Våpasama, m. våpasamana, nt. relief; calmness; cessation.
Våpasameti (vi + upa + sam + e), to appease; to allay; to relieve.
våpasamesi. aor.
våpasamita. pp.
våpasamenta. pr. p.
våpasametvà. abs.
Våpasammati (vi + upa + sam + ya), to be assuaged or quieted; to be extinguished.
Våëha, pp. of vuyhati.
Ve, particle of affirmation, indeed; truly; surely.
Vekalla, nt. vekallatà, f. deformity; deficiency.
Vega, m. force; speed; velocity; impulse.
Vejayanta, m. name of Indra’s palace.
Vejja, m. a physician; doctor.
~kamma, nt. medical treatment.
Veñhaka, a. enveloping; wrapping.
Veñhana, nt. a wrapper; a turban or head-dress.
Veñhiyamàna, pr. p. p. being wrapped or twisted.
Veñheti (veh + e), to wrap; to twist round; to envelope.
veñhesi. aor.
veñhita. pp.
veñhenta. pr. p.
veñhetvà. abs.
Veõa, m. basket-maker.
Veõika, m. a player on a lute.
Veõã, f. a braid of hair.
~kata, a. plaited; bound together as in a sheaf.
~karaõa, nt. making sheaves.
Veõu, m. a bamboo.
~gumba, m. a bush of bamboo.
~bali, m. a tax to be paid in bamboo.
~vana, nt. a bamboo grove.
Vetana, nt. wages; hire; payment; fee.
Vetanika, m. one who works for wages; a hireling.
Vetaraõã, f. name of a river.
Vetasa, m. the rattan reed.
Vetàlika, m. a court musician.
Veti (vi + i + a), to wane; to disappear.
Vetta, nt. a cane; a twig.
~gga, nt. the sprout of a cane.
~latà, f. cane creeper.
Veda, m. religious feeling; knowledge; the brahmanic canon of authorized religious teaching.
~gå, m. o}le who has attained the highest knowledge.
~jàta, a. filled with joy.
~ntagå, ~pàragå, m. one who excels in the knowledge of the Vedas.
Vedaka, m. one who feels or suffers,
Vedanañña, a. afflicted with pain.
Vedanà, f. pain; sensation.
~kkhandha, m. the aggregate of sensation.
Vedayita, nt. feeling; experience.
Vedi, aor. of vidati = to know.
Vedikà, vedã, f. a platform; a railing.
Vedita, pp. of vedeti.
Vediyati (vid + i + ya), to be felt or experienced.
vediyamàna. pr. p.
Vedeti (vid + e), to feel; to sense; to know.
vedesi. aor.
vedenta. pr. p.
vedetvà. abs.
Vedeha, a. belonging to the Videha country.
Vedehãputta, m. son of a princess from Videha.
Vedha, m. vedhana, nt. piercing; shooting; pricking.
Vedhati (vidh + a), to tremble; to quake.
vedhi. aor.
vedhita. pp.
Vedhã, m. one who shoots or hits.
Venayika, m. 1. a nihilist; 2. an expert in Vinaya.
Veneyya, a. accessible to instruction; tractable.
Vepulla, nt. vepullatà, f. full development. abundance.
Vebhaïgiya, a. fit to be distributed.
Vema, m. a shuttle.
Vemajjha, nt. the middle; centre.
Vematika, a. doubtful.
Vematta, nt. vemattatà, f. difference; distinction.
Vemàtika, a. having a different mother and the same father.
Vemànika, a. having a fairy palace.
~peta, ref. vimànapeta.
Veyyattiya, nt. lucidity; accomplishment.
Veyyàkaraõa, nt. explanation. m. one who knows grammar or how to explain.
Veyyàbàdhika, a. causing injury or oppression.
Veyyàyika, nt. expense.
Veyyàvacca, nt. duty; service; commission.
