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Gela¤¤a, nt. sickness.

Geha, m. nt. house; dwelling place.

~aïgana, nt. the yard in front of a house.

~jana, m. members of a household.

~ññhana, nt. site for a house.

~dvàra, nt. the gate or the front of a house.

~nissita, a. connected with the family life.

~ppavesana, nt. (the cere­mony of) entering a new building.

~sita, ref. ~nissita.

Go, m. an ox; cattle in general.

~kantaka, nt. the hoof of cattle; a thorny medicinal plant Ruellia Longifolia.

~kula, nt. a cow-shed.

~gaõa, m. a herd of cattle.

~ghàtaka, m. a butcher.

Gokaõõa, m. en elk.

Gocara, m. pasture; fodder; food (in common); sense object; suitable place.

~gàma, m. a village from where a monk obtains his food.

Gocchaka, m. a cluster or bunch.

Goññha, nt. cow-shed.

Goõa, m. an ox; a bull.

Goõaka, m. a woollen carpet with long fleece.

Gotama, a. belonging to the Gotama clan.

Gotamã, f. a woman of the Gotama clan.

Gotta, nt. clan; ancestry.

Gotrabhå, a. one who destroys the lineage.

Godhà, f. iguana; a large kind of lizard.

Godhuma, m. wheat.

Gonasa, m. a viper.

Gopaka, m. a guardian; watch­man.

Gopakhuma, a. having eye­lashes like that of a heifer.

Gopana, nt. gopanà, f. protection; care; watchfulness.

Gopànasã, f. a bent beam sup­porting the framework of a roof.

~vaïka, a. as crooked as a gopànasã.

Gopàla, gopàlaka, m. a cowherd.

Gopita, pp. of gopeti.

Gopã, f. a woman herding the cows or the wife of a cowherd.

Gopura, nt. gateway.

Gopeti (gup + e), to guard; to protect; to watch.

go­pesi. aor.

gopenta. pr. p.

gopetvà, gopiya, abs.

gope­tabba. pt. p.

Gopetu, m. protector.

Gopphaka, nt. the ankle.

Gomaya, nt. cow-dung.

Gomika, gomã, a. owner of cattle.

Gomutta, nt. urine of the cows.

Goyåtha, m. a herd of cattle.

Gorakkhà, f. cow-keeping.

Golomã, f. orrisroot.

Govinda, m. an epithet of Krish­õa.

Gosãsa, m. the yellow sandal­wood.

Goëa, goëaka, m. nt. a ball.


Ghaña, m. a water-pot.

Ghañaka, m. nt. 1. a small jar; 2. capital of a pillar; 3. a knot of wood.

Ghañati (ghañ + a), to try; to strive; to exert oneself.

ghañi, aor.

ghañita, pp.

ghañamàna. pr.p.

Ghañana, nt. ghañanà, f. fixing; combination.

Ghañà, f. a cluster; a swarm; a crowd.

Ghañikà, f. a small bowl; knot; an hour; a ball; a game of sticks.

~yanta, nt. a clock; any contrivance to measure time.

Ghañã, f. water-pot.

~kàra, m. a potter.

~yanta, nt. a contriv­ance to raise water.

Ghañãyati (pass. of ghañati), to be combined or connected.

ghañãyi. aor.

Ghañeti (ghañ + e), to connect; to unite; to strive.

ghañesi. aor.

ghañenta. pr. p.

ghañita, pp.

ghañetvà. abs.

Ghaññana, nt. striking; knock­ing against; insult.

Ghaññita, pp. of the following.

Ghaññeti (ghatt + e), to strike; to knock against; to offend.

ghaññesi. aor.

ghaññenta. pr.p.

ghaññetvà. abs.

Ghaõñà, f. a hell.

Ghata, nt. ghee; clarified butter.

~sitta, a. sprinkled with ghee.

Ghana, a. thick; solid; dense; compact. nt. a club; a ham­mer; a musical instrument played by striking. m. a cloud.

~tama, a. very thick. m. a thick darkness.

~puppha, nt. a woollen coverlet embroidered with flowers.

Ghanasàra, m. camphor.

Ghanopala, nt. hailstorm.

Ghamma, m. heat; the hot season.

~jala, nt. sweat; pers­piration.

~màbhibhåta, ~mà­bhitatta, a. overpowered by heat.

Ghara, nt. house.

~goëikà, f. a house lizard.

~dvàra, nt. house-door; a gate.

