Ozone (Greek ozone - odorant), O3 - allotropic form of oxygen. There are 3 oxygen atoms in the ozone molecule. Ozone first 1785-y. The Dutch physicist Van Marum discovered that when electric sparks are passed through the air, they emit a peculiar odor and have oxidizing properties. The properties of ozone are very different from those of oxygen. Blue and explosive gas under normal conditions. The boiling point is 111.8 ° and the melting point is 192.4 °. Strong oxidizing and volatile substance. When ozone is exposed to a neutral solution of potassium iodide, potassium iodide oxidizes to form iodine. Black lead sulfide is oxidized by Ozone to white lead sulfate. Ozone combines with some inorganic and organic substances to form ozonides (see peroxides). A special device - ozonator - is used to generate ozone. Ozone is present in very small amounts in the air (1 m2 per 1 m3). The farther away from the surface, the amount of ozone increases and reaches a maximum at an altitude of 20-25 km. Due to its oxidizing, disinfecting and bactericidal properties, it is also used in drinking water purification, food industry, and as an oxidizing agent for bleaching oil and paper. The concentration of ozone in the air should not exceed 5-10%, because ozone gas is also toxic to SO.
Atomic oxygen (O) in the mesosphere and stratosphere collides with oxygen (O2) in the form of molecules to form O: O + O2 = O3, the molecules are wavelengths. Absorbs photons at 200-300 nm. This is very important. Without the ozone layer in the stratosphere, high-energy shortwave photons would reach the Earth's surface, and plants and animals would not be able to withstand such high-energy light. The "ozone shield" plays an important role in saving life on Earth. However, the high temperatures emitted by the internal combustion engines of supersonic aircraft cause nitrogen to react with atmospheric oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide, which reacts with Ozone b-n and has a negative effect on the ozone shield. Refrigerants have a similar effect to chlorofomethanes, which are released from spray cylinders. The term "ozone hole" is derived from this.
The chemical properties of ozone.
Ozone is characterized by a high reactance. Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidizing agent, in this context, not only of fluorine and oxygen fluoride is less than OF2. Oxidation of ozone as the active principle of ozone molecules formed during the decay of atomic oxygen. Therefore, working as an oxidizer, ozone molecule, as a rule, only one oxygen atom "used", the other two were free form of oxygen, for example,
2KI + O3 + H2O → I2 + 2KOH + O2.
Many other oxidized compounds in the same way. However, the ozone molecule of acid used by all three oxygen atoms there are exceptions, for example,
3SO2 + O3 → 3SO3;
Na2S + O3 → Na 2SO3.
The difference between the ozone and oxygen is very important is that, even at room temperature, ozone oxidation properties. For example, PbS and Pb (OH)2 under normal conditions, the presence of oxygen react with ozone hydroxide sulfide PbSO4, PbO2. If we pour into a concentrated solution of ammonia, ozone, white smoke appears - this ammonia to form ammonium nitrate NH4NO2 ozone oxidation. A distinctive feature of the ozone silver ago and Ag 2O3 can be created with the ability to "fade".
An electron, which is a negative ion O3- into the ozone molecule is stable. Such salts containing anions "ozone" or ozonidlar has been known for a long time - they are all formed by the alkaline earth metals and lithium ozonidlarning stability of sodium seziygacha increases. Some of the alkaline earth metal is also known ozonidlari, for example, Ca (OH)2 . If the flow of gaseous ozone focused on the surface of the solid dry base, including ozonidlarni orange-red crust, for example,
4KOH + 4O3 → 4KO3 + O2 + 2H2O.
At the same time, the hard, alkaline water is effectively connected to the ozonidning immediately to prevent hydrolysis. However, the excess water ozonidlar quickly disintegrated:
4KO3 + 2H2O → 4KOH + 5O2.
Save time decay occurs:
2KO3 → 2KO2 + O2.
Ozonidlar dissolved in liquid ammonia is very good, this is their opportunity to explore the properties and separated in pure form.
