Uttarãya, nt. a cloak.
Uttasati (u + tas + a), to be alarmed or terrified.
uttasi. aor.
Uttasana, nt. alarm; terror.
Uttasta, uttrasta (pp. of uttasati), frightened; terrified.
Uttàna, uttànaka, a. lying on one’s back; supine; manifest; shallow.
~seyyaka, a. an infant.
~nãkamma, ~nãkaraõa, nt. exposition; manifestation.
Uttànãkaroti (uttàna + i + kar + o), to make clear.
uttànãkari. aor.
Uttàpeti (u + tap + e), to heat; to torment.
uttàpesi. aor.
Uttàrita, pp. of the following.
Uttàreti (u + tar + e), to let cross; to save; to assist.
uttàresi. aor.
Uttàsa, m. terror; fear.
Uttàsana, nt. impalement.
Uttàsita, pp. of the following.
Uttàseti (u + tas + e), to impale. (caus. of uttasati) to frighten or terrify.
uttàsesi. aor.
Uttiññhati (u + ñhà + a) to rise; to stand up; to strive.
Uttiõa, 3. grassless.
Uttiõõa (pp. of uttarati), crossed over; gone to the other shore; come out of; passed.
Utràsa, m. terror.
utràsã, a. fearful; timid.
Uda, in. or.
Udaka, nt. water.
~kàka, m. a small kind of cormorant.
~dhàrà, f. a torrent of water.
~phusita, ~bindu, nt. a drop of water.
~maõika, m. a big jar to keep water.
~sàñikà, f. bathing mantle.
Udakàyatikà, f. water-pipe.
Udakumbha, m. water-pot.
Udakogha, m. a flood of water.
Udagga, a. elated; exultant; joyful.
Uda¤cana, nt. a small vessel with a handle used to take out water from a jar; a bucket.
Udadhi, m. ocean.
Udapàdi, (aor. of udapajjati), it arose; originated.
Udapàna, m. a well.
Udaya, m. rise; growth; increase; income; interest (from money).
~atthagama, m. rise and fall.
~bbaya, m. rise and fall; increase and decrease; birth and death.
Udayanta, pr. p. of udayati. rising; growing.
Udayati ref. udeti.
Udayana, nt. rise; going up.
Udara, nt. belly; stomach; interior.
~aggi, m. the digestive faculty.
~pañala, nt. the mucous membrane of the stomach.
~avadehaka§, ad. filling the stomach to the utmost.
Udariya, nt. undigested food in the stomach.
Udahàraka, m. carrier of water . (f. udahàrikà) .
Udahàriya, nt. the act of carrying water .
Udàna, nt. an emotional utterance.
Udàneti (u + à + nã + e), to utter something with intense emotion.
Udàra, a. noble; excellent; great; lofty.
Udàsãna, a. indifferent; passive.
Udàhaña, pp. of udàharati.
Udàharaõa, nt. example; instance.
Udàharati (u + a + har + a), to utter; to recite.
udàhari. aor.
Udàhàra, m. utterance; speech.
Udàhu, in. or.
Udikkhati (u + ikkh + a), to look at; to survey.
udikkhi. aor.
udikkhita. pp.
Udikkhitu, m. one who looks at.
Udikkhiya abs. (of udikkhati), having seen or looked at.
Udicca, a. noble; of the northern origin.
Udita (pp. of udeti), risen; high; elevated.
Udãraõa, nt. utterance; saying.
Udãrita, pp. of the following.
Udãreti (u + ir + e), to utter; to speak.
udãresi. aor.
Udukkhala, m. nt. a mortar.
Udumbara, m. the glomarous fig tree.
Udeti (u + i + a), to rise; to come out; to increase.
udesi. aor.
Udda, m. an otter.
Uddasseti (u + dis + e), to show; to reveal.
uddassesi. aor.
Uddàna, nt. 1. a list; a table of contents; 2 a cluster .
Uddàpa, m. a bastion.
Uddàma, a. out of bounds; restless.
Uddàlaka, m. the tree Cassia Fistula.
Uddàlana, nt. tearing out.
Uddàleti (u + dàl + e), to tear off.
uddàlesi. aor.
Uddiññha, pp. of the following.
Uddisati (u + dis + a), to point out; to appoint; to allot; to recite.
uddisi. aor.
