I do apologize for...
I apologize for...
I am so sorry for...
It's all my fault.
Please, forgive me for...
I'm terribly sorry for...
Please, forgive me for my....
That's all right.
Don't apologize.
Don't worry about it.
That's OK.
You couldn't help it.
Don't worry about it.
Salomlashuv va xol-ahvol so‘rash
Hello! - Salom!
Good morning! - Xayrli tong!
Good afternoon! - Xayrli kun!
Good day! - Xayrli kun!
Good evening! - Xayrli oqshom!
You are welcome! - Xush kelibsiz!
I'm glad to meet you - Sizni uchratganimdan xursandman
How are you? - Yaxshimisiz?
How are you getting on? - Ishlaringiz qalay?
How is everybody at home? - Uydagilar yaxshimi?
How is your wife (son, daughter, children...)? - Turmush o'rtog'ingiz (o'g'lingiz, qizingiz, bolalaringiz) yaxshimi
Thank you, quite well - Rahmat yaxshi
And you? - Siz-chi?
Very much the same - O'zgarishlar yo'q
Perfectly all right, thank you - Juda yaxshi rahmat
Not so bad - Yomon emas
So, so - O'rtacha
Not so well - Uncha
yaxshi emas
Fine - Juda yaxshi
Hi! - Salom!
Welcome! - Xush kelibsiz!
Hello my friend! - Salom, do'stim!
How are you? (friendly) - Qalaysiz?
How are you? (polite) -Yaxshimisiz?
I'm fine, thank you! - Rahmat, yaxshiman!
And you? (friendly) - O'zingizchi?
And you? (polite) - O'zingizdan so'rasak?
Good! - Yaxshi!
Not so good! - Unchalik emas!
Long time no see! - Anchadan beri ko'rishmadik!
I missed you! - Sizni sog'indim!
What's new? - Yangiliklar bormi?
Nothing new! - Yangilik yoq!
Thank you (very much)! - Katta rahmat!
You're welcome! (for "thank you") - Marhamat!
My pleasure! - Arzimaydi!
Come in! (or: enter!) - Kiring!
Make yourself at home! -O'zingizni uyingizdagidek his qiling!
In short. – Xullas (qisqasi)
It doesn't matter – muhim emas (farqi yo’q)
It is a good idea – Bu yaxshi fikr
It is new to me – Bu men uchun yangilik
Let us hope for the best – Keling, yaxshi niyat qilaylik
May I ask you a question? – Maylimi savol bersam
On the one hand. – Bir tomondan…
On the other hand. – Boshqa tomondan…
Say it again, please – Iltimos, qaytarib yuboring
That's where the trouble lies – Mana gap nimada
What do you mean by saying it? – Bu bilan nima demoqchisiz?
What is the matter? – Nima bo’ldi?
Where were we? – Qayerda to’xtagandik?
You were saying? – Biror narsa dedingizmi?
Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
Always at all - Umuman
Therefore - Shu sababga ko'ra
Though - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
Although - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
Mean - Ungacha, hozircha
Nevertheless - Lekin, shunday bo'lsada, baribir
Perhaps - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
Probably - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
To put it mildly - Yumshoq qilib aytganda
At all - Umuman
In any case - Har qanaqa holatda hanlm
To tell the truth - To'g'risini aytganda
So - Ho'sh
How awful! - Qanday yomon!
On short time - Tez orada
Come up - Paydo bo’lmoq
Fortnight - Ikki hafta
Condition - Shart
Now and then - Onda sonda
Moreover - Undan tashqari
Are you free tomorrow evening? - Ertaga kechki payt bo'shmisiz?
I would like to invite you to dinner - Kechki ovqatga taklif qilmoqchiman
You look beautiful! (to a woman) - Ko'rinishingiz yaxshi
You have a beautiful name -
Ismingiz chiroyli ekan
Can you tell me more about you? - O'zingiz haqida ko'proq gapirib beraolasizmi?
Are you married? - Turmush qurganmisiz?
I'm single - Bo'ydoqman (for men) / Turmushga chiqmaganman (for women)
I'm married - Uylanganman (for men), / turmushga, chiqqanman (for women)
Can I have your phone number? - Telefon raqamingizni bera olasizmi?
Can I have your email? - Elektron manzilingizni bera olasizmi?
Do you have any pictures of you? - Rasmingiz bormi?
Allergy [ˈalədʒi] - Allergiya
Brain attack [breɪn əˈtak] - Insult
Bronchitis [brɒŋˈkʌɪtɪs] - Bronxit
Burn [bəːn] - Kuyish
Cancer [ˈkansə] - Saraton
Chicken pox [ˈtʃɪkɪnpɒks] - Chipqon
Cold [kəʊld] - Shamollash
Colitis [kəˈlʌɪtɪs] - Kulunj (yo'g'on ichak yallig'lanishi)
Contagious disease [kənˈteɪdʒəs dɪˈziːz] - Yuqumli kasalliklar
Diabetes [ˌdʌɪəˈbiːtiːz] - Diabet
Disordered stomach [dɪsˈɔːdəd ˈstʌmək] - Oshqozon og'rig'i
Dysentery [ˈdɪs(ə)nt(ə)ri] - Dizenteriya
Epilepsy [ˈɛpɪlɛpsi] - Tutqanoq
Food poisoning [fuːd ˈpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ] - Oziq-ovqatdan zaharlanish
Gastritis [gaˈstrʌɪtɪs] - Gastrit
Heart attack [hɑːt əˈtak] - Yurak xuruji, infarkt
Hypertension [hʌɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)n] - Gipertenziya
Inflammation [ɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] - Yallig'lanish
Influenza [ɪnflʊˈɛnzə], flu [fluː] - Gripp
Measles [ˈmiːz(ə)lz] - Qizamiq
Nephritis [nɪˈfrʌɪtɪs] - Nefrit
Pharyngitis [ˌfarɪŋˈdʒʌɪtɪs] - Farangit
Pneumonia [njuːˈməʊnɪə] - Pnevmoniya
Rheumatism [ˈruːmətɪz(ə)m] - Revmatizm
Smallpox [ˈsmɔːlpɒks] - Chechak
Tuberculosis [tjʊˌbəːkjʊˈləʊsɪs] - Sil
Tumour [ˈtjuːmə] - Shish, o'simta
Ulcer [ˈʌlsə] - Oshqozon Yarasi
all the same - baribir, qaramasdan
keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
by the time - borib, -guncha
lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
by the way - aytgancha
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: