On the 100th anniversary of the first congress of the eastern peoples in baku

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Мақола Иминов Ж.uz.en


The first congress of the peoples of the East is devoted to historiography
Jasurbek Iminov,
Doctoral students of the Department of History of Uzbekistan
The first congress of the peoples of the East was held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on September 1-8, 1920. The congress was attended by about 2,000 delegates from more than 30 countries in the East. Our patriotic ancestors Munavvar qori Abdurashidkhonov, Toshpulatbek Norbotabekov, Abdulhamid Sulaymon oglu Cholpon, Obidjon Mahmudov, Turakul Jonuzakov, Inomjon Khidiraliev and other compatriots took part in the congress.
The active participation of the representatives of our ancestors in the congress, the state of oppression of the peoples of the East, including Central Asia during the Soviet colonial period, the liberation from the shackles of colonialism, the social problems and interests of that period were raised. But this congress and its essence have so far escaped the attention of historians. No articles or works have been published about it, no research has been conducted. The main reason for this was Soviet colonialism and the great state chauvinism it held in the national question. Another important reason was that the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Soviet authorities had pursued their nefarious aims at this congress. The interaction of the Western proletariat with the oppressed of the East for the world revolution, to pursue an adventurous policy in order to carry out an adventurous plan, such as waging war against imperialism, a common enemy, and to engage the oppressed peoples of the East in a revolutionary movement against the imperialist states. Moscow's goal was one of the political tactics and games it used to make the colonial peoples under its control politically, ideologically, ideologically dependent by ignoring the peoples of the East and artificially dragging them into the whirlpool of the world revolution. This terrible policy was not supported by the oppressed peoples. At a time when the peoples of Central Asia are struggling to get rid of Soviet colonial oppression, they aim to strike a certain blow at this process. Therefore, at the first congress of the peoples of the East in Baku, the 3rd International, Representatives of the Congress had expressed their views against such a cunning policy and practice of Bolshevism. It was not possible in Soviet times to expose this insidious policy of Lenin-led Bolshevism. Independence, among other things, provided an opportunity to reveal the true nature of the Congress of the Peoples of the East in Baku. However, taking this opportunity, the issue of revealing the essence and purpose of the first congress of the peoples of the East is slowly being addressed. Well-known research scientist D.A. In Alimova’s 2018 monograph study However, taking this opportunity, the issue of revealing the essence and purpose of the first congress of the peoples of the East is slowly being addressed. Well-known research scientist D.A. In Alimova’s 2018 monograph study However, taking this opportunity, the issue of revealing the essence and purpose of the first congress of the peoples of the East is slowly being addressed. Well-known research scientist D.A. In Alimova’s 2018 monograph study1the first congress of the peoples of the East, held in Baku in September 1920, among historians, and its essence was unjustifiably forgotten and not studied at all. As the author points out, the establishment of the Turkestan Autonomy in Turkestan, the Alash Horde in Kazakhstan, and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Caucasus during the liberation struggle in the national regions of Russia confused the Soviet center and the Bolsheviks. With the forces of the Red Army, the Bolsheviks suppressed these young states by force. As a result, Bolshevik power was threatened. There was a repressive movement in Central Asia. The number of anti-Soviet fighters in the Fergana Valley reached 70,000, in the Bukhara region 40,000, and in Khorezm 20,000.2. Among the sources used is R.T. In Shamsutdinov's book published in 19943He used the article "The first Uzbek". Quoted from this source. Because R.T. In his article, Shamsutdinov used documents from the archives of the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the life and work of Toshpulatbek Norbotabekov, who was a delegate to the Baku Congress and delivered a keynote speech at the Congress.
Commenting on the national composition of the delegates to the Baku congress, the author said that 158 ​​delegates from Turkestan, Bukhara and Khorezm from Central Asia took part in the congress, including 47 Kyrgyz, 61 Tajiks, 35 Turkmen and 15 Uzbeks.4
People who do not know enough about the creation of historical books think that historians write works only in comfortable rooms based on archival sources, archeological research, ethnographic data and manuscripts.