Uddisàpeti (caus. of the above), to make recite or allot.
Uddissa (= uddisiva), abs. of uddisati, with reference to; on account of; for.
~kata, a. allotted to; meant for.
Uddãpanà, f. 1. explanation; 2. sharpening.
Uddeka, udreka, m. 1. a belch; 2. spouting out.
Uddesa, m. 1. indication; 2. propounding; 3. recitation.
~ka, a. one who points oat or recites.
~sika, a. indicating; referring to; memorial. (In cpds. with vassa), of the age of.
Uddehaka§, ad. bubbling or seething up.
Uddha, a. upper; upward.
~agga, a. with the tips turned upwards; prominent; beneficial.
~aggika, a. promoting spiritual welfare.
Uddhacca, nt. distraction; flurry; haughtiness.
Uddhaña, pp. of uddharati.
Uddhata, pp. agitated; haughty.
Uddhana, nt. fire-place; an oven.
Uddhapàda, a. having heels upwards.
Uddhamma, m. false doctrine.
Uddharaõa, nt. lifting; pulling out; uprooting.
Uddharati (u + har + a), to raise; to lift; to pull out; to remove; to uproot.
uddhari. aor.
Uddha§, ad. high up; above; ahead; hence.
~gama, a. going upwards.
~bhàgiya, a. belonging to the upper part.
~virecana, nt. vomiting; action of an emetic.
~sota, a. going upwards in the stream of life.
Uddha§seti (u + dha§s + e), to destroy; to bring ruin on.
uddha§sesi. aor.
Uddhàra, m. withdrawal; pulling out.
Uddhumàta, uddhumàtaka, a. swollen; bloated.
Uddhumàyati (u + dhum + ya), to swell up; to puff.
uddhumàyi. aor.
uddhumàyita. pp.
Udraya, uddaya, a. yielding; causing. (Only in cpds).
Udrãyati, uddãyati (u + dar + ã + ya), to burst; to fall into pieces.
udrãyi, uddãyi. aor.
Udrãyana, nt. bursting; falling down.
Undura, undåra, m. a rat.
Unnata (pp. of unnamati), raised; high; lofty.
Unnati, f. rising; elevation; increase.
Unnadati (u + nad + a), to shout; to roar; to resound.
unnadi. aor.
unnadita. pp.
Unnama, m. elevation.
Unnamati (u + nam + a), to rise up; to prosper; to bend upwards.
unnami. aor.
Unnala, unnaëa, a. insolent; arrogant; proud.
Unnàda, m. a shout; big noise.
unnàdã, a. noisy; tumultuous. (f. unnàdinã).
Unnàdeti (caus. of unnadati), to make resound.
Upaka (= upaga), a. approaching; frequenting.
Upakaccha, upakacchaka, nt. armpit.
Upakaññha, a. near; approaching.
Upakaóóhati (upa + kaóóh + a), to drag or pull near.
upakaóóhi. aor.
upakaóóhita. pp.
Upakaõõaka, nt. a place where one is able to hear others’ whisper.
upakaõõake, a. secretly.
Upakappati (upa + kapp + a), to approach; to be beneficial or suitable.
Upakappana, nt. upakappanà, f. approach; benefit.
Upakaraõa, nt. instrument; outfit; utensils; requisites; help; support; provisions.
Upakaroti (upa + kar + o), to help; to support; to serve.
upakari. aor.
Upakàra, m. help; support; favour. upakàraka, a. helping; effective; one who helps.
Upakàrikà, f. 1. benefactress; 2. a buttress.
Upakàrã, m. helper; benefactor.
Upakåjati (upa + kåj + a), to sing or chirp.
Upakåji. aor.
Upakåjita (pp. of the above), resounding or filled with song of birds.
Upakålita, pp. shrivelled; singed; roasted.
Upakkama, m. ways; means; expedient; approach; attack.
Upakkamati (upa + kam + a), to strive; to undertake; to begin; to attack.
upakkami. aor.
Upakkamana, nt. attacking; approach.
Upakkãtaka, m. a bought slave.
Upakkiliññha, a. soiled; impure; stained.
Upakkilesa, m. impurity; defilement; anything that spoils or obstructs.
Upakkuññha, pp. of upakkosati.
Upakkosa, m. reproach; censure.