~band­hana, nt. establishing of marriage.

~mànusa, m. mem­bers of a house.

~sappa, m. a rat-snake.

~àjira, nt. house-yard.

~àvàsa, m. the household life.

Gharaõã, f. a house-wife; mist­ress of a house.

Ghasa (in cpds.), a. one who eats.

Ghasati (ghas + a), to eat; to consume.

ghasi. aor.

ghasanta, ghasamàna, pr. p.

ghasitvà. abs.

Gha§seti (gha§s + e), to rub or knock against.

gha§sesi. aor.

gha§sita. pp.

Ghàta, m. ghàtana, nt. killing; slaughter; destruction; robbery; brigandage.

Ghàtaka, ghàtã, m. one who kills, robs, or destroys.

Ghàtàpeti (caus. of ghàteti), to cause to kill or plunder.

Ghàtita, pp. of the following.

Ghàteti (han + e),to kill; to slay; to destroy.

ghàtesi. aor.

ghàtenta, pr. p.

ghàtetvà, ghàtiya, abs.

ghàtetabba. pt. p.

Ghàõa, nt. the nose.

~vi¤¤àõa, nt. perception of smell.

~ind­riya, nt. the sense of smell.

Ghàyati (ghà + ya), to smell.

ghàyi. aor.

ghàyanta, ghàyamàna. pr.p.

ghàyitvà. abs.

Ghàyita (pp. of the above), the smell.

Ghàsa, m. food; fodder; a kind of grass.

~cchàdana, nt. food and clothing.

~hàraka, a. one who fetches the fodder or ghàsa-grass.

Ghuññha (pp. of ghoseti), pro­claimed; announced.

Ghoñaka, m. an untamed horse.

Ghora, a. terrible; awful.

~tara, a. most terrible.

Ghosa, m. a sound; shout; utter­ance.

~ka, m. one who shouts or proclaims.

Ghosanà, f. shouting.

Ghosàpeti (caus. of the follow­ing), to make proclaim.

Ghoseti (ghus + e), to shout; to announce; to proclaim.

ghosesi. aor.

ghosita, ghuññha, pp.

ghosenta, pr. p.

ghosetvà. abs.


Ca, (copulative or disjunctive particle), and; then; now.

Cakita, a. disturbed; afraid.

Cakora, m. the francolin part­ridge.

Cakka, nt. a wheel; circle; disc; cycle; command.

~aïk­ita, a. having a wheel mark.

~pàõã, m. the God Vishnu (in whose hand is a disc).

~yuga, nt. a pair of wheels.

~ratana, nt. jewel wheel of a universal monarch.

~vattã, m. a universal monarch.

~sa­màråëha, a. having mounted their vehicles (in an emerg­ency).

Cakkavàka, m. the ruddy goose.

Cakkavàla, m. nt. a world-circle; a solar system.

~gabbha, m. the interior of a world-circle.

~pabbata, m. the (circular) rock supposed to encircle the earth.

Cakkhu, nt. the eye.

~ka, a. having eyes.

~da, a.

~dada, a. one who gives the eye (of under­standing).

~dhàtu, f. the ele­ment of vision.

~patha, m. the range of vision.

~bhåta, a. possessor of right understanding.

~mantu, a. endowed with eyes. ~lola, a. greedy to see many things.

~vi¤¤àõa, nt. visual cognition.

~vi¤¤eyya, a. to be apperceived by the sense of sight.

~samphassa, m. con­tact with the vision.

Cakkhussa, a. good for the eyes.

Caïkama, m. caïkamana, nt. a terraced walk; walking up and down.

Caïkamati (kam + §-a; kam is doubled and the former k is changed to c), to walk up and down.

caïkami. aor.

caïkamanta. pr.p.

caïka­mitvà. abs.

Caïgavàra, m. milkstrainer.

Caïgoñaka, m. a casket.

Caccara, nt. a courtyard; a cross road.

Cajati (caj + a), to let loose; to abandon; to give up

caji. aor.

catta, pp.

caja­nta, cajamàna, pr. p.

cajitvà. abs.

Cajana, nt. leaving aside; abandonment.

Ca¤cala, a. unsteady; moving.

Cañaka, m. a sparrow.

Caõaka, m. gram.

Caõóa, a. fierce; violent; passio­nate.

~sota, m. violent stream.

~hatthã, m. a fierce elephant.

Candàla, m. an outcaste or un­touchable.

~kula, nt. the lowest caste.