But in order to obtain these sources, it is necessary to organize scientific trips, which are called scientific expeditions. will be needed. Such journeys, which require both material and spiritual courage, are reminiscent of the courage of our ancestors who set out on a long journey to learn science. As a result of these scientific trips, unknown pages of our history, new scientific articles and books containing the experiences of our ancestors, which will serve as an example for future generations, will be created.
On September 21, 2001, Professor Rustambek Temirovich Shamsutdinov established the Meros International Expeditionary Expedition Fund (Public Fund) in Andijan. The establishment of this fund was a milestone for Uzbek science. This is because the experienced scientist, who has been on scientific trips to more than 40 countries on 5 continents, has organized scientific trips to Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and many other countries through the Heritage Public Foundation.
As a result of the above-mentioned scientific expeditions, Professor Rustambek Temirovich Shamsutdinov studied the archives, which have been kept secret, and copied xero, facsimile, photo, video and audio copies and brought them to Uzbekistan. This "spiritual treasure" has served as the main source for many scientific articles, books, dissertations.
Another similar scientific trip took place on October 9-16, 2017 in Baku, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The main purpose of Professor Rustambek Shamsutdinov's third visit to the city is to find documents, photos and newsreels dedicated to Cholpon's life and work in the state archives of Azerbaijan on the eve of the 120th anniversary of Abdulhamid Cholpon's birth. the search for documents and materials on the history of social, economic, cultural, educational relations and their dissemination to the general public.
It is known from Abdulhamid Cholpon's biography that he went to Baku in 1920 among the Uzbek delegates to the first congress of the peoples of the East. But no Cholponshun scholar has ever imagined how important the poet's visit to Baku, his life and literary heritage would be in his destiny. Rustambek Shamsutdinov's love for his homeland and his compatriots, the power of his memory, and, more importantly, his great love for his homeland and his compatriots, is a fact that has been overlooked. was dependent.
Commenting on the expedition, Rustambek Shamsutdinov said it was not his first visit to Azerbaijan. For the first time in my doctoral studies at the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, my teacher, Academician Yu.A. We came with Polyakov. During the conference, thanks to my teacher, I had the honor to get acquainted with the famous Azerbaijani academicians Ali Soybat Sumbatzoda, Pistahonum Azizbekova ... "5.
R. As a result of Shamsutdinov's visit to Baku, a series of articles entitled "In Search of the Heritage of Cholpon in the Land of Azerbaijan" was published in the 2018 issue of Vodiynoma magazine № 1 (8), №2 (9), №3 (10).6, "In search of the heritage of Cholpon in the land of Azerbaijan" of the book "In memory of the repressed compatriots"7, "From the history of cooperation between Andijan and Azerbaijani cotton growers"8 prepared and published an article entitled.
The article "In search of the heritage of Cholpon in the land of Azerbaijan" published in the 2018 issue 1 of the magazine "Vodiynoma" Documents from the National Archives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the National Library of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the National Archives of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the archives recorded using excerpts from newsreels.
The article describes the process of electing delegates to the congress on the basis of archival materials and memoirs of congress delegates Munavvar Qori Abdurashidkhonov and Ahmad Zaki Validi Dam. The article states that 1,891 delegates attended the first congress of the peoples of the East, of which 1,273 were communists, 266 delegates did not indicate their ethnicity, about 100 delegates did not fill out the questionnaire, and 55 women.9. The national composition of the Congress is 235 Turks, 192 Iranians and Persians, 157 Armenians, 104 Russians, 100 Georgians, 82 Chechens, 61 Tajiks, 47 Kyrgyz, 41 Jews, 35 Turkmens, 33 Kumiks, 25 Lezgins, 17 Ossetians, 15 Uzbeks, 14 Indians. , 13 Ingush, 12 Jamshids, 11 Khazals, 10 Sarts, a total of 37 nationalities10. However, in our opinion, for some minor reasons, the number of Uzbeks participating in the congress is low. This can be clearly seen in the materials of the Congress of Oriental Peoples in Baku, which are kept in the archives of the history of Russian socio-political organizations in Moscow (RISTTA). In addition, representatives were elected to the congress in Baku at general meetings in various cities of Turkestan, including on August 8, 1920 at 4 pm in the Tashkent Mosque. After lengthy discussions, 30 Uzbeks from various districts and mahallas of the Old City of Tashkent, and all 29 Uzbeks except Turor Risqulov were elected to the Baku Congress.11. Here is the document:

T / r

Last name and first name

Place of residence




Turor Risqulov


Fozil Qultoev


Qudratilla Yunusov

Dachnaya 1st narrow street 3rd house


Usmonkhoja Musakhojaev

Koshtut neighborhood



Jora Tojizoda




Hikmatulla Magzumov

Hovuzbek, 2nd house



Qosimjon Hoshimjonov

Pink bathroom



Apimuhammad Isamuhammedov




Ghazi Yunusov

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Nizomiddin Iminboev




Akbarkhoja Toshkhojaev

Damin street



Inoyat Khayrullaev




Nurilla Ubaydullaev




Nasrulla Qodiri




Umar Qurbonov




Mahkamhoji Po'lathojiev

Pool №2



Abduqodir Abdurazzoqov




Normuhammad Kholmuhammedov




Abdushukur Ibrahimov




Toyik Tashmuhammedov




Ahmadjon Rahimjonov




Mulla Yodgor Abdushukurov

Eski Namozgoh



Sobirjon Rahim




Ergashboy Ernazarov




Tursun Yunus



Abdulhamid Sulaymonovich Yunusov (Cholpon)




Abdugani Muhammadyunusov

Cotton Market



Nosirjon Oxunjonov




Abdurahim Abduqayumov




Abdulqayum Abdulshayxov

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A congratulatory message from Tashkent on behalf of the Central Committee of the Turkestan Communist Party to Baku was broadcast on the radio in Tashkent. The participation of the dams in the first congress of the peoples of the East, their impact on the participants of the congress in Baku is described in detail on the basis of various sources.

