O‘zbekiston respublikasi xalq ta’limi vazirligi a. Avloniy nomidagi xalq ta’limi muammolarini o‘rganish va istiqbollarini belgilash ilmiy tadqiqot instituti
“_____”____________2021 y.
BITIRUV ISHINING NAMUNAVIY MAVZULARI (Ingliz tili fani yo‘nalishidagi kasbiy va pedagogik qayta tayyorlash kurslari uchun)
Institut Ilmiy Kengashining 2021 yil ____ _______ dagi ___ - son yig‘ilishi qarori bilan tasdiqlangan.
1. The role and importance of teaching affixation in English.
2. Communicative approach in teaching English grammar.
3. Effective ways of teaching nouns in English.
4. Developing speaking skills through organizing discussion and debating.
5. Effective ways of teaching reduction in English.
6. The role and importance of teaching imperative mood in English.
7. The problem of morphemic structure in English.
8. Elliptical sentences as a part of literary text in teaching reading.
9. Comparative analysis of vowel phonemes in English and Uzbek.
10. Effective ways of teaching semantic field of words denoting "insects" in English.
11. Teaching critical thinking in secondary schools.
12. Comparative analysis of English and Uzbek sentence stress.
13. Intonation of declarative sentences in British and American English.
14. Effective ways of teaching the semantic field of words denoting "animals" in English.
15. Effective ways of teaching the category of person in English.
16. Structural-semantic peculiarities of compound words with the component "eyes" in English.
17. The problems of teaching strategy to develop reading skills.
18. The role of pronunciation in interactive and communicative approaches in teaching foreign languages.
19. Typological peculiarities of stress in English and Uzbek.
20. Specific features of British English pronunciation.
21. Comparative analysis of combinatory-positional changes in English and Uzbek.
22. Comparative analysis of American English intonation with British English.
23. Intonation Structure of the English interrogative sentences.
24. Effective ways of teaching verb phrases in English.
25. Effective ways of teaching adjectives in English
26. Problems and Effective ways of teaching English vowels.
27. Problems and Effective ways of teaching English consonants.
28. Effective ways of teaching Future Perfect.
29. The role and Importance of teaching prepositions of time.
30. The importance of teaching passive voice.
31. The rules of syllable division in English.
32. Problems and methods of teaching the Infinitive in English.
33. Importance of teaching the Participles.
34. The role of stress and Intonation, tone in conversation.
35. The function of definite and indefinite articles in English.
36. Effective ways of teaching common Nouns.
37. The Role and Importance of teaching the Adjectives.
38. The future tense constructions.
39. The Role and Importance of teaching Pronouns in English.
40. General characteristics of Parts of speech in English.
41. The usage of collocations.
42. The usage of Synonyms and antonyms in conversations.
43. The formation of adjective and adverbs and their usage.
44. Methods and techniques of teaching the modal verb “Must” and its equivalents.
45. Teaching Relative clauses in English.
46. Effective ways of teaching the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple.
47. The Noun and its function in English.
48. Methods and techniques of teaching conditional sentences.
49. Problems and effective ways of teaching Idiomatic phrasal verbs.
50. The Role and Importance of teaching collective nouns in English.
51. Effective ways of teaching “Direct and Indirect Speech” in English.
52. The usage of complex sentence.
53. Compound words in English.
54. Comparison of Nouns in English and Uzbek Languages.
55. Problems and effective ways of teaching the verbs similar in meaning in English.
56. Teaching Regular and Irregular Verbs.
57. The use of authentic materials in teaching reading as a kind of speech activity at the senior level.
58. The Role and Importance of teaching types of questions.
59. Classification of affixes.
60. The role of games in teaching primary classes.
61. Developing young learners’ speaking skills.
62. Effective ways of error correction.
63. Effective ways of teaching prepositions of time and place.
64. Effective ways of teaching tag questions.
65. The role and Importance of teaching Numerals in English.
66. Teaching Subject and Object Pronouns in English.
67. Problems and Effective ways of teaching link verbs in English.
68. Methods and techniques of organizing extracurricular (outer-class/outer- school) activities in FL classes.
69. The concept of “approach”, “method” and “technique”.
70. Building a culture of dialogue in English classes at the junior level of secondary schools.
71. Language Portfolio as an alternative way of assessing students' educational achievements.
72. Teaching writing in Primary classes.
73. Activities on working at Pronunciation in English as a Foreign Language classes