Caõóàlã, f. a caõóàla woman.

Caõóikka, nt. ferocity.

Catu, a. four.

~kkaõõa, rectan­gular; having four corners.

~kkhattu§, ad. four times.

~gguõa, a. four-fold; quadr­uple. ~cattàëãsati, f. forty-four.

~jjàtigandha, m. four kinds of perfumes, viz. saffron, jasmine, Turkish plant named Turuk­kha, and a kind of Greek flower.

~tti§sati, f. thirty-four.

~ddasa, a. fourteen.

~ddisà, f. the four quarters of the globe.

~dvàra, a. having four gates.

~navuti, f. ninety-four.

~pac­caya, m. the four requisites. viz. food, clothing, medicine and lodgings.

~paõõàsà, ~pa­¤¤àsà, f. fifty-four.

~parisà, f. the fourfold assembly, viz. monks, nuns, laymen., and laywomen.

~bhåmaka, a. hav­ing four storeys or stages.

~madhura, nt. the four sweets; ghee, honey, sugar and sesamum oil.

~raïgika, a. consisting of four divisions.

~ranginã, f. (an army) con­sisting of elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry.

~raï­gula, a. measuring four inches.

~rassa, a. quadrangular.

~ra§sa, a. having four edges.

~ràsãti, f. eighty-four.

~vãsati, f. twenty-four.

~saññhi, f. sixty-four.

~sattati, f. seventy-four.

Catukka, nt. a set of four; a cross road.

Catuttha, a. fourth.

Cattutthã, f. the fourth day of a fortnight; the fourth case, i.e. Dative.

Catudhà, ad. in four ways.

Catuppada, m. a quadruped.

Catubbidha, a. fourfold.

Catura, a. clever; skilled; shrewd.

Catta (pp. of cajati), given up; sacrificed.

Cana, cana§, a particle used to express a portion of a whole.

kudàcana, sometimes.

Canda, m. the moon.

~ggàha, m. eclipse of the moon.

~maõóala, nt. the disc of the moon.

Candana, m. sandal-wood tree. nt. sandal-wood.

~sàra, m. the essence of sandal-wood.

Candanikà, f. a cesspool.

Candikà, f. moonlight.

Candimà, m. the moon.

Capala, a. fickle; wavering; unsteady.

~tà, f. fickleness.

Capu-capu-kàraka§, ad. making such a sound while eating or drinking.

Camara, camarã, m. the yak ox (in the Himalayan regions).

Camå, f. an army.

~pati, ~nà­tha, m. a general of an army.

Campaka, m. the tree Michelia Champaka, .

Campà, f. name of a town in India; present Bhagalpore.

Campeyyaka, a. belonging to Campà.

Camma, nt. a hide; leather.

~kàra, m. a tanner.

~khan­óa, m. a piece of leather used as a rug.

~pasibbaka, m. a leather bag.

Caya, m. piling; heaping; a mass.

Cara, 1. one who walks or fre­quents; 2. a spy.

Caraka, ref. cara.

Caraõa, nt. walking about; the foot; conduct; behaviour.

Carati (car + a), to walk or roam about; to behave; to practise; to perform.

cari. aor.

carita. pp.

caranta, caramàna. pr.p.

caritvà. abs.

Caràpeti (caus. of the above), to cause to move or practise; to circulate.

caràpesi. aor.

Carita, nt. 1. character; behaviour; 2. life.

Caritu, m. performer; observer.

Carima, carimaka, a. the last; subsequent.

Cariyà, f. conduct; behaviour.

Cala, a. moving; quivering; un­steady.

~citta, having a fickle mind.

Calati (cal + a), to move; to stir; to tremble; to be agitated.

cali. aor.

calita. pp.

calanta, calamàna, pr.p.

calit­và. abs.

Calana, nt. movement; tremb­ling; agitation.

Cavati (cu + a), to fall away; to shift; to pass from one state of existence into another.

cavi. aor.

cuta, pp.

cavanta, cavamàna, pr. p.

cavitvà. abs.

Cavana, nt. 1. shifting; 2. falling away; 3. death.

Càga, m. gift; abandoning; giving up; generosity.

Càgànussati, f. remembrance of one’s generosity.

càgã, m. one who abandons or donates.

Càti, f. a jar; a pot.

Càñukamyatà, f. flattery.

Càtaka, m. a hornbill.

Càtuddasã, f. the 14th day of a fortnight.

Càtuddisa, a. belonging to the four directions.