In the same article, Rustambek Shamsutdinov's 22-year-old Abdulhamid Cholpon, a 22-year-old Turk, wore a summer shirt with a national dope on it because of the heat of the day. This newsreel was filmed as delegates went out for lunch after a meeting in a packed hall, with Turkestan male deputies in national skullcaps and most female delegates in paranja. In the part of the newsreel depicting Cholpon, Abdulhamid Cholpon is known for his cheerfulness, joy, interest in life, humor to others, even the paranoid representatives ’efforts to get their faces out of the way to get into the newsreel were sealed in the newsreel tapes. An image of his living condition was extracted from this newsreel and first published in a scientific journal13. This newsreel material is placed in the info kiosk of the Museum of Repression Victims in the structure of Andijan State University, and photos of his live image, sealed in the newsreel at the Baku Congress, are also displayed on a separate stand.Any Uzbek who sees the live image of Cholpon in the info kiosk will be overjoyed. Because this is a unique legacy from the great Cholpon.
"Razgovor s turkestanskim kommunistom (Ot nashego bakinskogo korr.)", "Sovetskaya vlast v Turkestane (Ot nashego bakinskogo korr.)", "Enver, s'ezd narodov vostoka i turkestanskiy vopros (Ot nashego bakinskogo korr.)" The dissatisfaction of the delegates with the Soviet policy, the chauvinist policy of the Soviet state contradicted the interests of local peoples attached.
It was found by the author that a number of Turkestan representatives were not included in the documents between the congress materials, and some of them were identified by their personal forms, which were later filled out by them. In particular, the biographies of Obidjon Mahmudov, Juraboev Hoji Safo, Khidiraliev Inomjon, Ustaboev Dost Muhammedovich, who were not registered at the Baku Congress, were recorded in their biographies.
In the article "In Search of Cholpon's Legacy in Azerbaijan" in the 2018 issue V2 (9) of "Vodiynoma" magazine, the author commented on the reasons for holding the first Congress of Oriental Peoples: , to apply the practice of ideology to the destiny of the peoples of the East, to direct the oppressed East to the front against world imperialism and its oppressive power, British imperialism, to turn East and West together, and to propagate the Soviet experience as a model for other countries. had driven "14 put forward the conclusion that.
The article describes the creation of the legal basis for the convening of the first Congress of the Peoples of the East, the work done to organize its work on the basis of archival sources and foreign publications.
The author points out that the "Soviet" regime of the Bolsheviks in Turkestan, led by Lenin, was understood by a large number of Central Asian national figures, especially the Jadids and progressives. Some of the Central Asian delegates to the First Congress of the Peoples of the East understood and tried to expose the insidious policy of the Soviets from the rostrum of the Congress.15. At the end of the article there is a biography of the author of the speech Toshpulatbek Norbotabekov, a color facsimile copy of his personal questionnaire, which he filled out in his own hand at the congress in Baku.
The article in the 2018 issue V3 (10) of “Vodiynoma” comments on the extremely valuable and new materials on the history of our country, which are included in the 12-volume collection of complete works by Mustafa Chokay.
He is in constant scientific contact not only with historians of Uzbekistan, but also with scholars of Kazakh, Russian, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz and other nations. is doing. In particular, the University is working to increase the scientific potential of the Museum of Repression Victims by using all the opportunities and friendships to update the exhibits. For example, it is active in conducting research in the archives of neighboring Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, and in scientific cooperation with leading foreign experts. For example, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan MK Koykeldiev and Mukrobjon Abdullayev's doctoral dissertation were officially opposed to the doctoral dissertation of Bakhtiyor Rasulov. In cooperation, books are published, scientific conferences are held, and articles by scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan are published in the Vodiynoma magazine.
A 12-volume collection of Mustafa Chokay's works published in Kazakhstan has been published by Professor R. Shamsutdinov was presented by academician MK Koygeldiev. This unique source is widely used in scientific activities.
Mustafa ChokayThe article "White-Red" published in the 15th issue of the magazine "Yosh Turkiston" in 1931 was translated into Uzbek and published in the magazine "Vodiynoma". The author thus proved the hypocrisy of Soviet policy. Mustafa Chokay's condolence article "Abidjan Mahmud" is also quoted in Russian. Mustafa Chokay expressed his views on his way of life, patriotism and character through this objective article about Obidjon Mahmudov, the Minister of Food of Turkestan Autonomous Region, who was elected to the Kokand City Duma after the February Revolution of 1917 and served as its chairman after the elections.
The article provides an in-depth analysis of the reports heard at the Republican scientific-practical conference "The role of Cholpon literary heritage in educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, national development and devotion" held on May 24, 2018 at the State Museum of Repression Victims under the Cabinet of Ministers. In particular, two letters of Abdulhamid Cholpon to Hamza Hakimzoda Niyazi, mentioned in the scientific report of the candidate of philological sciences Otabek Juraboev on "Two manuscripts of Cholpon", were published in the magazine with additional information about the history of his writing.
In addition, a number of numbers from one to ten in Sirojiddin Ahmad Cholpon's poem "Digital Love", written in 1923, as a result of research conducted by art historian Sirojiddin Ahmad, showed which person Cholpon meant by each number. Rustambek Shamsutdinov published previously unpublished information about the activities of people in the poem "Digital Love". This information includes articles published in the newspaper "Darhon", published in 1923 as a body of the Military Revolutionary Council of the Fergana region and the Revolutionary Committee of the Andijan district and city. The Darkhan newspaper was first edited by Abdulkhay Tadjiev and then by the chairman of the Andijan regional committee, Ishakjon Goziev. Cholpon, who came to Andijan from Tashkent on the instructions of the Central Committee, was the editor of the newspaper.16.
At the end of the article, Abdulhamid Cholpon's poem "Flood", published in the newspaper "Turkiston" on September 13, 1922, was published in its original form in the old Uzbek script and in the modern Uzbek Cyrillic alphabet. It is known that in this poem dedicated to Turkey's victory over Greece in the battles of Ino and Sakarya on the way to liberation, Cholpon not only congratulated Turkey, but also showed the way to freedom for colonial Turkestan.
Continuing his research on the First Congress of Oriental Peoples in Baku, the author uses documents from the State Archives of the History of Russian Socio-Political Organizations in Moscow (RGASPI), the Archives of the Presidential Administration, the Central State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan and Fergana regions. 2018 "Akademnashr" publishing house "In memory of the repressed compatriots"17 published his book.
The book "In Search of Cholpon's Legacy in Azerbaijan" contains a detailed list of Turkestan delegates who took part in the First Congress of Oriental Peoples. propagandы i deystviya narodov Vostoko) was formed by first introducing the materials of the fund into wide scientific consumption.
It is from this book that Yakub Chanishev, Pyotr Levchenko, Kambarali Aliyev, Alexin, Inomjon Khidiraliev, Abdugafur Rahmatullaev, Boltaboy Sarimsakov, Muhammadjon Urazaliev, Usmanov, Yangiboy Topiboldiev, Alexandra Soldatova, who were elected to the Baku Congress from Andijan, received
The book shows that 293 of the nearly 2,000 delegates to the Baku Congress were Turkestan, and their professional composition, level of education and national composition are based on archival sources.18.
If we look at his scientific and creative activity, we can see that he has been writing scientific articles in newspapers and collections of conference theses since his student days at the Faculty of History of Samarkand State University. The teacher did not give up his passion in his youth. In order to arm the masses, especially the youth, with history, Rustambek Shamsutdinov published an article in the February 7, 2020 issue of "Adabiyot Gazeta" about the first congress of the peoples of the East in Baku.
The article was published in simple and fluent language, with photos of the congress participants, including photos taken by Abdulhamid Cholpon at the congress.
In short, the research of historian Rustambek Shamsutdinov on the first Congress of Oriental Peoples in Baku is scientifically and artistically unique. This research is a great contribution to Uzbek historiography. Because it is safe to say that his scientific work, which is the result of many years of experience, skill, dedication, talent, tireless work, is exemplary for many.