Ozone in contact with organic matter, usually do not. Thus, in contrast to ozone, chlorine, benzene ring is capable of decay. Ozone work with, you can not use rubber pipes and hoses - they instantly "leakage". Ozone is a large amount of energy it reacts with organic compounds. For example, ether, alcohol, turpentine, methane and other substances with a damp cotton lint ozone air when the self flares and ozone-ethylene mix with a strong explosion.
Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent capable of fighting harmful microbes. This feature is widely used in modern medicine. In local therapy, ozone is used as an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral, bactericidal, anti-stress, cytostatic agent. Due to its ability to restore oxygen metabolism disorders, it provides excellent opportunities for therapeutic and prophylactic medicine.
Among the innovative methods based on the oxidizing ability of this compound, we distinguish the delivery of this substance intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously. For example, treatment of bed sores, fungal skin lesions, burns with a mixture of oxygen and ozone has been recognized as an effective method.
Ozon (yunoncha ozonli odorant), O, kislorodning allotropik shakli. Ozon molekulasida 3 ta kislorod atomi mavjud. Birinchi ozon 1785-yil. Gollandiyalik fizigi Van Marum elektr uchqunlari havo orqali o'tganda o'ziga xos hid chiqarishini va oksidlovchi xususiyatga ega ekanligini aniqladi. Ozonning xossalari kislorodnikidan juda farq qiladi. Oddiy sharoitlarda ko'k va portlovchi gaz. Qaynash nuqtasi 111,8, erish nuqtasi 192,4. Kuchli oksidlovchi va uchuvchi modda. Ozon kaliy yodidning neytral eritmasi bilan ta'sirlanganda, kaliy yodid oksidlanib, yod hosil qiladi. Qora qo'rg'oshin sulfidi ozon ta'sirida oq qo'rg'oshin sulfatiga oksidlanadi. Ozon baʼzi noorganik va organik moddalar bilan birikib ozonidlarni hosil qiladi (q. Peroksidlar ). Maxsus qurilma ozonator - ozon hosil qilish uchun ishlatiladi. Ozon havoda juda oz miqdorda (1 m3 uchun 1 m2) mavjud. Yerdan uzoqlashgan sari ozon miqdori ortib, 20-25 km balandlikda maksimal darajaga etadi. Oksidlovchi, dezinfektsiyalash va bakteritsid xususiyatlariga ko'ra ichimlik suvini tozalashda, oziq-ovqat sanoatida, yog' va qog'ozni oqartirish uchun oksidlovchi vosita sifatida ham qo'llaniladi. Havodagi ozonning konsentratsiyasi 5-10% dan oshmasligi kerak, chunki ozon gazi SO uchun ham zaharli hisoblanadi.
Mezosfera va stratosferadagi atom kislorodi (0) molekulalar holida kislorod (0.) bilan to'qnashib, 0: 0 + O, O hosil qiladi, molekulalar to'lqin uzunliklari. 200-300 nm da fotonlarni yutadi. Bu juda muhim. Stratosferada ozon qatlami bo‘lmaganida, yuqori energiyali qisqa to‘lqinli fotonlar Yer yuzasiga yetib borar, o‘simliklar va hayvonlar bunday yuqori energiyali yorug‘likka dosh bera olmaydi. "Ozon qalqoni" Yerdagi hayotni saqlab qolishda muhim rol o'ynaydi. Biroq, tovushdan tez uchuvchi samolyotlarning ichki yonuv dvigatellari chiqaradigan yuqori haroratlar azotning atmosfera kislorodi bilan reaksiyaga kirishishiga olib keladi va azot oksidi hosil qiladi, bu esa Ozon b-n bilan reaksiyaga kirishadi va ozon pardasiga salbiy ta'sir qiladi. Sovutgichlar buzadigan amallar tsilindrlaridan chiqariladigan xlorofometanlarga o'xshash ta'sirga ega. “Ozon teshigi” atamasi shundan kelib chiqqan. Ozonning kimyoviy xossalari.
