When you feel confident with a new phrase, try it out in the classroom. Use gestures and encourage students to respond in English or in their home language. Whenever you use new phrases in the classroom:
Don’t worry too much about making grammatical mistakes. Your students probably won’t notice.
Don’t worry too much about your pronunciation. It is just important for students to listen to English being spoken. You can practise the pronunciation of certain words and sounds before your lessons if you are concerned. Or practise with a friend or colleague (see Resource 1).
If your students don’t understand something at first, don’t translate it. Repeat the phrase a few times and give your students some time to work out what you are saying. Try using gesture and actions to show what you mean.
Remember that your classes don’t need to be entirely in English. It is good to use students’ other languages to check their understanding. Just try to use more and more English over time.