~kara, m. ~yàvatika, m. an attendant; servant; one who waits on.
Vera, nt. enmity; hatred.
Verajjaka, a. belonging to various countries.
Verarnaõã, f. abstinence.
Verambhavàta, m. a wind blowing in high altitudes.
Verika, verã, a. inimical; revengeful m. an enemy.
Verocana, m. the sun.
Velà, f. time; shore; limit; boundary.
~tikkama, m. going out of limits.
Vellita, a. crooked; curly.
~gga, a. having curly tips.
Vevacana, an epithet; a synonym.
Vevaõõiya, nt. disfiguration; discolouring.
Vesa, m. appearance; dress.
Vesamma, nt. inequality; disharmony.
Vesàkha, m. name of a month, April-May.
Vesàrajja, nt. self-confidence.
Vesiyà, vesã, f. a harlot; a prostitute.
Vesma, nt. a dwelling place.
Vessa, m. a member of the third social grade.
Vehàsa, m. the sky.
~kuñi, f. an airy room upstairs.
~gamana, nt. going through the air.
~ññha, a. situated in the sky.
Veëu, ref. veõu.
~riya, nt. a lapis lazuli.
Vo (enclitic from tumha), to you; of you; by you.
Vokàra, m. 1. a constituent of being, i.e. a khandha; 2. trouble.
Vokiõõa, pp. covered with; full of; mixed up.
Vokkanta, ref. ukkanta.
Vokkanti, ref. okkanti.
Vokkamati (vi + u + kam + a), to turn aside; to deviate from.
vokkami. aor.
vokkanta. pp.
vokkamma, vokkamitvà. abs.
Vocchijjati (vi + u + chid + ya), to be cut off or stopped.
vocchijji. aor.
vocchinna. pp.
vocchijjitvà. abs.
Votthapana, nt. definition.
Vodaka, a. free from water.
Vodapana, nt. vodapanà, f. cleansing; purification.
Vodapeti (vi + u + dà + àpe), to cleanse; to purify.
vodapesi. aor.
Vodàna, nt. purity; sanctification.
Vomissaka, a. miscellaneous; mixed.
Voropana, nt. depriving of.
Voropeti (vi + ava + rup + e), to deprive of; to take away.
voropesi. aor.
voropita. pp.
voropenta. pr.p.
voropetvà. abs.
Voloketi (vi + ava + lok + e), to examine; to scrutinize.
Vosita, a. accomplished; perfected.
Vossagga, m. vossajana, nt. donation; relinquishing; giving up.
Vossajati (vi+ ava + saj + a), to give up; to hand over; to relinquish.
vossaji. aor.
vossaññha. pp.
vossajitvà. vossajja. abs.
Voharati (vi + ava + har + a), to use; to express; to call; to trade; to administrate.
vohari. aor.
voharita. pp.
voharanta. pr. p.
voharitvà. abs.
Vohariyamàna, pr. p. being called.
Vohàra, m. calling; expression; use; trade; jurisprudence; current appellation.
Vohàrika, m. a trader; a judge.
vohàrikàmacca, m. the Chief Justice.
Vyaggha, m. a tiger.
Vya¤jana, nt. a curry; a distinctive mark; a consonant; a letter.
Vya¤jayati (vi + a¤j + a), to indicate; to characterise; to denote.
vya¤jayi. aor.
vya¤jita. pp.
Vyatta, a. learned; accomplished; evident; manifest.
~tara, a. more learned or skilful.
~tà, f. cleverness; learning.
Vyathati (vyath + a), to oppress; to subdue.
vyathi. aor.
vyathita. pp.
Vyantãkaroti (vi + anta + ã + kar + o), to abolish; to remove; to get rid of.
vyantãkari. aor.
vyantãkata. pp.
vyantãkaritvà, vyantãkatvà. abs.
Vyantãbhavati (vi + anta + ã + bhå +. a), to cease; to stop; to come to an end.
vyantãbhavi. aor.
vyantãbhåta. pp.
