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~hàra, m. burden-bearer; load-carrier.

Bhàrika, a. loaded; heavy; full of.

Bhàriya, a. weighty; grave; serious.

Bhàva, m. condition; nature; becoming.

Bhàvanà, f. increase; develop­ment by means of thought; meditation.

bhàvanànuyoga, m. application to meditation.

~maya, a. accomplished by meditation.

~vidhàna, nt. arrangement or process of medi­tation.

Bhàvanãya, a. to be cultivated; to be respected.

Bhàvita (pp. of bhàveti), deve­loped.

~tatta, a. well-trained; self-composed.

Bhàvã, a. going to be; inevitable.

Bhàveti (bhå + e), to increase; to cultivate; to develop.

bhàvesi. aor.

bhàvita. pp.

bhàventa, bhàvayamàna. pr. p.

bhàvetabba. pt. p.

bhàvetvà. abs.

bhàvetu§. inf.

Bhàsati (bhàs + a), to say; to speak; to shine.

bhàsi. aor.

bhàsita. pp.

bhàsanta. pr. p.

bhàsitvà. abs.

bhàsitabba. pt. p.

Bhàsana, nt. speech; saying; talk.

Bhàsantara, nt. different langu­age.

Bhàsà, f. language; dialect.

Bhàsita, nt. saying.

Bhàsitu, bhàsã, m. one who says or speaks.

Bhàsura, a. bright; shining.

Bhikkhaka, m. a beggar; mendi­cant.

Bhikkhati (bhikkh + a), to beg alms; to ask for.

bhikkhi. aor.

bhikkhanta, bhikkhamàna. pr. p.

bhikkhitvà. abs.

Bhikkhana, nt. begging.

Bhikkhà, f. alms; food.

~cariyà, f. ~càra, m. going about for alms.

~àhàra, m. food received by a mendicant.

Bhikkhu, m. a Buddhist monk.

bhikkhuõã, f. a Buddhist nun.

~bhàva, m. monk-hood.

~saïgha, m. congregation of monks.

Bhiïka, m. a young elephant.

Bhiïkàra, m. a water-jug.

Bhijjati (bhid + ya), to be bro­ken or destroyed.

bhijji. aor.

bhinna. pp.

bhijjamàna. pr. p.

bhijjitvà. abs.

Bhijjana, nt. breaking itself.

~dhamma, a. brittle; falling into ruin.

Bhitti, f. a wall.

~pàda, m. the foot or foundation of a wall.

Bhindati (bhid + §-a), to break: to split; to sever.

bhindi. aor.

bhindita, bhin­na. pp.

bhindanta. pr. p.

bhinditvà. abs.­

bhinditu§. inf.

Bhindana, nt. breaking up.

Bhinna, pp. of the above.

~tta, nt. ~bhàva, m. state of being broken; diversity.

~nà­va, a. shipwrecked.

~paña, nt. a torn clothe.

~mariyàda, a. gone beyond the limits.

~sãla a. one who has broken some precepts.

Bhiyyo, bhiyyoso, in. exceedingly; more; in a higher degree; repeatedly.

bhiyyoso mattàya, exceedingly; more than one’s ability.

Bhisa, nt. the root of lotus plant.

~puppha, nt. lotus flower.

~muëàla, nt. lotus bulb and roots.

Bhisakka, m. a physician.

Bhisi, f. a cushion; a pad; a bolster.

Bhi§sana, bhi§sanaka, a. horrible; dreadful; awe-inspiring.

Bhãta (pp. of bhàyati), fright­ened.

Bhãti, f. fear.

Bhãma, bhãsana, a. dreadful, horrible.

Bhãru, bhãrika, a. timid; fearful; cowardly.

bhãruttàna, nt. re­fuge for the fearful.

Bhukkaraõa, nt. bhuïkàra, bhukkàra, m. barking (of a dog).

Bhuïkaroti (bhu§ + kar + o); to bark.

bhuïkari. aor.

bhuïkata. pp.

bhuïkaronta. pr. p.

bhuïkatvà, bhuïkaritvà. abs.

Bhuja, m. the hand. adj. crooked; bending.

~patta, m. the Bhurja tree; a kind of willow.

Bhujaga, bhujaïga, bhujaïgarna, m. a snake.

Bhujissa, m. a freeman.

Bhu¤jaka, bhu¤jitu, m. One who eats or enjoys.