Càtuddãpaka, a. covering the four continents or sweeping over the whole earth.

Càtummahàpatha, m. the place where four roads meet.

Càtummahàbhåtika, a. consist­ing of the four great elements.

Càtummahàràjika, a. belonging to the retinue of four Deva kings, inhabiting the lowest Deva heaven.

Càturiya, nt. skill; shrewdness.

Càpa, m. a bow.

Càpalla, nt. fickleness.

Càmara, nt. a chowrie; the tail of the yak used as a whisk.

Càmãkara, nt. gold.

Càra, m. motion; action; pro­cess; going.

Càraka, a. one who causes to move or act. m. a prison,

Càraõa, nt. causing to move or act; management,

Càrikà, f. a journey; wander­ing.

Càritta, nt. custom; conduct; practice: caning on.

Càrã, a, (in cpds.) acting; practis­ing; living, behaving.

Càru, a. charming; beautiful; pleasant.

~dassana, a. lovely to benold.

Càreti (caus. of carati), to set going, to pasture; to feast one’s senses.

càresi. aor.

càrita. pp.

càrenta, pr.p.

càretvà. abs.

Càla, m. a Shock; a sudden agitation.

Càleti (caus. of calati), to shake; to agitate.

càlesi. aor.

càlita. pp.

càlenta, càlayamàna. pr.p.

càletvà. abs.

Càvanà, f. making to shift.

Càveti (caus. of cavati), to bring to fall; to drive away; to dis­tract.

càvesi. aor.

càvita. pp,

càventa. pr. p.

càvetvà. abs.

Ci, an indefinite interrogative particle.

koci = some one.

Cikkhalla, nt. mire; mud; swamp.

Ciïgulaka, nt. a flying wheel made of palm leaves, etc.

Ciïgulàyati (deno, from ciï­gula), to revolve round.

Cicciñàyati (Onom.) to hiss; to fizz; to make the sound chit chit.

Ci¤cà, f. tamarind.

Ciõõa (pp. of cinàti), practis­ed; made a habit of; accom­plished.

Cita (pp. of cinàti), heaped; lined or faced with.

Citaka, m. funeral pile,

Citi, f. a heap; a cairn.

Citta, nt. mind; thought; m. name of a month; March-April.

~kkhepa, m, derangement of the mind.

~passaddhi, f. se­renity of mind.

~mudutà, f. plasticity of mind.

~vikkhepa, m. madness.

~san­tà­pa, m. sorrow.

~samatha, m. coll­ectedness of thought.

~anu­passanà, f. a critique of heart.

~àbhoga, m, conside­ration.

~uj­jukatà, f. recti­tude of mind.

~uttràsa, m. terror; fear.

~uppàda, m. rise of a thought­.

Citta, a. variegated; manifold; beautiful. nt. a painting; pic­ture.

~kata, a. adorned; made by the mind.

~kathika. ~ka­thã, a. a brilliant speaker; an orator.

~kamma, nt. paint­ing; the art of painting; ornamentation.

~kàra, m. a painter; decorator.

~tara, a. more varied or diversified.

~àgàra, nt. a picture gallery.

Cittaka, nt. a sectarian mark on the forehead.

Cittatà, f. variegation; (in cpds.) being of such a mind.

Cittãkàra, m. respect; considera­tion.

Citra, ref. citta 2.

Cinàti (ci + nà), to heap up; to collect; to accumulate.

cini. aor.

cita. pp.

cinanta, cinamana. pr. p.

cinitvà. abs.

Cintaka, cintanaka, a. con­siderate; thoughtful; m. a thinker.

Cintà, f. cintana, nt. think­ing; thought; consideration.

~maõi, m. a wish-fulfilling gem.

~maya, a. consisting of thought.

Cintita (pp. of cinteti), thought out; invented; devised.

Cintã, a. (in cpds.) thinking of.

Cintetabba, pt.p. fit to be con­sidered.

Cinteti (cint + e), to think; to reflect; to consider.

cin­tesi. aor.

cintenta, cintaya­màna, pr. p.

cintetvà, cintiya. abs.

Cinteyya, a. what should be considered.

Cimilikà, f. a case for pillow, etc.

Cira, a. lasting long.

~kàla§, ad. a long time.

~ññhitika, a. lasting long; perpetual.

~tar­a§, ad. a further long time.

~nivàsã, a. dweller for a long time.

~pabbajita, ~dikkhita, a. having long since become a monk.