Vyantãbhàva, m. annihilation; destruction.
Vyapagacchati (vi + apa + gam + a), to depart.
vyapagami. aor.
vyapagata. pp.
Vyamha, nt. a divine mansion.
Vyaya, ref. vaya.
Vyasana, nt. misfortune; ruin; destruction.
Vyàkata, pp. of vyàkaroti.
Vyàkaraõa, nt. grammar; explanation; answer; declaration.
Vyàkariyamàna, pr. p. being explained or declared.
Vyàkaroti (vi + à + kar + o), to explain; to declare; to answer.
vyàkari. aor.
vyàkata. pp.
vyàkaritvà. abs.
Vyàkhyàti (vi + à + khyà + a), to announce; to explain.
vyàkhyàsi. aor.
vyàkhyàta. pp.
Vyàkula. a. perplexed; confused; entangled.
Vyàdha, m. a huntsman.
Vyàdhi, m. sickness; disease.
~ta, a. affected with illness.
Vyàpaka, a. filling with; spreading; suffusing.
Vyàpajjati (vi + à + pad + ya), to fail; to be troubled; to be vexed.
vyàpajji. aor.
Vyàpajjanà, f. failing; ill will; anger.
Vyàpanna (pp. of vyàpajjati), gone wrong; malevolent; vexed.
Vyàpàda, m. ill-will; malevolence.
Vyàpàdeti (vi + à + pad + e), to spoil; to vex.
Vyàpàra, m. occupation; work; business.
Vyàpàrita (pp. of vyàpàreti), instigated; urged by.
Vyàpita, pp. of the following;
Vyàpeti (vi + ap + e), to pervade; to make full; to diffuse.
vyàpesi. aor.
vyàpenta. pr. p.
vyàpetvà. abs.
Vyàbàdheti (vi + a + bàdh + e), to do harm; to obstruct.
vyàbàdhesi. aor.
vyàbàdhita. pp.
vyàbàdhetvà. abs.
Vyàbhaïgã, f. a carrying pole.
Vyàma, m. a fathom.
Vyàvaña, a. busy; active; engaged in; intent on.
Vyàsatta, a. attached to.
Vyàsecana, nt. sprinkling.
Vyàharati (vi + à + har + a), to utter; to talk; to speak.
vyàhari. aor.
vyàbaña. pp.
vyàharitvà. abs.
Vyåha, m. an array; grouping of troops.
Sa, 1. (= sva in Sk.) a. one’s own. (Sehi kammehi = through one’s own actions). 2. a shortened form of saha, in compounds such as sadevaka.
Sa (=so), Nom. sing. of ta in mas. is often seen in this form; e.g. Sa ve kàsàvam arahati.
Sa-upàdàna, a. showing attachment.
Sa-upàdisesa, a. having the substratum of life remaining.
Saka, a. one’s own. m. a relation. nt. one’s own property.
~mana, a. joyful.
Sakaïkha, a. doubtful.
Sakaña, m. nt. a cart; wagon.
~bhàra, ~vàha, m. a cartload.
~vyåba, m. an array of wagons.
Sakaõñaka, a. thorny.
Sakadàgàmã, m. one who has attained the second stage of the Path and to be reborn on the earth only once.
Sakabala, a. (saka + bala:) one’s own strength; (sa + kabala:) with food in the mouth.
Sakamma, nt. one’s own duty.
~ka, a. transitive (verb).
Sakaraõãya, a. one who still has something to do.
Sakala, a. whole; entire.
Sakalikà, f. a splinter.
Sakàsa, m. neighbourhood; presence.
Sakicca, nt. one’s own business.
Saki¤cana, a. having worldly attachment.
Saki§, ad. once.
Sakãya, a. one’s own.
Sakuõa, m. a bird.
~gghã, m. a hawk.
~õã, f. a she-bird.