1D.Alimova. Concepts of the history of Uzbekistan: theory and hypothesis. Volume III. T .: “Baqtria press”, 2018, 540 p.

2That work. Page 179

3Shamsutdinov Rustambek. A look at our historical heritage. Andijan, “Heritage”, pages 60–63.

4D. Alimova. Concepts of the history of Uzbekistan: theory and hypothesis. Volume III. T .: “Baqtria press”, 2018, p. 181–182.

5See: Rustambek Shamsutdinov. In search of Cholpon's heritage in Azerbaijan // "Vodiynoma" magazine, 2018, issue №1 (8), pages 2-14.

6Rustambek Shamsutdinov. In search of the heritage of Cholpon in the land of Azerbaijan. // “Vodiynoma” magazine, 2018, issue №1 (8), pages 2–14; That author. In search of the heritage of Cholpon in the land of Azerbaijan. // “Vodiynoma” magazine, 2018, issue (2 (9), pages 2–9; That author. In search of the heritage of Cholpon in the land of Azerbaijan. // “Vodiynoma” magazine, 2018, issue (2 (9), pages 5–18;

7Rustambek Shamsutdinov. Remembering the oppressed compatriots. T .: Akademnashr, 2018, pp. 15–98.

8Rustambek Shamsutdinov. Remembering the oppressed compatriots. T .: Akademnashr, 2018, pages 278–302.

9Rustambek Shamsutdinov. In search of the heritage of Cholpon in the land of Azerbaijan. // “Vodiynoma” magazine, 2018 son1 (8) issue, page 8.

10That source. Pages 8–9.

11Rustambek Shamsutdinov. Remembering the oppressed compatriots. T .: Akademnashr, pp. 43–44.

12 There.

13That source. Page 5

14R.Shamsutdinov. In search of Cholpon's heritage in the land of brotherly Azerbaijan // "Vodiynoma" magazine 2018 №2 (9) issues 2-3 pages.

15That source. Pages 4–7.

16R.Shamsutdinov. Remembering the oppressed compatriots. T .: “Akademnashr”, 2018, 102 pages.

17Rastambek Shamsutdinov. Remembering the oppressed compatriots. T .: “Akademnashr”, 2018, 304 pages.

18Rustambek Shamsutdinov. Remembering the oppressed compatriots. T .: “Akademnashr”, 2018, p.45.

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