74. Effective Methods and Techniques of Enhancing vocabulary at the English Lessons.
75. Different ways of monitoring and assessing students’ knowledge and progress at the English lesson.
76. Critical thinking in secondary schools.
77. Strategies of teaching pronunciation to young learners.
78. Intonation structure of English interrogative sentences.
79. Effective ways of teaching the verb phrase in English.
80. The role and importance of teaching locative constructions in English.
81. Constituent structure of adverbial modifiers in teaching English grammar.
82. The ways of interpreting the English and Uzbek interjection.
83. Tips and techniques in dealing with mixed-ability classes.
84. Teaching pronunciation to young learners through songs.
85. Teaching phraseological units denoting ‘time’ in English.
86. Effective ways of teaching comparative phraseological units in English.
87. The role and importance of teaching the adjective in English.
88. Teaching euphemisms in English and Uzbek.
89. Teaching the imperative mood in EFL classes.
90. Features of the translation and teaching inversion in English.
91. Comparative analysis of modification of phonemes in English and Uzbek.
92. Stylistic classification of the vocabulary in teaching English as a foreign language.
93. Syllable formation and syllable division in English.
94. Comparative analysis of the noun in English and Uzbek.
95. Teaching non-finite forms of the verb in English.
96. Effective ways of teaching word stress in English.
97. The role and importance of teaching speech sounds in English.
98. Effective ways of teaching notional parts of speech in English.
99. Specific features of phonotactics in English.
100. Effective ways of teaching compound words in English.
101. Effective ways of teaching the words denoting the semantic field “insect” in English.
102. Types of term formation and their role in teaching vocabulary.
103. Types of lexical meaning in English.
104. Specific features of British English pronunciation.
105. Learners’ needs and analysis in improving language skills.
106. Effective ways of teaching juridical terms in English.
107. Intonation of statements in English and Uzbek.
108. Using interactive methods in teaching English.
109. Using new Pedagogical technologies in Teaching Writing.
110. Teaching foreign languages in Primary classes.
111. The role of teacher in developing pupils’ creative thinking.
112. Developing young learners’ listening skills.
113. Difficulties in teaching listening in EFL classes.
114. Teaching English through songs and rhymes.
115. Using multimedia resources in Primary classes.
116. Teaching Reading in Primary classes.
117. Methods and techniques of designing reading tasks.
118. Effective ways of designing writing tasks.
119. Assessment of Young Learners’ reading skills.
120. Effective ways of organizing group work in the language classroom.
121. Modern methods of organizing foreign language lessons.
122. Effective ways of Organizing and conducting events on “Foreign Language Month” as a tool of increasing motivation to learn English.
123. Effective ways of teaching in multilevel classes.
124. Strategies of working with different age groups.
125. Methods and techniques of using language development activities.
126. Developing speaking skills through pictures.
127. Effective Elicitation and summarization techniques.
128. Effective ways of giving written feedback.
129. Using Project based teaching in language classes.
130. Effective ways of designing speaking tasks.
131. Effective ways of designing writing tasks.
132. Effective ways of choosing appropriate teaching materials on reading.
133. The role and importance of using Task based teaching in EFL classes.
134. Effective strategies of observing and analyzing lessons.
135. Effective ways of setting lesson aims and objectives.
136. Content based teaching.
137. Pedagogical Innovations in Language teaching methodologies.
138. Language awareness activities.
139. Using Internet resources in EFL classes.
140. Student Centered Learning.
141. Principles-based approach to English language teaching and planning.
142. Effective ways of creating a positive learning environment.
143. Enhancing English skills through Project-based learning
144. Using online resources on Listening.
145. The advantages of using role-play.
146. New approaches of teaching foreign languages.
147. Vocabulary learning strategies.
148. Effective ways of teaching interrogative pronouns in English.
149. Importance of Classroom management.
150. The nature of speaking and oral interaction.
151. The importance of self and peer observation.
152. The Role of Teacher in the communicative classroom.
153. Language acquisition assessment tools.
154. Effective ways of creating language atmosphere.
155. Effective ways of assessing writing tasks.
156. The role of Warmers and fillers in language teaching.
157. Role of motivation in teaching foreign languages.
158. Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom.