Sakunta, m. a bird.
Sakka, a. able; possible.
Sakka, m. 1. a man of the Sàkya race; 2. the king of devas.
Sakkacca, abs. having well prepared, honoured; or respected.
~kàrã, m. one who acts carefully.
sakkacca§, ad. carefully; thoroughly.
Sakkata (pp. of sakkaroti), honoured; duly attended.
Sakkatta, nt. the position as the ruler of devas.
Sakkatvà, abs. from sakkaroti.
Sakkarãyati (pass. of sakkaroti), to be honoured or respected.
sakkariyamàna. pr. p.
Sakkaroti (sa§ + kar + o), to honour; to treat with respect; to receive hospitably.
sakkari. aor.
sakkata. pp.
sakkaronta. pr. p.
sakkaritabba. sakkàtabba. pt. p.
sakkatvà, sakkaritvà. abs.
sakkaritu§. sakkàtu§. inf.
Sakkà, in. it is possible.
Sakkàya, m. the existing body.
~diññhi. f. heresy of individuality.
Sakkàra, m. honour; hospitality.
Sakkuõàti (sak + uõà), to be able.
sakkuõi. aor.
sakkuõanta. pr. p.
sakkuõitvà. abs.
Sakkuõeyyatta. nt, possibility; ability.
Sakkoti (sak + o), to be able.
asakkhi. aor.
sakkonta. pr, p.
Sakkharà, f. a crystal; gravel; jaggery.
Sakkhali, sakkhalikà, f. the orifice (of the ear), a slice; the scale of fish.
Sakkhi, in. face to face; before one’s eyes.
~ka, sakkhã, a. an eyewitness; a witness.
~ditñha, a. seen face to face.
~puññha, being asked as a witness.
Sakya, a. belonging to the Sàkya race.
~muni, m. the noble sage of the Sàkyans.
Sakha, sakhi, m. a friend.
sakhità, f. friendship.
Sakhila, a. kindly in speech.
Sakhya, nt. friendship.
Sagabbha, a. pregnant.
Sagàha, a. full of ferocious animals.
Sagàmeyya, a. hailing from the same village.
Sagàrava, a. respectful.
sagàrava§, ad. respectfully.
~tà, f. respect.
Sagotta, a. of the same lineage; a kinsman.
Sagga, m. a place of happiness; heaven.
~kàya, m. the heavenly assembly.
~magga, m. the way to heaven.
~loka, m. the heavenly region.
~sa§vattanika, a. leading to heaven.
Sagguõa, m. good quality.
Saïkañãra, nt. rubbish heap.
Saïkaóóhati (sa§ + kaddh + a), to collect; to drag.
saïkaóóhi. aor.
saïkaóóhitvà. abs.
Saïkati (sak + §-a), to doubt; to hesitate; to be uncertain.
saïki. aor.
saïkita. pp.
saïkamàna, pr. p.
saïkitvà. abs.
Saïkanta, pp. of saïkamati.
Saïkantati (sa§ + kant + a), to cut all round.
saïkanti. aor.
saïkantita. pp.
saïkantitvà. abs.
Saïkantika, a. moving from one place to another.
~roga, m. an epidemic.
Saïkappa, m. intention; purpose.
Saïkappeti (sa§ + kapp + e), to think about; to imagine.
saïkappesi. aor.
saïkappita. pp.
saïkappetvà. abs.
Saïkamati (sa§ + kam + a), to pass over to; to shift; to transmigrate.
saïkami. aor.
saïkanta. pp.
saïkamitvà. saïkamma. abs.
Saïkamana, nt. a passage; a bridge; going over; to move from place to place.
Saïkampati (sa§ + kamp + a), to tremble; to shake.
saïkampi. aor.
saïkampita. pp.
saïkampitvà. abs.
Saïkara, a. blissful. m. blending; mixing.
Saïkalana, nt. addition; collection.