Upakkosati (upa + kus + a), to reproach; to blame; to scold.
upakkosi. aor.
Upakkhaña, a. prepared; administered; brought near.
Upakkhalana, nt. stumbling; tripping.
Upaga, a. (in cpds.) going to; reaching; coming into; being at; producing.
Upagacchati (ups + gam + a), to approach; to undergo; to undertake.
upagacchi. aor.
Upagata, pp. of the above.
Upagamana, nt. approaching; undergoing; undertaking.
Upagamma, abs. (of upagacchati); having approached.
Upagåhati (upa + gåh + a), to embrace.
upagåhi. aor.
upagåhita. pp.
Upagåhana, nt. embracing.
Upagghàta, m. jolting; sudden jerk.
Upaghàta, m. upaghàtana, nt. knocking against; hurt; injury; killing.
Upaghàtaka, upaghàtã, a. injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.
Upacaya, m. accumulation.
Upacarati (upa + car + a), to deal with; to be ready.
upacari. aor.
Upacarita (pp. of the above), practised; served.
Upacàra, m. neighbourhood; preparative or preliminary action.
Upacikà, f. termite; white ant.
Upaciõõa (pp. of upacinàti), practised; frequented; accumulated.
Upacita, pp. of the following.
Upacinàti (upa + ci + nà), to collect; to accumulate; to build. aor. upacini.
Upaccagà (upa + ati + gam + a; 3rd sg. pret.) he escaped, passed or overcame.
Upacchindati (upa + chid + §-a), to break off; to interrupt; to destroy.
upacchindi. aor.
Upacchinna, pp. of the above.
Upaccheda, m. stoppage; destruction; breaking off.
~ka, a. destroying; stopping.
Upajãvati (upa + jãv + a), to live on; to depend on.
upajãvi. aor.
Upajãvã, a. living on; subsisting by; one who is dependant.
Upajjha, upajjhàya, m. spiritual teacher or preceptor.
Upa¤¤àta, (pp. of upajànàti), found out; learnt; known.
Upaññhapeti (upa + ñhà + e), to provide; to procure; to put forth; to cause to be present or to wait on.
upaññhapesi. aor.
Upaññhahati, upaññhàti (upa + ñhà + a), to wait or attend on; to care for; to nurse; to serve; to understand.
upaññhahi, upaññhàsi. aor.
Upaññhahitvà, upaññhitvà, upaññhiya, abs. (of the above), having attended on.
Upaññhàka, m. a servitor; a nurse; a follower.
Upaññhàna, nt. waiting on; looking after; service; understanding.
~sàlà, f. a hall for attendance; assembly hall.
Upaññhita (pp. of upaññhàti), got ready; arrived; present; served by.
Upaóayhati (upa + dah + ya), to be burnt up.
upaóayhi. aor.
Upaóóha, a. half. nt. a half.
Upatappati (upa + tap + a), to be vexed or tormented.
upatappi. aor.
Upatàpa, m. upatàpana, nt. vexation; trouble; remorse.
Upatàpaka, a. causing pain or remorse.
Upatàpeti (upa + tap + e), to cause pain; to torment; to harass.
upatàpesi. aor.
upatàpita. pp.
Upatiññhati (upa + ñhà + a), to stand by; to look after.
upaññhàsi. aor.
Upatthaddha, a. stiff; supported by.
Upatthambha, m. ~na, nt. support; encouragement; a prop.
~ka, a. supporting; sustaining.
Upatthambheti (upa + thamb + e), to make firm; to support; to prop up; to sustain.
upatthambhesi. aor.
upatthambhita. pp.
Upatthara, m. a carpet; rug; covering.
Upadasseti (upa + dis + e), to make manifest; to show.
upadassesi. aor.
upadassita. pp.
Upadahati (upa + dah + a), to furnish; to give; to cause.
upadahi. aor.
Upadiññha, (pp. of the following.) pointed out; put forth; specified.
Upadisati (upa + dis + a), to point out; to advise; to show.
upadisi. aor.
Upadisana, nt. pointing out; advice.
Upadissati (pass. of the above). to appear; to be shown up.
Upadesa, m. advice; indication; instruction.
Upaddava, m. misfortune; distress; danger.
Upaddaveti (upa + dav + e), to annoy; to trouble.
upaddavesi. aor.