159. Advantages of using newspaper in EFL classes.
160. Application of problem-based learning EFL classes.
161. Approaches of error correction.
162. Approaches of teaching grammar in EFL classes.
163. Assessment in EFL classes.
164. Challenges in Text Perception in EFL classrooms.
165. Characteristics of ethnographic components.
166. Classroom observation strategies.
167. Application of IT in EFL classes.
168. Clustering techniques in EFL classes.
169. Communication Skills & Activities in EFL classes.
170. Creativity in English.
171. Developing intercultural awareness through email exchange.
172. Application of project-based learning EFL classes.
173. Developing students speaking activities in EFL classes.
174. Developing learning materials.
175. Effective ways of teaching pronunciation in EFL classes.
176. Effectiveness of homework in teaching English language.
177. Importance of technology in EFL classes.
178. Developing cultural awareness in EFL classrooms.
179. Improving communicative skills in EFL classes.
180. Integrating four language skills in teaching English as a foreign language.
181. Developing cognitive thinking in EFL classes.
182. Using L1 in teaching foreign languages.
183. Receptive language skills.
184. Using literature in teaching reading skills.
185. Drama techniques in language teaching.
186. Difficulties in teaching grammar.
187. The role of debate for developing speaking skills.
188. Inductive teaching grammar.
189. Learning and teaching styles.
190. The role of actions games in developing speaking skills.
191. Using poems and songs as an authentic material in teaching English.
192. Review of CEFR and National State Educational Standards.
193. Methods and techniques of Improving Students’ pronunciation at the English lessons.
194. Effective ways of error correction in developing writing.
195. Advantages of using video materials in teaching listening.
196. Teaching Reading based on Cooperative Language Learning technology at the English lessons.
197. Using educational Internet resources in teaching English at the senior stage.
198. Using advertisements in teaching speaking.
199. The use of proverbs and sayings at the FL lessons.
200. Productive language skills.
201. Using Project Technology at the English lessons at secondary schools as a means of developing students' creativity.
202. Integration of four skills of the English language and its influence on the performance of the language learners.
203. Effective ways of organization pair work and group work.
204. The role and importance of teaching indefinite pronouns in English
205. The Role and importance of teaching Interrogative sentence in English
206. The role and importance of teaching countable and uncountable nouns in English
207. Effective ways of Improving Teacher-Student Interaction in the EFL Classroom.
208. Comparative analysis of phraseological units in English and Uzbek languages.
209. Methods of using interactive forms in teaching vocabulary at FL lessons.
210. Teaching pronunciation for secondary school students.
211. Methods of Formation communicative strategies in the process of teaching English language.
212. Positive approaches to students’ language mistakes.
213. Developing and implementing a collaborative project between schools or classes.
214. Cognitive linguistic approaches in teaching vocabulary and phraseology.
215. Methods of forming socio -cultural competence among secondary school students on the basis of authentic video movies.
216. Effective ways of using Role Play Activities in the English Language Classroom.
217. The role and importance of using music in teaching English.
218. Using New Innovative technologies in teaching critical reading in senior classes of secondary schools.
219. Important ideas for motivation of learning English language in primary classroom.
220. Methods and techniques of Using computer presentations and video films in developing speaking skills.
221. Motivation as a means of interest increase in FL learning.
222. Promoting Learners' Speaking Ability by Socio-affective Strategies.
223. The Role of "Culture" in teaching Foreign Languages.
224. Effective ways of using Modern assessment tools of English skills at secondary schools.
225. Integrative L2 Grammar Teaching: Exploration, Explanation and Expression.
226. Methods and techniques of teaching and learning of Practical English.
227. Strategies of developing e-portfolios in secondary schools of Uzbekistan.
228. Creation and use of speech situations for enhancing speaking skills in senior classes.
229. Opportunities of pedagogical technologies at the English language lessons.
230. Development of students’ creativity at the English lessons
231. The role and importance of using Cluster technology in foreign language teaching at secondary schools.
232. Developing Intercultural Awareness and Writing Skills Through Email Exchange.
233. Development of creative thinking in teaching vocabulary of 6-7th grade students.
234. Teaching English to young learners through Lexical approach.
235. Methods of English teaching on the base of songs.
236. Content-integrating technologies in foreign language teaching.
237. Modern assessment as the integral model of foreign education quality management at secondary schools.
238. Energizing the ESL/EFL Classroom through Internet Activities.
239. The role and importance of using mass media in teaching reading at the foreign language lesson.
240. Peculiarities of using new technologies on English lessons in globalization period.
241. Methods and techniques of Formation listening skills in teaching foreign language.
242. The Internet and Foreign Language Education: Benefits and Challenges.
243. Peculiarities of creative approach in foreign language teaching.
244. Effective ways of forming communicational competence of primary class pupils at the English lessons with help of games.