Saïka, saïkàyanà, f. doubt; uncertainty.
Saïkàyati (Deno. from saïkà), to be doubtful or uncertain about.
saïkàyi. aor.
saïkàyita. pp.
Saïkàra, m. rubbish.
~kåña, m. rubbish heap.
~coëa, nt. a rag picked up from a rubbish heap.
~ññhàna, nt. a dustbin; rubbish heap.
Saïkàsa, a. similar.
Saïkàsanà, f. explanation.
Saïkiõõa (pp. of saïkirati), full of; mixed; impure.
Saïkita, pp. of saïkati.
Saïkittana, nt. making known; proclamation.
Saïkiliññha, pp. of the following.
Saïkilissati (sa§ + kilis + ya), to become soiled or impure.
saïkilissi. aor.
saïkilissitvà. abs.
Saïkilissana, nt. saïkilesa, m. impurity; defilenment.
Saïkilesika, a. baneful; corrupting.
Saïkã, a. doubtful.
Saïkãyati (pass. of saïkati), to be suspected.
Saïku, m. a stake; a spike.
~patha, m. a path to be gone with the help of stakes.
Saïkucati (sa§ + kuc + a), to become contracted; to shrink; to clench.
saïkuci. aor.
saïkucita. pp.
saïkucitvà. abs.
Saïkucana, nt. shrinkage.
Saïkuñita, a. shrunken; shrivelled.
Saïkupita (pp. of saïkuppati), enraged.
Saïkula, a. full of; crowded.
Saïketa, m. nt. a mark; appointed place; rendezvous.
~kamma, nt. engagement.
Saïkoca, m. contraction; grimace; distortion.
Saïkoceti (san + kuc + e), to contract or distort.
saïkocesi. aor.
saïkocita. pp.
Saïkopa, m. disturbance; agitation.
Saïkha, m. a chank; a conch shell.
~kuññhã, m. one who is suffering with white scab.
~thàla, m. a vessel made of conch shell.
~dhama, m. one who blows a conch shell.
~muõóika, nt. a kind of torture; the shell-tonsure.
Saïkhata (pp. of saïkharoti), conditioned; repaired; produced by a cause.
Saïkhaya, m. consumption; loss; destruction.
Saïkharaõa, nt. restoration; preparation.
Saïkharoti (sa§ + kar + o), to restore; to prepare; to put together.
saïkhari. aor.
saïkhata. pp.
saïkharonta. pr. p.
saïkharitvà. abs.
Saïkhalikà, f. a fetter.
Saïkhà, saïkhyà, f. enumeration; calculation; a number; definition.
Saïkhàta, pp. agreed on; reckoned. (in cpds.) so-called; named.
Saïkhàdati (sa§ + khàd + a), to masticate.
saïkhàdi. aor.
saïkhàdita. pp.
saïkhàditvà. abs.
Saïkhàna, nt. calculation; counting.
Saïkhaya (abs. from saïkhàti), having considered or discriminated.
Saïkhàra, m. essential condition; a thing conditioned, mental coefficients.
~kkhandha, m. the aggregate of mental coefficients.
~dukkha, nt. the evil of material life.
~loka, m. the whole creation.
Saïkhitta, pp. of the following.
Saïkhipati (sa§ + khip + a), to contract; to a bridge; to shorten; to fold.
saïkhipi. aor.
saïkhipanta. saïkhipamàna. pr. p.
saïkhipitabba. pt. p.
saïkhipitvà. abs.
saïkhipitu§. inf.
Saïkhubhati (sa§ + khubh + a), to be agitated: to stir.
saïkhubhi. aor.
saïkhubhita. pp.
saïkhubhitvà. abs.
Saïkhubhana, nt. stirring; agitation.
Saïkhepa, a. abridgement; abstract; condensed account; amassing.
Saïkheyya, a. calculable.
Saïkhobha, m. commotion; disturbance.