~ppavàsã, a. a person long absent from his home.

~ratta§, ad. a long time.

~rattàya, ad. for a long time.

Cira§, ad. (for) a long time.

Cirassa§, ad. a very long time; at last.

Ciràya, ad. for a long time.

Ciràyati (Denm. from cira), to tarry; to delay.

ciràyi. aor.

ciràyita, pp.

ciràyanta. pr. p.

ciràyitva. abs.

Cirena, ad. after a longtime.

Cãnapiññha, nt. red lead.

Cãnaraññha, nt. China.

Cãra, cãraka, nt. fibre; a strip; a bark dress.

Cãrã, f. a cricket.

Cãvara, nt. the yellow robe (of a Buddhist monk).

~kaõõa, nt. the lappet of a robe. ~kamma, nt. robe-making.

~kara, m. deviser of a robe; robe-maker.

~dana, nt. donation of robes.

~dussa, nt. cloth for robes.

~rajju, f. a rope for hanging the robes.

~va§sa, m. a bam­boo for hanging up robes.

Cuõõa, nt. powder; “chunam” (Anglo-Indo.) i.e. a plaster, of which quicklime & sand are the chief ingredients & which is largely used in building, but also applied to the skin as a sort of soap- powder in bathing; soap-powder.

~vicuõõa, a. crushed to bits; smashed.

Cuõõaka, nt. scented powder.

~jàta, a. reduced to powder.

~càlanã, f. a sieve.

Cuõõita, pp. of the following.

Cuõõeti (cuõõ + e), to grind; to powder; to crush.

cuõõesi. aor.

cuõõenta, pr. p.

cuõõetvà, abs.

cuõõãyati. pass.

Cuta, pp. of cavati.

Cuti, f. shifting; passing away; vanishing.

Cudita, pp. of codeti.

Cuditaka, m. an accused; a being reproved.

Cuddasa, a. fourteen.

Cundakàra, m. a turner.

Cubuka, nt. the chin.

Cumbaña, cumbañaka, nt. a pad; a coil.

Cumbati (cumb + a), to kiss.

cumbi. aor.

cumbita. pp.

cumbanta; cumbam­àna, pr. p.

cumbitvà. abs.

Culla, a. small; minor.

~ante­vàsika, m. a page.

~pitu, m. uncle.

~upaññhàka, m. a per­sona1 attendant; page boy.

Cåcuka, nt. the nipple; teat.

Cåla, ref. culla.

Cåëà, f. crest; a lock of hair left on the crown of the head; cockscomb.

~mani, m. dia­dem; a jewel worn in the crest.

Cåëikà, f. a knot of hair.

Ce, (conditional particle), if.

Ceña, ceñaka, m. a servant boy.

Ceñikà, ceñã, f. a maid servant.

Ceta, m. nt. (mano-group), thought; intention; purpose.

Cetanà, f. intention.

Cetayati (cit + aya), to per­ceive; to think.

cetayi. aor.

cetayita, pp.

cetetvà, cetayitvà. abs.

Cetasa, a. (in cpds.) having the purpose of.

pàpacetasa = evil ­minded.

Cetasika, a. mental; nt. a men­tal property.

Cetàpeti (ci + ape), to get in exchange; to barter.

Cetiya, nt. a sepulchral monu­ment; a pagoda.

~aïgaõa, nt. the open space a round a pagoda.

~gabbha, m. the dome of a pagoda.

~pabbata, m. name of a mountain ill Ceylon, present Mihintale.

Ceteti, ref. cetayati.

Ceto, is the form that ceta takes in cpds.

~khila, nt. fallowness; waste of mind.

~paõidhi, f. resolution; aspiration.

~pariya¤àõa, nt. understanding the ways of others’ thought.

~pasàda, m. gladdening of heart.

~vimutti, f. emancipa­tion of heart.

~samatha, m. calmness of mind.

Cela, nt. cloth; garment.

~vità­na, nt. an awning.

~ukkhepa, m. waving of garments (as a sign of applause).

Coca, m. banana.

~pàna, nt. a sweet drink made of banana.

Codaka, m. a plaintiff; one who censures or complains.

Codanà, f. reproof; accusation; plaint.

Codita, pp. of the following.

Codeti (cud + e), to incite; to reprove; to accuse.

codesi. aor.

codenta, codayamàna. pr. p.

codetvà, codiya. abs.

Codetu, m. ref. codaka.

Copana, nt. stirring.