Bhu¤jati (bhuj + §-a), to eat; to enjoy.

bhu¤ji. aor.

bhutta. pp.

bhu¤janta, bhu¤jam­ana. pr. p.

bhu¤jitabba. pt. p.

bhu¤jitvà, bhu¤jiya, bhutvà. abs.

bhu¤jitu§, bhottu§. inf.

Bhu¤jana, nt. eating.

~kàla, m. meal-time.

Bhutta (pp. of bhu¤jati), eaten; enjoyed.

Bhuttàvã, a. one who has eaten.

Bhumma, a. terrestrial. (in cpds.) having stages or stories.

~ññha, a. situated on the earth.

~ttharaõa, nt. a ground cover­ing; carpet.

~ntara, nt. different stages or planes.

Bhusa, nt. chaff; husks (of corn). adj. much; abundant.

bhusa§, ad. exceedingly; fre­quently.

Bhussati (bhus + ya), to bark.

bhussi. aor.

bhussanta, bhussamàna. pr. p.

bhussitvà. abs.

Bhå, f. the earth.

Bhåta (pp. of bhavati), become; born; produced. nt. an ele­ment; a ghost; living being; truth; that which is; what has happened.

~kàya, m. the body, which is produced by elements.

~gàma, m. vegeta­tion.

~gàha, m. possession by a demon.

~vàdã, a. truthful.

~vejja, m. an exorcist.

Bhåtatta, nt. the fact of having become.

Bhåtika, a. composed of ele­ments.

Bhåma, bhåmaka, a. (in cpds.) having floors or stories.

Bhåmi, f. ground; earth; region; stage; plane.

~kampà, f. an earthquake.

~gata, a. situated on the ground of stored away in the ground.

~tala, nt. ground surface.

~ppadesa, ~bhàga, m. a piece of land.

Bhåri, f. wisdom. adj. extensive; abundant.

~pa¤¤a, ~medha, a. of extensive wisdom.

Bhåsana, nt. bhåsà, f. an orna­ment; decoration.

Bhåsàpeti (caus. of the follow­ing), to cause to adorn or decorate.

bhåsàpesi. aor.

bhåsàpita. pp.

bhåsàpetvà. abs.

Bhåseti (bhås + e), to adorn; to decorate; to beautify.

bhåsesi. aor.

bhåsita. pp.

bhåsenta. pr. p.

bhåsetvà. abs.

Bheka, m. a frog.

Bhejja, a. brittle; breakable. nt. breaking or cutting off.

Bheõóivàla, m. a kind of missile.

Bhendu, bhenduka, m. a ball for playing; a ball-shaped top or cupola.

Bhettu, m. one who breaks.

Bheda, m. breach; disunion; dissension.

~ka, a. one who breaks or causes disunion.

~kara, a. bringing division or disunion.

Bhedana, nt. breach; division; disunion.

~ka, a. fit to be broken.

~dhamma, a. perish­able.

Bhedita, pp. of the following.

Bhedeti (bhid + e), to cause to break, divide or disunite.

bhedesi. aor.

bhedita. pp.

bhedetvà. abs.

Bheraõóa, m. a jackal.

~ka, nt. the cry of a jackal.

Bherava, a. frightful.

Bheri, f. a drum.

~càraõa, nt. proclamation through sounding a drum.

~tala, nt. the surface of a drum.

~vàdaka, m. a drummer.

~vàdana, nt. sound­ing of a drum.

~sadda, m. sound of a drum.

Bhesajja, nt. medicine.

~ka­pàla, nt. medicine bowl.

Bho, in. (a familiar term of address), my dear; friend.

Bhoga, m. possession; wealth; enjoyment; the coil of a snake.

~kkhandha, m. a mass of wealth.

~gàma, m. a tributary village.

~mada, m. pride of wealth.

~vantu, a. wealthy.

Bhogã, m. snake; a wealthy man. adj. (in cpds.) enjoying; partaking in.

Bhogga, a. fit to be enjoyed or possessed.

Bhojaka, m. one who feeds; a collector of revenues.

Gàmabhojaka = a village headman.

Bhojana, nt. food; meal.

Bhojaniya, a. fit to he eaten. nt. soft food.

Bhojàpeti (bhuj + àpe), to feed or serve at meals.

bhojàpesi. aor.

bhojàpita. pp.

bhojàpetvà. abs.

Bhojã, a. feeding on.

Bhojeti (bhuj + e), to feed.

bhojesi. aor.

bhojita. pp.

bhojetvà. abs.

bhojenta. bhojayamàna. pr. p.

bhojetu§. inf.