Saïkhobheti (sa§ + khubh + e), to disturb; to stir; to upset.
saïkhobhesi. aor.
saïkhobhita. pp.
saïkhobhenta. pr. p.
saïkhobhetva. abs.
Saïga, m. attachment; clinging.
Saïgacchati (sa§ + gam + a), to meet with; to come together.
saïgacchi. aor.
saïgata. pp.
saïgantva. abs.
Saïgaõikà, f. society.
~rama, ~rata, a. fond of or delighting in society.
~ràmata, f. delight in company.
Saïgaõhati (sa§ + gah + õhà), to treat kindly; to compile; to collect.
saïgaõhi. aor.
saïgaõhanta. pr.p.
saïgahetva, saïgaõhitvà, saïgayha. abs.
Saïgaha, m. 1. treatment; 2. compilation; collection.
Saïgati, f. association with.
Saïgahita (pp. of saïgaõhati).
Saïgàma, m. fight; battle.
saïgàmàvacara, a. frequenting in the battle-field.
Saïgàmeti (Deno. from saïgàma), to fight; to come into conflict; to fight a battle.
saïgàmesi. aor.
saïgàmita. pp.
saïgàmetvà. abs.
Saïgàyati (sa§ + gà + ya), to chant; to rehearse.
saïgàyi. aor.
saïgãta. pp.
saïgàyitvà. abs.
Saïgàha, m. a collection.
~ka, a. one who collects, compiles. treats kindly, or holds together, m. a charioteer.
Saïgãta (pp. of saïgàyati), chanted; uttered; sung.
Saïgãti, f. rehearsal; a convocation of the Buddhist clergy in order to settle questions of doctrine.
~kàraka, m. the Elders who held the convocations.
Saïgopeti (sa§ + gup + e), to protect well.
saïgopita. pp.
Saïgha, m. a multitude; an assemblage; the Buddhist clergy.
~kamma, nt. an act performed by a chapter of Buddhist monks.
~gata, a. gone into or given to the community.
~tthera, m. the senior monk of a congregation.
~bhatta, nt. food given to the community.
~bheda, m. dissension among the Order.
~bhedaka, m. one who causes dissension in the community of monks.
~màmaka, a. devoted to the community.
Saïghañeti (sa§ + ghat + e), to join together.
saïghañesi. aor.
saïghañita. pp.
saïghañetvà. abs.
Saïghaññana, nt, close contact; knocking against.
Saïghaññeti (sa§ + ghaññ + e), to knock against; to provoke by scoffing.
saïghaññesi. aor.
saïghaññita. pp.
saïghaññetvà. abs.
Saïghàña, m. junction; union; a raft.
Saïghàñi, f. the upper robe of a Buddhist monk.
Saïghàta, m. knocking together; snapping (of fingers); accumulation.
Saïghika, a,. belonging to the Order.
Saïghã, a. having a crowd of followers.
Saïghuññha (pp. of saïghoseti), resounding with; proclaimed.
Sacitta, nt. one’s own mind.
~ka, a. endowed with mind.
Sace, in. if.
Sacetana, a. animate; conscious.
Sacca, nt. truth. adj. true; real.
~kiriyà, f. a declaration on oath. ~pañivedha, ~abhisamaya, m. comprehension of the reality.
~vàcà, f. a truthful word.
~vàdã, m. one who speaks the truth.
~sandha, a. reliable.
Saccakàra, m. a pledge; ratification; payment in advance.
Saccàpeti (Deno. from sacca), to bind with an oath; to conjure.
saccàpesi. aor.
saccàpita. pp.
Sacchikaraõa, nt. realization; experiencing.
sacchikaraõãya, a. fit to be realized.
Sacchikata, pp. of the following.
Sacchikaroti (sacchi + kar + o), to realize; to experience for oneself.
sacchikari. aor.
sacchikaronta. pr. p.
sacchikàtabba. pt. p.
sacchikatvà, sacchikaritvà. abs.
sacchikàtu§, sacchikaritu§. inf.