Ozon yuqori reaktivlik bilan ajralib turadi. Ozon ulardan biridir
eng kuchli oksidlovchi agent, bu nuqtai nazardan, nafaqat ftor va kislorod ftorid OF dan kam emas.. Ozonning oksidlanishi atom kislorodining parchalanishi paytida hosil bo'lgan ozon molekulalarining faol printsipi sifatida. Shuning uchun, oksidlovchi sifatida ishlaydigan ozon molekulasi, qoida tariqasida, faqat bitta kislorod atomi "ishlatilgan", qolgan ikkitasi kislorodning erkin shakli edi, masalan,
3SO2 + O3 → 3SO3;
Na2S + O3 → Na 2SO3.
Xuddi shu tarzda boshqa ko'plab oksidlangan birikmalar. Biroq, uchta kislorod atomi tomonidan ishlatiladigan kislotaning ozon molekulasida istisnolar mavjud, masalan,
2KI + O3 + H2O → I2 + 2KOH + O2.
Ozon va kislorod o'rtasidagi farq juda muhim, hatto xona haroratida ham ozon oksidlanish xususiyatlari. Masalan, PbS va Pb (OH), normal sharoitda kislorod mavjudligi ozon gidroksid sulfid PbSO4, PbO bilan reaksiyaga kirishadi. Biz ammiak, ozon konsentrlangan eritmasiga quyib bo'lsa, oq tutun ammoniy nitrat NH.NO, ozon oksidlanish hosil qilish uchun bu ammiak paydo bo'ladi. Ozon kumushining o'ziga xos xususiyati va Ag -O "so'nish" qobiliyati bilan yaratilishi mumkin.
Ozon molekulasiga manfiy O ioni bo'lgan elektron barqarordir. Tarkibida anionlar "ozon" yoki ozonidlar bo'lgan bunday tuzlar uzoq vaqtdan beri ma'lum bo'lib, ularning barchasi ishqoriy tuproq metallari va litiy ozonidlarning natriyning barqarorligi seziygacha ortadi. Ishqoriy tuproq metalining bir qismi ozonidlari ham ma'lum, masalan, Ca (OH). Agar gazsimon ozon oqimi qattiq quruq asos yuzasiga, jumladan, ozonidlarni to'q sariq-qizil qobiqqa qaratsa, masalan,
Shu bilan birga, qattiq, gidroksidi suv gidrolizning oldini olish uchun darhol ozonidlanishga samarali ulanadi. Biroq ortiqcha suv ozonidlar tezda parchalanib ketdi.
Vaqtni tejash buzilishi sodir bo'ladi:
4KOH + 4O3 → 4KO3 + O2 + 2H2O.
Suyuq ammiakda erigan ozonidlar juda yaxshi, bu ularning xususiyatlarini o'rganish va sof holda ajratish imkoniyatidir.
Ozon organik moddalar bilan aloqa qiladi, odatda yo'q. Shunday qilib, ozondan farqli o'laroq, xlor, benzol halqasi parchalanishga qodir. Ozon bilan ishlashda siz rezina quvurlar va shlanglarni ishlata olmaysiz, ular bir zumda "oqish". Ozon - bu organik birikmalar bilan reaksiyaga kirishadigan katta miqdordagi energiya. Misol uchun, efir, spirt, skipidar, metan va nam paxta momig'iga ega bo'lgan boshqa moddalar ozon havosi o'z-o'zidan yonib ketganda va ozon-etilen kuchli portlash bilan aralashadi.
Ozon zararli mikroblar bilan kurashishga qodir kuchli oksidlovchi vositadir. Bu xususiyat zamonaviy tibbiyotda keng qo'llaniladi. Mahalliy terapiyada ozon yallig'lanishga qarshi, immunomodulyator, virusga qarshi, bakteritsid, stressga qarshi, sitostatik vosita sifatida ishlatiladi. Kislorod almashinuvi buzilishlarini tiklash qobiliyati tufayli u terapevtik va profilaktik tibbiyot uchun ajoyib imkoniyatlar yaratadi.
Ushbu birikmaning oksidlanish qobiliyatiga asoslangan innovatsion usullar orasida biz ushbu moddani mushak ichiga, tomir ichiga, teri ostiga yuborishni ajratamiz. Masalan, to‘shakdagi yaralarni, terining zamburug‘li yaralarini, kuyishlarni kislorod va ozon aralashmasi bilan davolash samarali usul sifatida e’tirof etilgan.
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