245. Learner Autonomy and effective ways of fostering it.
246. Foreign language teaching on the base of ethnographic component.
247. Using Technical Aids in Teaching Foreign Languages.
248. Learning styles in teaching foreign language.
249. The role of Blogs and forums in foreign language teaching.
250. Ways of Formation school students’ polemic skills at English lessons.
251. Teaching communicative speaking at English lessons.
252. The formation of students’ Linguistic competence at the English lessons.
253. Effective ways of developing students’ Sociolinguistic competence at the English lessons.
254. Lexical-semantic peculiarities of American English.
255. The formation of students’ extra-linguistic knowledge at the English lessons by means of English jokes.
256. Peculiarities of foreign language teaching to young learners on the base of M. Montessori method.
257. Using "CALL" technologies in foreign language teaching at secondary school.
258. Strategies of Selecting and Developing Teaching/Learning Materials.
259. The comparative characteristics of modern English language teaching methods.
260. Aspects of intercultural communication in teaching English language.
261. Innovative technologies in teaching vowel combinations in different languages.
262. Teaching English to secondary school children by means of authentic materials and organizing problematic situation.
263. The role of using English folklore at the English lessons (on the base of English fairytales and proverbs).
264. Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom.
265. Using methods of Project at the foreign language lesson (at the senior level).
266. Interactive teaching at optional courses of English by means of foreign advertising materials.
267. Reasons for Using Songs in the ESL/EFL Classroom
268. Semantic-contrastive method in FLT.
269. Peculiarities of critical thinking at foreign language lessons.
270. The role and importance of Reflective Practice in teaching Pronunciation.
271. Problem based teaching of FL and its peculiarities
272. The role of Audio-lingual and Creative methods in FLT.
273. A Comparison of L1 and L2 Reading: Cultural Differences and Schema.
274. Problems and effective ways of teaching Irregular verbs in English
275. Peculiarities «E - learning» in educational process.
276. Intensification means of English speaking in the secondary school.
277. Interactive methods in foreign language teaching.
278. Aspectual characteristics of the present tense forms in modern English.
279. Modern conceptual principles communicative teaching of FL.
280. The formation of basic competences in teaching grammar at English language lessons of secondary schools.
281. Effective ways of Helping Children Learn to Think in English Through Reading Storybooks.
282. Internet resources in TEFL.
283. Learning Neologisms in EFL classes.
284. Media in the EFL classrooms.
285. Multiple intelligence in EFL classes.
286. Pedagogical technologies in EFL classes.
287. Reasons intensive borrowings of English words in Russian/Uzbek language.
288. Strategies for different learning style.
289. Teaching English through Games.
290. Teaching affixation in English.
291. Principles of TEFL.
292. Learning regular and irregular verbs in EFL classes.
293. Lexical-semantic peculiarities of American English.
294. Pronunciation in EFL classes.
295. The use of debates in EFL classes.
296. Role-plays as a method of teaching English.
297. Speaking Activities for Advanced EFL Students.
298. Strategies for Giving Feedback in EFL classes.
299. Teaching English to teens.
300. Motivation for foreign language learning: language and culture in teaching English.
301. Interactive methods of teaching Phrasal verbs in English.
302. Stylistic peculiarities of the text in teaching English.
303. Effective ways of organization Students’ self-study in electronic educational environment.
304. Prefixes in the English language and its role in enriching the English vocabulary.
305. Individual peculiarities of text perception in FL learning and teaching.
306. The aims and objectives of Communicative teaching English
307. Modern psychological-pedagogical basis of the game techniques realization in foreign language classes of secondary schools.
308. Importance of Using Information technologies in FLT.
309. Strategies of developing reading skills in EFL Classes.
310. The use of authentic video to increase the motivation in English language learning.
311. Vocabulary learning strategies
312. Methods of teaching foreign dialogical speech as means of forming creativity of students.
313. Problems and effective ways of teaching word meaning in English.
314. Methods and techniques of teaching academic presentation skills.
315. Culturological approach in teaching foreign language.
316. The use of new technologies in teaching English grammar at school
317. Peculiarities of educational programs in FL learning.
318. The role and importance of home reading in teaching foreign language at school.
319. Case study as the modern method of foreign language teaching.
320. English, Russian and Uzbek idioms containing elements of colour description.
321. The model of a foreign language teacher of the 21st century.
322. The specifics of teaching English pronunciation at the primary classes.
323. Methods and techniques of Assessing the Communicative Competence.
324. The use of reading strategies in teaching language.
325. Use of audio and video materials in foreign language class.
326. Peculiarities of teaching British and American pronunciation.
327. Feedback: A Self-Observation Analysis.
328. Methods of teaching English vocabulary in the form of games.
329. Developing intercultural communication in foreign language teaching.
330. Learning Activities and Assessment Strategies in the EFL Classroom.
331. The use of wordplay in advertisements of magazines.
332. Linguo-cross-cultural approach in English language learning
333. Interference in the speech of Uzbek-bilinguals: grammatical aspect.
334. Issues and effective ways of Intensive learning.
335. Methods and techniques of Content Based Academic Writing.
336. The use of social network and blog in a foreign language teaching.
337. Use of podcasts and video casts in developing listening skills.
338. Basic language skills: assessment and evaluation.
339. Using the Communicative Language Learning Approach in teaching vocabulary.
340. The Importance of Extensive Reading in Second Language Acquisition.
341. Designing Grammar Materials for secondary school children.
342. The use of English economic terms in Uzbek and Russian texts.
343. Effective ways of working with students of Mixed Abilities in teaching English.
344. Principles of designing Didactic teaching materials for primary classes.
345. Usage of electronic devices at the English lessons.
346. The Role of Pronunciation in Teaching Modern English Language.
347. Developing and Assessing Listening Competence.
348. The Development of Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching.
349. Text as the component of communicative activity in FL learning.
350. Multiple Intelligence Theory and the EFL Classroom.
351. Methods and techniques of using Test forms in mastering of lexical and grammatical units at the English lessons in the secondary schools.
352. Using pedagogical Technologies to Develop Language Skills of EFL Students
353. Emotive concept sphere in English and Uzbek/Russian phraseology (comparative aspect)
354. The Role and Effectiveness of Homework in teaching English Language. 355. Peculiarities of creating activities for teaching correct pronunciation.
356. Theoretical and practical teaching problems of communicative foreign language text comprehension.
357. Methods of Organizing home reading lessons in teaching English at the senior stage.
358. Components of nonverbal communication in EFLT.
359. Strategies of Using media texts in EFLT.
360. Teaching grammar with authentic materials - advantages and disadvantages of a deductive and inductive approach.
361. The role and importance of teaching the adverb in English
362. Peculiarities of using games to raise students’ communicative skills at the English lessons.
363. Case study activities in teaching speaking in English.
364. Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Language Learners.
365. Identifying the Characteristics of Language Learners.
366. New types of assessment in schools of Uzbekistan.
367. The role of Neologisms in the world of technologies in teaching English.
368. Using a process approach to develop student writing skills.
369. Increasing students' L2 usage: an analysis of teacher talk time and student talk time
370. The role and importance of Using Self-Assessment techniques in the Classroom.
371. The Politeness principle in the English discursive culture.
372. Social networks in FL teaching: Trends, Advantages and challenges.
373. Reasons of intensive borrowings of English words in modern Uzbek/Russian languages.
374. Derivation of phrasal verbs in Modern English.
375. Innovative technologies in project works in senior classes.
376. The peculiarities of English language teaching to primary school bilingual children.
377. Virtual learning environments in English Language Teaching.
378. The role and importance of teaching simple sentences in English.
379. Features of authentic video records for development of lexical abilities in teaching English.
380. Effective ways of giving and receiving feedback of learners outcomes.
381. The role of Speech oriented situations in teaching foreign languages.
382. Difficulties and effective ways of teaching Writing in English.
383. Effective ways of teaching gratitude expression in foreign languages (with the example of English).
384. The role and importance of teaching prepositional phrases in English
385. The Process Approach to Student Writing.
386. The pragmatic peculiarities of the fiction discourse.
387. The role and importance of teaching reading in primary classes.
388. Implementing task-based language teaching in EFL context.
389. Evaluating the appropriateness of adopting a CLT approach in an English conversation classroom in Uzbekistan.
390. The role and importance of giving and receiving Feedback in the Interactive Classroom.
391. Advanced Vocabulary Instructions in EFL classes.
392. Effective ways of creating positive language atmosphere at the English lessons.
393. Using Computer games in teaching FL at primary classes.
394. Adapting materials addressing different learner levels in foreign language.
395. Advantages of using authentic materials in teaching reading.
396. Activities on Developing speaking skills of young learners.
397. Effective Methods on Designing and Presenting Reading Tasks.
398. Problems and Effective ways of teaching synonyms in English.
399. Modern Lesson and effective ways of Lesson Planning.
400. Problem-Based Learning in the English Language Classroom.