Upadduta, pp. of the above.
Upadhàna, nt. a pillow. adj. causing; imposing.
Upadhàraõa, nt. a receptacle; milk-pail.
upadhàraõà, f. calculation; consideration.
Upadhàrita, pp. of the following.
Upadhàreti (upa + dhar + e), to surmise; to look out for; to consider or conclude.
upadhàresi. aor.
Upadhàvati (upa + dhàv + a), to run up to or after.
upadhàvi. aor.
Upadhàvana, nt. running after.
Upadhi, m. substratum of rebirth; attachment.
~ka, a. showing attachment to rebirth.
Upanata, pp. of upanamati.
Upanaddha, pp. of the following.
Upanandhati (upa + nah + ya) to bear enmity towards; to grumble at.
upanandhi. aor.
Upanamati (upa + nam + a), to be bent on; to come near; to be present.
upanami. aor.
Upanamana, nt. bending on; bringing near .
Upanayana, nt. 1. bringing near; 2. the ceremony of subsumption.
Upanayhati (upa + nah + ya), to bear enmity towards; to wrap with.
upanayhi. aor.
Upanayhanà, f. 1. ill-will; enmity; 2. wrapping over.
Upanàmita, pp. of the following.
Upanàmeti (upa + nam + e), to bring near; to offer.
upanàmesi. aor.
Upanàyika, a. approaching; conveying.
Upanàha, m. ill-will; enmity.
upanàhã, a. one who bears ill-will; finding fault.
Upanikkhitta, (pp. of the following), placed by; laid down.
Upanikkhipati (upa + ni + khip + a), to deposit near; to lay up.
upanikkhipi. aor.
Upanikkhipana, nt. upanikkhepa, m. putting down; depositing near.
Upanigha§sati (upa + ni + gha§s + a), to rub up against; to crush.
upanigha§si. aor.
Upanijjhàna, nt. consideration; reflection.
Upanijjhàyati (upa + ni + jha + ya), to meditate upon; to reflect on.
upanijjhàyi. aor.
Upanidhà, f. upanidhi, m. comparison; pledge.
Upanidhàya, in. compared with.
Upanipajjati (upa + ni + pad + ya), to lie down close to.
upanipajji. aor.
upanipanna. pp.
Upanibandha, m. close connection; adj. dependent on; connected with.
Upanibaddha, pp. of the following.
Upanibandhati (upa + ni + badh + §-a), to tje close to; to entreat.
upanibandhi. aor.
Upanibandhana, nt. 1. close connection; 2. importunity.
Upanisà, f. cause; means; likeness.
Upanisãdati (upa + ni + sad + a), to sit close to.
upanisãdi. aor.
upanisinna. pp.
Upanisevati (upa + ni + si + a), to associate closely.
Upanissaya, m. basis; support; sufficing condition.
Upanissàya, abs. depending on; by means of. ad. near; close by.
Upanissita (pp. of the following) dependent; connected with.
Upanissayati (upa + ni + si + a), to associate closely; to depend on.
upanissayi. aor.
Upanãta (pp. of upaneti), brought for trial; brought up to or into; offered.
Upanãya, abs. (of upaneti), having brought near; accusing.
Upanãyati (pass. of the following), to be brought up to; to be carried away.
Upaneti (upa + nã + e), to bring up; to conduce; to present; to give.
upanesi. aor.
Upantika, a. near. nt. neighbourhood.
Upapajjati (upa + pad + ya), to be reborn in; to rise.
upapajji. aor.
Upapatti, f. birth; rebirth; approach.
Upapanna (pp. of upapajjati), possessed of; come to existence in; reborn.
Upaparikkhana, nt. upaparikkhà, f. investigation; examination.
Upaparikkhati (upa + pari + ikkh + a), to investigate; to examine.
upaparikkhi. aor.
Upapàramã, f. minor perfection.
Upapãëaka, a. oppressing; obstructing.
Upapãëà, f. oppression; obstruction.
Upapãëeti, ref. pãëeti.
Upabbåëha, a. crowded; in full swing.
Upabråhana, nt. increase; augmentation.
Upabråheti (upa + bråh + e), to increase; to expand.
upabråhesi. aor.
upabråhita. pp.
Upabhu¤jaka, a. one who eats, enjoys or undergoes.