Sacchikiriyà, f. ref. sacchikaraõa.
Sajati (saj + a), to embrace.
saji. aor.
sajamàna. pr. p.
sajitvà. abs.
Sajana, nt. ref. parissajana.
Sa-jana, m. a kinsman; one’s own men.
Sajàtika, a. of the same race or nation.
Sajãva, a. endowed with life.
Sajotibhåta, at. ablaze; aglow.
Sajjati (saj + ya), to cling to; to be attached.
sajji. aor.
saññha. pp.
sajjamàna. pr. p.
sajjitvà. abs.
Sajjana, nt. attachment; decoration; preparation.
Sajjana, m. a virtuous man.
Sajjita, pp. of sajjeti.
Sajju, in. instantly; speedily; at the same moment.
~ka§, ad. quickly.
Sajjulasa, m. resin.
Sajjeti (saj + e), to prepare; to fit up; to decorate.
sajjesi. aor.
sajjenta. pr. p.
sajjetvà, sajjiya. abs.
Sajjhàya, m. study; rehearsal.
Sajjhàyati (sa§ + jhà + ya), to rehearse; to recite; to study.
sajjhàyi. aor.
sajjhàyita. pp.
sajjhàyitvà. abs.
sajjhàyamàna. pr. p.
Sajjhàyanà, f. recitation; study.
Sajjhu, nt. silver.
~maya, a. made of silver.
Sa¤caya, m. accumulation; quantity.
Sa¤caraõa, nt. wandering about.
Sa¤carati (sa§ + car + a), to go about; to wander; to move; to frequent.
sa¤cari. aor.
sa¤carita. pp.
sa¤caranta. pr.p.
sa¤caritvà. abs.
Sa¤caritta, nt. carrying of messages.
Sa¤calati (sa§ + cal + a), to be unsteady or agitated.
sa¤cali. aor.
sa¤calita. pp.
Sa¤calana, nt. agitation.
Sa¤càra, m. passage; movement; wandering.
Sa¤càraõa, nt. causing to move or act.
Sa¤càreti (caus. of sa¤carati), to cause to move about.
sa¤càresi. aor.
sa¤càrita. pp.
sa¤càretvà. abs.
Sa¤cicca, in. with intention; purposely; discriminately.
Sa¤cita, pp. of sa¤cinàti.
Sa¤cinana, nt. accumulation.
Sa¤cinàti (sa§ + ci + nà), to accumulate.
sa¤cini. aor.
sa¤cinanta. pr. p.
sa¤cinitvà. abs.
Sa¤ciõõa (pp. of the above), accumulated; practised.
Sa¤cuõõeti (sa§ + cuõõ + e), to crush; to powder.
sa¤cuõõesi. aor.
sa¤cuõõita. pp.
sa¤cuõõetvà. abs.
Sa¤cetanà, f. cognition; intention. sa¤cetanika, a. intentional.
Sa¤ceteti (sa§ + cit + e), to think; to devise means.
sa¤cetesi. aor.
sa¤cetetvà. abs.
Sa¤codita (pp. of sa¤codeti), instigated; excited.
Sa¤copana, nt. removal; changing of the place.
Sa¤channa (pp. of the following), covered with; full of.
Sa¤chàdeti (sa§ + chad + e), to cover; to thatch.
sa¤chàdesi. aor.
sa¤chàdita. pp.
sa¤chàdetvà. abs.
Sa¤chindati (sa§ + chid + §-a), to cut; to destroy.
sa¤chindi. aor.
sa¤chinna. pp.
sa¤chinditvà. abs.
Sa¤jagghati (sa§ + jaggh + a), to laugh; to joke.
sa¤jagghi. aor.
sa¤jagghitvà. abs.
sa¤jagghana. ger. nt.
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