, D (Vericat, Damia); Batalla, RJ (Batalla, Ramon J.)
Source: ECOHYDROLOGY Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 1105-1123 DOI: 10.1002/eco.1443 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Characterizing changes in soil bacterial community structure in response to short-term warming
Author(s): Xiong, JB (Xiong, Jinbo); Sun, HB (Sun, Huaibo); Peng, F (Peng, Fei); Zhang, HY (Zhang, Huayong); Xue, X (Xue, Xian); Gibbons, SM (Gibbons, Sean M.); Gilbert, JA (Gilbert, Jack A.); Chu, HY (Chu, Haiyan)
Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY Volume: 89 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 281-292 DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12289 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Community fingerprinting in a sequencing world
Author(s): van Dorst, J (van Dorst, Josie); Bissett, A (Bissett, Andrew); Palmer, AS (Palmer, Anne S.); Brown, M (Brown, Mark); Snape, I (Snape, Ian); Stark, JS (Stark, Jonathan S.); Raymond, B (Raymond, Ben); McKinlay, J (McKinlay, John); Ji, MK (Ji, Mukan); Winsley, T (Winsley, Tristrom); Ferrari, BC (Ferrari, Belinda C.)
Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY Volume: 89 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 316-330 DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12308 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Antarctic mixotrophic protist abundances by microscopy and molecular methods
Author(s): Gast, RJ (Gast, Rebecca J.); McKie-Krisberg, ZM (McKie-Krisberg, Zaid M.); Fay, SA (Fay, Scott A.); Rose, JM (Rose, Julie M.); Sanders, RW (Sanders, Robert W.)
Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY Volume: 89 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 388-401 DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12334 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Characterization of growing bacterial populations in McMurdo Dry Valley soils through stable isotope probing with O-18-water
Author(s): Schwartz, E (Schwartz, Egbert); Van Horn, DJ (Van Horn, David J.); Buelow, HN (Buelow, Heather N.); Okie, JG (Okie, Jordan G.); Gooseff, MN (Gooseff, Michael N.); Barrett, JE (Barrett, John E.); Takacs-Vesbach, CD (Takacs-Vesbach, Cristina D.)
Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY Volume: 89 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 415-425 DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12349 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Characterisation of bacterioplankton communities in the meltwater ponds of Bratina Island, Victoria Land, Antarctica
Author(s): Archer, SDJ (Archer, Stephen D. J.); McDonald, IR (McDonald, Ian R.); Herbold, CW (Herbold, Craig W.); Cary, SC (Cary, Stephen C.)
Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY Volume: 89 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 451-464 DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12358 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Feeding ecology and trophic comparisons of six shark species in a coastal ecosystem off southern Brazil
Author(s): Bornatowski, H (Bornatowski, H.); Braga, RR (Braga, R. R.); Abilhoa, V (Abilhoa, V.); Correa, MFM (Correa, M. F. M.)
Source: JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Pages: 246-263 DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12417 Published: AUG 2014
Title: Augmenting flower trait diversity in wildflower strips to optimise the conservation of arthropod functional groups for multiple agroecosystem services
Author(s): Balzan, MV (Balzan, Mario V.); Bocci, G (Bocci, Gionata); Moonen, AC (Moonen, Anna-Camilla)
Source: JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Pages: 713-728 DOI: 10.1007/s10841-014-9680-2 Published: AUG 2014
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