Upabhoga, m. enjoyment; profit; use. adj. enjoyable.
Upabhogã, a. ref. upabhu¤jaka.
Upama, a. (in cpds.) like; similar; having the qualities of.
Upamà, f. upamàna, nt. simile; parable; comparison.
Upamita, pp. of the following.
Upameti (upa + mà + e), to compare.
upamesi. aor.
Upameyya, a. that which is to be compared or likened.
Upaya, m. attachment.
Upayàcati (upa + yàc + a), to beg; to entreat.
upayàci. aor.
Upayàti (upa + yà + a), to approach.
Upayu¤jati (upa + yuj + §-a) to connect with; to practise.
upayu¤ji. aor.
upayutta. pp.
Upayoga, m. connection; employment; application.
Uparajja, nt. viceroyalty.
Uparata (pp. of uparamati), desisting or abstaining from; ceased.
Uparati, f. uparamana, nt. ceasing; restraint.
Uparamati (upa + ram + a), to desist; to cease; to restrain from.
uparami. aor.
Uparàja, m. viceroy.
Upari, in. above; on; upon; upper.
~ññha, a. topmost; situated above.
~pàsàda, m. the upper storey of a palace.
~bhàga, m. upper portion.
~mukha, a. face upwards.
Uparima, a. upper-most.
Uparujjhati (upa + rudh + ya), to be stopped or ceased.
uparujjhi. aor.
uparuddha. pp.
Uparundhati (upa + rudh + §-a), to keep in check; to stop or hinder.
uparundhi. aor.
uparuddha. pp.
Upala, m. stone.
Upalakkhaõà, f. discrimination.
Upalakkhita, pp. of the following.
Upalakketi (upa + lakkh + e), to distinguish; to discriminate.
upalakkesi. aor.
Upaladdha (pp. of upalabhati), acquired; round.
Upaladdhi, f. acquisition; view.
Upalabbhati (pass. of the following), to be round; to exist.
Upalabhati (upa + labh + a), to acquire; to get; to find.
upalabhi. aor.
Upalàpana, nt. persuasion; humbug.
Upalàpeti (upa + lap + e), to persuade; to coax.
upalàpesi. aor.
upalàpita. pp.
Upalàleti (upa + lal + e), to caress; to fondle.
upalàlesi. aor.
upalàlita. pp.
Upalitta, pp. of the following.
Upalimpati (upa + li + §-a), to smear; to defile; to taint.
upalimpi. aor.
Upalepa, m. upalimpana, nt. coating; defilement; smearing.
Upavajja, a. blameworthy.
Upavattana, a. existing near.
Upavadati (upa + vad + a), to blame; to insult.
upavadi. aor.
Upavana, nt. a forest which is near by.
Upavasati (upa + vas + a), to dwell in or at; to observe.
upavasi. aor.
upavuttha. pp.
Upavàda, m. blame; insult.
~ka, a. finding fault; blaming.
Upavàdã, a. one who blames or finds fault.
Upavàyati (upa + và + a), to blow towards.
upavàyi. aor.
Upavàsa, m. fasting; abstaining from enjoyments.
Upavàsana, nt. perfuming.
Upavàseti (upa + vas + e), to perfume.
upavàsesi. aor.
Upavisati (upa + vis + a), to come near; to sit down.
upavisi. aor.
upaviññha. pp.
Upavãõa, m. the neck of a lute.
Upavãta, pp. of the following.
Upavãyati (upa + vi + i + ya), to be woven.
upavãyi. aor.
Upavutta (pp. of upavadati), being blamed.
Upavuttha (pp. of upavasati), dwelt; having kept a fast.
Upasa§haraõa, nt. upasa§hàra, m. 1. gathering; folding; 2. comparison.
Upasa§harati (upa + sa§ + har + a), to collect; to focus; to concentrate; to compare.
upasa§hari. aor.
upasa§haña. pp.
Upasaïkamati (upa + sa§ + kam + a), to approach.
upasaïkami. aor.
upasaïkanta. pp.
Upasaïkamana, nt. approach; going near.
Upasaïkamma, upasaïkamitvà, abs. having approached.
Upasagga, m. 1. danger; 2. a prefix.
Upasanta (pp. of upasammati), being calmed, composed or at peace.
Upasama, m. upasamana, nt. calmness; appeasement.