Cora, m. a thief; robber.

~ghà­taka, m. executioner of rob­bers.

~upaddava, m. an att­ack from robbers.

Corikà, f. theft.

Corã, f. a female thief.

Coëa, m. cloth.

~raññha, nt. the country of Coëa in South India.

Coëaka, nt. a piece of cloth; a rag.

Coëiya, a. belonging to the Coëa country.


Cha, a. six.

~kkhattu§, ad. six times.

~cattàëãsati, f. forty­six.

~dvàrika, a. belonging to the six outlets of the senses.

~navuti, f. ninety-six.

~p¤a­¤àsà, f. fifty-six.

~bbaggiya, a. belonging to the group of six.

~bbaõõa, a. consisting of six colours.

~bbassika, a. existing throughout six years; six years old.

~bbidha, a. sixfold.

~bbãsati, f. twenty-six.

~saññhi, f. sixty-six.

~sat­tati, f. seventy-six.

Chakana, chakanaka, nt. the dung of animals.

Chakalaka, chagalaka, m. a he-goat.

Chakka, nt. a set of six.

Chaññha, a. sixth.

Chaññhã, f. the sixth case, i.e., Genitive.

Chaóóaka, a. thrower; remover.

Chaóóana, nt. throwing away; rejection.

Chaóóanãya, a. fit to be thrown away.

Chaóóàpeti (caus. of chaóóeti),

chaóóàpesi. aor.

chaóóàpita. pp.

chaóóàpetvà. abs.

Chaóóita, pp. of chaóóeti.

Chaóóiya, a. to be rejected or thrown away.

Chaóóãyati (pass. of chaóóeti).

Chaóóeti (chaóó + e), to throw away; to abandon; to reject; to leave.

chaóóesi. aor.

chaóóenta. pr. p.

chaóóetvà. abs.

chaóóetabba. pt. p.

Chaõa, m. a festival.

Chatta, nt. umbrella; sunshade; the royal canopy.

~kàra, m. maker of sunshades.

~gàha­ka, m. one who carries his master’s sunshade.

~nàëi, f. ~daõóa, m. the handle of a sunshade.

~paõã, m. one who carries an umbrella.

~maïgala, nt. coronation festival; pin­nacle raising of a pagoda.

~ussapana, nt. raising of the royal canopy, i.e., to occupy the throne.

Chatti§sà, chatti§sati, f. thirty-six.

Chada (in cpds.) m. anything that covers; a veil.

Chadana, nt. a thatch; a roof; a cover.

Chaddanta, a. having six tusks. m. name of a great lake and a race of elephants.

Chaddikà, f. vomiting.

Chaddhà, chadha, ad. in six ways.

Chanda, m. impulse; will; wish.

~raga, m. exciting desire.

Chanda (mano-group), m. nt. metrics; prosody.

Chandaka, nt. vote; a voluntary collection.

Chandatà, f. (in cpds.) impulse; desire for.

Chandàgati f. wrong way of behaviour under an impulse.

Channa, pp. of chàdeti.

Channa, a. proper; suitable.

Chappada, m. a bee.

Chamà, f. the earth; ground.

Chambhitatta, nt. stupefaction; consternation.

Chambhã, a. terrified; paralysed with fear.

Chava, m. a corpse. adj. low; miserable.

~kuñikà, f. charnel-house.

~ññhika, nt. a bone separated from a skeleton.

~óàhaka, m. one who offici­ally burns the dead.

~alàta, nt. fire brand from a pyre.

Chavi, f. the outer skin; tegu­ment.

~kalyàõa, nt. beauty of complexion.

~vaõõa, m. colour of the skin; complexion.

Chaëaïga, a. consisting of six parts.

Chaëabhi¤¤a, a. possessing the six branches of higher know­ledge.

chaëabhi¤¤à, f. the six branches of super-human knowledge.

Chaëa§sa, a. having six sides or corners.

Chàta, a. hungry.

~jjhatta, a. hungry.

chàtà, f. the state of being hungry.

Chàtaka, nt. hunger; famine.

Chàdana, nt. chàdanà, f. cover­ing; clothing; concealment.

Chàdanãya,. chàdetabba, pt.p. fit to be covered.

Chàdeti (chad + e), to cover; to conceal; to thatch; to give pleasure; to relish.

chàdesi. aor.

chàdita, pp.

chàdenta, chàdayamàna, pr. p.

chàdet­và, chàdiya. abs.

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