Bhojja, nt. an edible thing. adj. fit to be eaten.

Bhoti (voc. sin.) Dear Madam.

Bhottabba, ref. bhojja.

Bhottu§, inf. to eat.

Bhovàdã, m. a Brahman.


Makaci, nm. the bow-string hemp.

~vàka, 11t. the fibre of the above-said plant.

~vattha, nt. a canvas.

Makara, m. a sea-monster; a sword-fish.

~dantaka, nt. a design in the shape of the teeth of a sword-fish.

Makaranda, m. the nectar of a flower.

Makasa, m. a mosquito.

~vàraõa, nt. mosquito net.

Makuta, m. nt. crest; crown; a coronet.

Makuta, nt. bud; a knob.

Makkata, m. a monkey.

~taka, m. a spider.

~sutta, nt. spider’s thread.

Makkañã, f. a female monkey.

Makkha, m. depreciation of another’s worth.

Makkhaõa, nt. smearing; anoint­ing with.

Makkhikà, f. a fly.

Makkhita, pp. of makkheti.

Makkhã, m. one who depreciates another’s worth.

Makkheti (makkh + e), to smear; to anoint; to rub off.

makkhesi, aor.

makkhita, pp.

makkhetvà. abs.

Maga, m. a quadruped.

~sira, name of a constellation.

Magadha, m. the country of Magadha, which includes present Bihar and Orissa.

Magga, m. path; road; way.

~kilanta, a. wearied by walk­ing.

~kusala, a. one who knows the road well.

~kkhàyã, a. one who shows the right path.

~ïga, nt. the consti­tuents of the Path, viz. right view, right aspiration, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right rapture.

~¤àõa, nt. knowledge of the Path.

~¤¤å, ~vidå, a. one who knows the path.

~ññha, a. one who is on the road or who has attained the Path.

~dåsã, m. a highway robber.

~desaka, a. one who points out the way.

~patipanna, a. a traveller; one who has entered the Path.

~bhàvanà, f. cultivation of the Path.

~måë­ha, a. one who has lost the way.

~sacca, nt. the truth concerning the Path.

Maggati (mag + a), to seek; to track; to trace out.

maggi. aor.

maggita. pp.

maggitvà. abs.

Maggana, nt. magganà, f. search; tracing out.

Maggika, m. a wayfarer.

Maggita, pp. of maggati.

Maggeti (mag + e), ref. maggati.

Maghavantu, m. an epithet of Sakka.

Maïku, a. confused; downcast; in low spirits.

~bhàva, m. moral weakness; downcastness.

~bhåta, a. silent; downcast.

Maïgala, a. auspicious; royal; lucky; festive. nt. festivity; good omen; ceremony; pros­perity.

~kicca, nt. festivity.

~kolàhala, m. dispute about auspicious things or acts.

~divasa, m. a festive day; the day of marriage.

~assa, ~sindhava, m. state horse.

~pokkharaõã, f. royal bathing pond.

~silàpañña, nt. a slab used by a king to sit on.

~supina, nt. a lucky dream.

~hatthã, m. state elephant.

Maïgura, m. a kind of river fish. adj. of dark yellow colour.

Macca, m. a man.

Maccu, m. death; the Death.

~tara, a. one who overcomes death.

~dheyya, nt. the sphere of Death.

~paràyaõa, ~pa­reta, a. subject of death.

~pàsa, m. the snare of Death.

~mukha, nt. the mouth of Death.

~ràja, m, the king of death.

~vasa, m. the power of death.

~hàyã, a. victorious over death.

Maccha, m. a fish.

~õóa, nt. fish-egg.

~õóã, f. a kind of sugar having the appearance of fish eggs.

~ma§sa, nt. fish and flesh.

~bandha, m. a fisherman.

Macchara, macchariya, nt. ava­rice; niggardliness.

maccharã, m. a miser.

Maccharàyati (Deno. from macchariya), to be selfish, greedy or miserly.

Macchã, f. a she-fish.

Macchera, ref. macchariya.

Majja, nt. an intoxicant.

~na, nt. intoxication; negligence.

~pa, a. one who drinks strong drink.

~pàna, nt. drinking of liquors; an intoxicating drink.

~pàyã, ref. majjapa.

~vikkayã, m. seller of spirits.

Majjati (mad + ya), to be intoxicated. (maj + a), to polish; to wipe; to clean.

majji. aor.

1. matta. 2. maññha or majjita. pp.

majjanta. pr.p.

majjitvà. abs.