Upasameti (upa + sam + e), to appease; to calm.
upasamesi. aor.
upasamita. pp.
Upasampajja, abs. of the following.
Upasampajjati (upa + sa§ + pad + ya), to attain; to enter on; to become fully ordained.
upasampajji. aor.
Upasamapadà, f. acquisition; higher ordination of a Buddhist monk.
Upasampanna, pp. possessed with; attained; ordained.
Upasampàdeti, (caus. of upasampajjati), to produce; to ordain as a bhikkhu.
upasampàdesi. aor.
upasampàdita. pp.
Upasammati (upa + sam + ya), to be calmed; to cease; to appease.
Upasiïghati (upa + siïgh + a), to sniff at.
upasiïghi. aor.
Upasiïghana, nt. sniffing at.
Upasussati (upa + sus + ya), to become dry.
upasussi. aor.
Upasussana, nt. becoming dry.
Upasecana, nt. something sprinkled to relish food.
Upasevati (upa + sev + a), to practise; to frequent; to associate.
upasevi. aor.
Upasevanà, f. practice; frequency; association.
Upasevita, pp. of upasevati.
Upasevã, a. one who associates, uses or practises.
Upasobhati (upa + subh + a), to appear beautiful.
upasobhi. aor.
Upasobhita, (pp. of the above). embellished; beautified possessed with.
Upasobheti (caus. of upasobhati), to make beautiful.
upasobhesi. aor.
Upasoseti (upa + sus + e), to make dry or wither.
upasosesi. aor.
upasosita. pp.
Upassaññha, pp. oppressed or afflicted with.
Upassaya, m. abode; home.
Upassuti, f. listening to private conversation of others.
~ka, m. an eaves-dropper.
Upahacca, abs. (of upahanati), having touched, injured, or spoiled.
Upaha¤¤ati (pass. of upahanati), to be spoilt or injured.
upaha¤¤i. aor.
Upahata, pp. of upahanati.
Upahattu, m. one who brings or conveys.
Upahanati (upa + ban + a), to injure; to destroy.
upahani. aor.
Upahàra, m. a gift; bringing forward.
Upàgata (pp. of upàgacchati), reached or attained.
Upàdàna, nt. grasping; attachment: fuel.
~kkhandha, m. the factors of clinging to existence.
~kkhaya, m. extinction of attachment.
Upàdàniya, a. connected with grasping.
Upàdàya, abs. (of upàdàti). having grasped; compared with; with reference to.
Upàdi, m. fuel of life.
~sesa, a. having some fuel of life left; still dependent on existence.
Upàdinna, pp. of the following.
Upàdiyati (upa + à + da + i + ya). to grasp.
upàdiyi. aor.
Upàdhi, m. a title.
Upàya, m. way; means; resource.
~kusala, a. clever in resources.
~kosalla, nt. cleverness in expedient.
Upàyana, nt. a tribute; gift.
Upàyàsa, m. tribulation; grief.
Upàrambha, m. reproof: censure.
Upàvisi (aor. of upavisati), (he) took a seat.
Upàsaka, m. a lay devotee; one who comes near.
~tta, nt. state of a devotee.
Upàsati (upa + às + a), to attend or serve.
upàsita. pp.
Upàsana, nt. service; attendance; archery; training (of some art).
Upàsikà, f. a female devotee.
Upàhana, nt. sandal; shoe.
Upekkhaka, a. indifferent; disinterested.
Upekkhati (upa + ikkh + a), to be indifferent.
upekkhi. aor.
Upekkhanà, upekkhà, upekhà, f. neutrality; equanimity; indifference.
Upekkhiya, upekkhitvà, abs. being neutral or indifferent.
Upeta (pp. of the following), endowed with.
Upeti (upa + i + a), to approach; to obtain.
upesi. aor.
Upetvà, upecca, abs. (of the above), having approached.
Uposatha, m. Sabbath day; observance of 8 precepts; biweekly recitation of the Vinaya rules by a chapter of Buddhist monks.
~kamma, nt. observance of the uposatha.
~agàra, nt. a chapter house.
Uposathika, a. one who observes 8 precepts.
Uppakka, a. swollen; scorched.
Uppajjati (u + pad + ya), to be born; to arise.
uppajji. aor.
Uppajjana, nt. arising; birth.
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