Length – uzunlik
To prevent – xalaqit qilmoq
Intense – tezkor
Beam – nur
Therefore – shuning uchun
Helium – geliy (gaz turi)
Neon – nion (gaz turi)
Tube – truba
Power supply – quvvat manbai
Luminescent – yaraqlovchi
Semiconductor – yarim o`tkazgich
To transform –aylantirmoq
Extensive –keng miqyosda
Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
1. What is a laser?
2. What is the function of a laser?
3. What beam of light does a laser produce?
4. When was the first laser built?
5. When will a laser find the most extensive applications?
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.
1. ………………… its atoms to emit rays.
2. The most common laser …………………
3. ……………….. are able to ……………. energy.
4. The first laser ……………………….
5. .…………… its most extensive ………………..
6. In the laser field ……………………