Bog'liq 1cbd23df92212c0f1fb1c1c681754105 МАЖМУА- ДАВЛАТ ПЕНСИЯ ТАЪМИНОТИ
O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY VA O‘RTA MAXSUS TA’LIM VAZIRLIGI SAMARQAND DAVLAT UNIVERSITETI “IJTIMOIY FANLAR” kafedrasi “DAVLAT PENSIYA TA’MINOTI” fanidan ANNOTATSIYALAR Tuzuvchi: o‘qit.G.Tagiyeva Kafedra mudiri ______dots.I.Negmatov “DAVLAT PENSIYA TA’MINOTI” fanidan tayyorlangan mazkur O‘quv-uslubiy Kompleks bakalavr ta’lim yo‘nalishlarida o‘qitiladigan fanlar bo‘yicha yaratilgan Davlat Ta’lim Standartlariga muvofiq ravishda ishlab chiqilgan bo‘lib, “DAVLAT PENSIYA TA’MINOTI” fanidan ma’ruza va amaliy mashg‘ulotlar olib boruvchi professor-o‘qituvchilar va oliy ta’limning bakalavriat bosqichida ta’lim oluvchi talabalar uchun mo‘ljallangan. O‘UK tarkibiga kirgan texnologik xarita va kalendar rejalar fan bo‘yicha tasdiqlangan ishchi-o‘quv reja asosida ishlab chiqilgan hamda bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari o‘quv jarayoni grafigiga to‘liq mos keladi. Fan yuzasidan ishlab chiqilgan mustaqil ishlar va referat mavzulari fan dasturiga kirgan nazariy mavzular bilan birgalikda, pensiya ta`minoti amaliyoti bilan bevosita bog‘liq bo‘lgan, talabalarni ilmiy izlanishga undovchi mavzular bilan boyitilgan hamda iqtisodiyotni erkinlashtirishning bugungi bosqichida iqtisodiyot tarmoqlari va ijtimoiy sohalardagi islohotlarni amalga oshirishda davlat moliyasi va pensiya ta’minotining ahamiyatini o‘rganishga bag‘ishlangan mavzular hisobiga kengaytirilgan.
Danniy uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks po predmetu «Gosudarstvennie pensii i sotsialnie posobiya» podgotovlen v sootvetsvii Gosudarstvennim obrazovatelnim standartam izuchayushchimsya v bakalavriate i prednaznachen dlya prepodovateley vedushchim lektsionnie i semenarskie zanyatiya po predmetu «Gosudarstvennie pensii i sotsialnie posobiya» a takje dlya studentov. Vxodyashie v sostav uchebno-metodicheskogo kompleksa texnologicheskaya karta i kalendarniy plan sostavlen v sootvetstvii rabochiy programmi po predmetu «Gosudarstvennie pensii i sotsialnie posobiya» i polnostyu sootvetstvuyut uchebnomu grafiku. Razrabotannaya tematika samostoyatelnix rabot i referatov vmeste s vklyuchyonnoy teoritecheskoy tematikoy programmi predmeta obogashchyon s nauchnoy tematikoy chto predshchestvuet raboti studentov v nauchnoy sfere.
Given scholastic-methodical complex on subject "State pensions and social benefits " is prepared in correspond to State educational standard studying in bachelor and is intended for teacher leading lecture and seminar of the occupation on subject "State pensions and social benefits " as well as for student. Coming in composition scholastic-methodical complex production chart and calendar plan is formed in correspondence to worker program on subject "State pensions and social benefits" and completely correspond to the scholastic graph. The designed themes of the independent functioning and abstract together with included theory by themes of the program of the subject enriched with scientific themes that helps functioning a student in scientific sphere.