Majjanà, f. polishing; wiping; stroking.

Majjàra, m. a cat.

majjàrã, f. a she-cat.

Majjha, m. the middle; the waist. adj. middle.

~ññha, ~tta, a. neutral; impartial; indiffer­ent.

~õha, m. the noon; midday.

~ttatà, f. impartia­lity; equanimity.

~desa, m. the middle country.

~ntika, ~ntikasamaya, m. the midday.

Majjhima, a. middle; medium; moderate; central.

~desa, m. the middle country including the Ganges basin.

~purisa, m. a man of moderate height; the 2nd person in grammar.

~yàma, m. the middle portion of the night.

~vaya, m. the middle age.

Ma¤ca, m. a bed.

~ka, m. a small bed.

~paràyaõa, a. confined to bed.

~pãñha, nt. beds and chairs; furniture.

~vàna, nt. the netting of a bed.

Ma¤jarã, f. a bunch or cluster.

Ma¤jiññha, ma¤jeññha, a. crimson.

Ma¤jiññhà, f. the red sanders tree, seeds of which are used as a jeweller’s weight. .

Ma¤ju, a. charming; lovely.

~bhàõaka, ~ssara, a. sweet-voiced; speaking sweetly.

Ma¤jåsaka, m. a celestial tree.

Ma¤jåsà, f. a casket; box.

Ma¤jeññhã, f. the Bengal madder.

Ma¤¤ati (man + ya), to ima­gine; to be of opinion; to deem.

ma¤¤ã. aor.

ma¤¤ita. pp.

ma¤¤a­màna, pr. p.

ma¤¤itvà. abs.

Ma¤¤anà, f. Ma¤¤ita, nt. imagination; illusion.

Ma¤¤e, in. me thinks; I imagine.

Mañña, maññha, a. smoothed; polished.

~sàñaka, nt. a fine cloth.

Maõi, m. a gem; jewel.

~kàra, m. gem ~cutter.

~kuõóala, nt. jewelled earring.

~kkhandha, m. a tremendous jewel.

~pallaïka, m. a jewel seat.

~bandha, m. the wrist.

~maya, a. made of precious stones.

~ratana, nt. a valu­able gem.

~vaõõa, a. of the colour of crystal.

~sappa, m. a kind of green snake.

Maõika, m. 1. a big jar; 2. a bracelet made of glass, etc.

Maõóa, m. the best part (of milk, etc.). adj. very clear.

Maõóana, nt. adornment; deco­ration. ~jatika, a. desirous of adornment.

Maõóapa, m. temporary shed or pavilion.

Maõóala, nt. a circle; disk; round platform; circus ring; a round flat surface.

~màla, m. a circular pavilion.

~lika, a. belonging to a circle or a small country.

~lissara, m. a governor of a province.

maõóalã, a. having a disk; circular.

Maõóita, pp. of maõóeti.

Maõóuka, m. a frog.

Maõóeti (maõó + e), to adorn; to decorate.

maõóesi. aor.

maõóita. pp.

maõóetva. abs.

Mata, (pp. of ma¤¤ati), known; understood. nt. a view.

Mata, (pp. of marati), dead.

~kicca, nt. rites for the dead.

Mataka, m. the deceased.

~bhatta, nt. food offered for the dead.

~vattha, nt. cloth offered for the dead.

Mati, f. wisdom; idea.

~mantu, a. wise.

~vippahãna, a. foolish.

Matta (pp. of majjati), intoxi­cated; full of joy; proud of; conceited.

~hatthã, m. a rutted elephant.

Matta, (mattaka), (in cpds.) of the size of; as much as.

~¤¤å, a. knowing the measure or limit; moderate.

~¤¤utà, f. mode­ration.

Matta, f. a measure; quantity; moderation; size.

~sukha, nt. limited happiness.

Mattikà, f. clay; soil.

~piõóa, m. a lump of clay.

~bhàjana, nt. earthenware (vessel).

Mattigha, m. a matricide.

Matteyya, a. respecting one’s mother.

~tà, f. filial love towards one’s mother.

Matthaka, m. the head; top; summit. loc. upon; at the distance of.

Matthaluïga, nt. the brain.

Matthu, nt. the water separated from the curd.

Mathati (math + a), to shake about; to churn; to disturb.

mathi. aor.

mathita. pp.

mathitvà. abs.

Mathana, nt. churning; disturb­ance.

Mada, m. pride; intoxication; conceit; sexual excess.

~nãya, a. intoxicating; Causing attach­ment.

Madana, m. the God of love. nt. intoxication.

Madira, f. liquor made from cereals.

Maddati (madd + a), to crush. to trample on; to subjugate.

maddi. aor.

maddita. pp.

maddanta, pr. p.

madditvà, maddiya. abs.

Maddana, nt. crushing; tramp­ling; threshing.

Maddava, nt. softness; mildness; a soft thing. adj. mild; gentle; soft.

Maddita (pp. of maddati), crushed; subjugated.

Madhu, nt. honey; wine made from the blossom of Bassia Latifolia.

~kà, m. the tree Bassia Latifolia.

~kara, m. a bee.

~gaõóa, ~pañala, m. a honeycomb.

~pa, m. a bee; sucker of honey.

~piõóikà, f. a ball of flour mixed with honey.

~bbata, m. a bee.

~makkhita, a. smeared with honey.

~meha, m. diabetes.

~laññhikà, f. liquorice.

~làja, m. fried corn mixed with honey.

~lãha, m. a bee.

~ssava, a. dripping with honey.

Madhuka, f. liquorice.

Madhura, a. sweet. nt. sweet thing.

~tta, nt. ~tà, f. sweet­ness.

~ssara, a. having a sweet voice. m. a sweet voice.

Madhvàsava m. wine from the flowers of Bassia.

Mana, m. nt. mind; consciousness. (in cpds. it takes the form mano).

~kkàra, manasikàra, m. ideation; consideration.

Manatà, f. (in cpds.) mentality.

Attamanatà, = joyful menta­lity.

Manana, nt. thinking.

Manasikaroti (manasi + kar + o), to keep in mind; to think over.

manasikari. aor.

manasikata. pp.

manasikaronta. pr. p.

manasikatvà. manasikaritvà. abs.

manasikàtabba. pt. p.

Mana§, in. nearly; well-nigh; almost; somewhat.

Manàpa, manàpika, a. pleasing; charming.

Manuja, m. a human being.

~jàdhipa, ~jinda, m. lord of men; a king.

Manu¤¤a, a. delightful; pleasant.

Manussa, m. a human being.

~tta, nt. human existence.

~bhàva, m. state of a human being.

~bhåta, a. one who has become a man.

~loka, m. human world.

Manesikà, f. thought-reading.

Mano (form taken by mana in cpds.)

~kamma, nt. mental action.

~java, a. swift as thought.

~duccarita, nt. bad mentality.

~dvàra, nt.. the threshold of consciousness.

~dhàtu, f. the ideational faculty.

~padosa, m. ill-will.

~pasàda, m. devotional feel­ing.

~pubbaïgama, a. direc­ted by mind.

~maya, a. mind-made.

~ratha, m. wish.

~rama, a. delightful.

~vi¤¤àõa, nt. the mind cognition.

~vi¤¤eyya, a. to be comprehended by the mind.

~vitakka, m. a thought.

~hara, a. charming; captivating.

Manosilà, f. red arsenic.

Manta, nt. a charm; spell; incantation.

~jjhàyaka, a. one who studies the Holy In­cantations.

Mantana, nt. ~nà, f. consul­tation; discussion.

Mantã, m. a counsellor; a minister.

mantinã, f. a woman councillor.

Mantu, m. one who imagines.

Manteti (mant + e), to consult; to take counsel; to discuss.

mantesi. aor.

mantita. pp.

mantenta, mantayamàna, pr. p.

mantetvà. abs.

mantetu§. inf.

Mantha, m. churning stick; parched corn-flour.

Manthara, m. a tortoise.

Manda, a. slow; dull; lazy; foolish; yielding a little. nt. a little.

~tà, f. ~tta, nt. reduced state; slowness; stupidity.

manda§, mandamanda§, ad. slowly; little by little.

Mandàkinã, f. name of a great lake, and of a river.

Mandàmukhã, f. a coal-pan.

Mandàra, m. name of a mountain.

Mandiya, nt. stupidity; slack­ness.

Mandira, nt. a mansion; a palace.

Mamaïkàra, m. mamatta, nt. mamàyanà, f. selfish attach­ment.

Mamàyati (Deno. from mama), to be attached to; to cherish.

mamàyi. aor.

mamàyita. pp.

mamàyanta. pr. p.

mamàyitvà. abs.

Mamma, mammaññhàna, nt. a vital spot of the body; a nerve centre.

~cchedaka, a. wounding a vital spot; very harsh or fatal.

Mammana, a. one who stammers.

Maya§ (nom. pl. of amha), we.

Mayåkha, m. a ray of light.

Mayåra, m. peacock.

Maraõa, nt. death.

~kàla, m. time of death.

~cetanà, f. intention to kill.

~dhamma, a. subject to death. ~anta, ~pariyosàna, a. having death as its end.

~bhaya, nt. fear of death.

~ma¤caka, m. death-bed.

~mukha, nt. the mouth of Death.

~sati. f. meditation on death.

~sa­maya, m. time of death.

Marati (mar + a), to die.

mari. aor.

mata. pp.

maranta, maramàna. pr. p.

maritabba. pt. p.

maritvà. abs.

maritu§. inf.

Marica, nt. pepper; chillies.

Mariyàdà, f. boundary; limit.

Marãci, f. a ray of light; mirage.

~kà, f. mirage.

~dhamma, a. equal to mirage; unsub­stantial.

Maru, f. sand; a sandy waste. m. a deity.

Marumba, nt. pebbles.

Mala, nt. impurity; stain; rust; dirt; dung.

~tara, a. more dirty or impure.

Malina, malinaka, a. dirty; stained; impure. nt. impurity.

Malla, m. a wrestler; a man of the Malla clan.

~yuddha, nt. wrestling contest.

Mallaka, m. a vessel; a receiver.

Mallikà, f. the (Arabian) jas­mine.

Masàragalla, nt. a kind of precious stone.

Masi, m. soot; charcoal dust.

Massu, nt. the beard.

~ka, a. having a beard.

~kamma, ~karaõa, nt. beard-dressing.

Maha, m. a religious festival.

Mahaggata, a. become great; lofty.

Mahaggha, a. very costly.

~tà, f. costliness.

Mahagghasa, a. eating much; gluttonous.

Mahannava, m. the great ocean.

Mahati (mah + a), to honour; to revere.

mahi. aor.

mahita. pp.

mahitvà. abs.

Mahatta, nt. greatness.

Mahaddhana, a. having great riches.

Mahanãya, a. respectable.

Mahanta, a. great; big; exten­sive. (f. mahantã, mahatã).

~tara, a. greater; more ex­tensive.

~tà, f. ~bhàva, m. greatness.

Mahaõõava, m. the great ocean.

Mahapphala, a. rich in result.

Mahabbala, a. having a great power or strong force. nt. a great strength or army.

Mahabbhaya, nt. great fear.

Mahallaka, a. old. m. an old man.

~tara, a. older.

~llikà, f. old woman.

Mahà (mahanta becomes mahà in compounds; the last vowel à is often shortened euphonically).

~upàsaka, m. a great follower of the Buddha.

~upàsikà, f. a great female devotee.

~karuõà, f. great compassion.

~kàya, a. having a fat or big body.

~gaõa, m. a great community.

~gaõã, m. having many followers.

~jana, m. the public.

~taõha, a. very greedy.

~tala, nt. a large flat roof on the top of a palace.

~dhana, nt. immense wealth.

~naraka, ~niraya, m. the great hell.

~nasa, nt. the kitchen.

~nubbàva, a. of great majesty.

~pa¤¤a, a. very wise.

~patha, m. high road.

~pitu, m. father’s elder brother. ~purisa, m. a great man.

~bhåta, nt. the four great elements.

~bhoga, a. having great wealth.

~mati, m. a great wise man.

~matta, ~macca, m. a chief minister. ~muni, m. the great sage.

~megha, m. a shower.

~ya¤¤a, ~yàga, m. a great sacrifice.

~yasa, a. of great fame.

~raba, a. very pre­cious.

~ràja, m. a great king.

~latà (-pasàdhana), nt. a lady’s parure called ‘great creeper’ ~satta, m. the great being.

~samudda, m. the ocean.

~sara, nt. a great lake.

~sàra, ~sàla, a. hav­ing immense wealth.

~sàva­ka, m. a great disciple.

Mahikà, f. the frost.

Mahiccha, a. greedy.

~tà, f. greediness.

Mahita, pp. of mabati.

Mahiddhika, a. of great magical power.

Mahinda, m. a personal name; the chief of gods.

Mahilà, f. a woman.

Mahisa, m. a buffalo.

~maõóala, nt. name of a country, present Mysore.

Mahissara, m. a great lord; the God Ãsvara.

Mahã, f. the earth; name of a river.

~tala, nt. the surface of the earth.

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