catch up with = yetib olmoq
check in = (mehmonxonaga) kelish
check out = (mexmonxonadan) ketmoq
drop off = tushmoq, uxlamoq
get back = qaytib kelmoq
go away = ta’tilga ketmoq
keep up with = yetishib yurmoq
make for = …tomon yurmoq
pick up = olib ketmoq, ko’tarmoq
pull in = chetda to’xtamoq
accident = avariya
have an accident = avariyaga uchramoq
be (involved) in an accident = avariyaga aralashib qolmoq
do sth by accident = bilmasdan (biror ishni) bajarmoq
advance = rivojlanmoq, oldindan
in advance = oldindan
advance to/towards a place = tomonga bormoq
ahead = oldinga
go straight ahead = to’g’riga yurmoq
go ahead = oldinga yurmoq
be ahead of sth/sb = …dan oldinda bo’lmoq
direction = yo’nalish
a change of direction = yo’nalish o’zgarishi
in the direction of sth = …ning yo’nalishida
in this/that direction = bu/u yo’nalishda
head = bosh, yo’naltirmoq
off the top of your head = eng tepasidan pastga
head for/towards a place = …tomonga yurmoq
head over heels (in love) = qattiq sevmoq
holiday = ta’til
go/be on holiday = ta’tilga ketmoq/bo’lmoq
have/take a holiday = ta’til olmoq
bank holiday = bank ta’tili, dam olish kuni
left = chap tomon
go/turn/etc left = chapga burilmoq
on the left = chapda tomonda
on the left-hand side = chap tomonda
in the left-hand corner = chap burchakda
left-handed = chapaqay
route = yo’nalish
plan your/a route = yo’nalishni belgilamoq
take a route = yo’nalishni olmoq
sights = manzara
see the sights = manzaralarni tomosha qilmoq
sightseeing = tomosha qilish
go sightseeing = tomoshaga bormoq
speed = tezlik
at (high/full/etc) speed = eng yuqoi tezlikda
a burst of speed = tezlik oshishi
speed limit = tezlik chegarasi
tour = sayohat
go on/take a tour of/(a)round somewhere = sayohatga chiqmoq
tour a place = …ni sayr qilmoq
tour guide = gid (yo’l ko’rsatuvchi)
trip = sayohat
business trip = biznes sayohat
school trip = maktab sayohati
go on a trip = sayrga chiqmoq
take a trip (to a place) = sahohatga bormoq
way = yo’l, usul
lose/make/find your way = yo’lni yo’qotmoq/topmoq
in a way = yo’lda, usulda
on the way = yo’lida
go all the way (to sth/swh) = barcha usuldan foydalanmoq
best = eng yaxshi
make the best of sth = zo’r harakat qilmoq
do your best = iloji boricha ishlash
the best at sth/doing = …da zo’r
chance = imkoniyat
have/take/get a chance to do = …ni bajarishga imkoni bo’lmoq
have a chance of doing = …ni bajarishga imkoni bo’lmoq
some/little/etc chance of (your) doing = imkoni kam bo’lmoq
the chances of (your) doing = bajarish imkoni
take a chance (on sth) = …ga imkonni qo’lga kiritmoq
chance of a lifetime = umrdagi bir marotaba imkoniyat
go = bormoq
your go = sening yurishing
have a go = yurish qil
height = balandlik
in height = balandlikda
afraid of heights = balandlikdan qo’rqmoq
height of sth = …ning balandligi
mad = jinni
mad about/on sth/sb/doing = …ga juda qiziqmoq
go/become mad = jinni bo’lmoq
pleasure = rohat
take pleasure in sth/doing = …ni bajarishdan rohatlanmoq
gain/get pleasure from sth/doing = …ni bajarishdan rohatlanmoq
popular = mashhur
popular with/among = …da mashhur
side = tomon
(on) the opposite side = qarama - qarshi tomonda
(on) the far side = uzoq tomonda
side with sb = …bilan bir tomonda
on the winning/losing side = yutayotgan/yutqizayotgan tomonda
talent = iqtidor
have a talent (for sth/doing) = …ni bajarishga iqtidori bor
talent contest = iqtidorlar tanlovi
time = vaqt
on time = o’z vaqtida
(just) in time = ayni vaqtida
high/about time = vaqti bo’ldi
the whole time = butun vaqt hammasida
sth takes up (your) time = vaqting(iz)ni olmoq
take your time (doing) = 1.xohlagancha vaqt, 2. sekin ishlamoq
take time to do = …ga vaqti bo’lmoq
spend time doing = …ni bajarib vaqt o’tqazmoq
spend time on = …ga vaqt sarflamoq
at/for a certain time = aniq vaqtda
time passes = vaqt o’tmoq
find time to do = …uchun vaqt topmoq
make/find time for = …uchun vaqt topmoq
for the time being = vaqtincha
have a good/nice time (doing) =... bajarib yaxshi vaqt o’tqazmoq
tell the time = vaqtni aytmoq
free/spare/leisure time = bo’sh/bo’sh/madaniy dam olish vaqti
turn = burilmoq
turn (a)round/away = qayrilib qaramoq
turn sth over = burib qo’ymoq
in turn = navbat bilan
take turns = navbat olmoq
take it in turn(s) (to do) = navbat bilan bajarmoq
your turn (to do) = sening navbating
compete = musobaqalashmoq
compete for/in sth = …da musobaqalashmoq
concentrate on sth/doing = …ga diqqatni jamlamoq
listen to sth/sb = …ni tinglamoq
love sth/sb/doing = …ni yaxshi ko’rmoq
love to do = …ni bajarishni yaxshi ko’rmoq
difficult to do = bajarishga qiyin
find sth difficult = …ni qiyin deb bilmoq
find it difficult to do = ni bajarishni qiyin deb bilmoq
against/with sb = …ga qarshi/…bilan
interested in sth/doing = …ga qiziqmoq
mean to do = bajarishga harakat qilmoq
Destination B2: Word patterns
it/this means that = bu shuni bildiradiki
it/this means sth/doing = …ni bajarishni taqozo etadi
fond of sth/sb/doing = …ning ishqibozi
prefer to do (rather than (to) (do) = …dan …ni afzal bilmoq
prefer sth (rather than sth) = …ni afzal bilmoq
prefer sth/doing (to sth/doing) = …dan …ni afzal bilmoq
free to do = bajarish bemalol
free from/of sth = …dan ozod
free for sth = …uchun bepul
stop sth/doing = …dan to’xtatmoq
stop to do = bajarish uchun to’xtamoq
stop sb from doing = …ni …dan to’xtatmoq
interested in sth/doing = …ga qiziqmoq
sure/certain = aniq
make/be sure/certain that = ishonchi komil bo’lmoq
sure/certain to do = bajarishi aniq
be sure/certain of sth = …ga ishonchim komil
involve sth/doing = …ga aralashib qolmoq
involved in sth/doing = …ga aralashib qolgan
bring forward = oldinga surmoq
carry on = davom ettirmoq
get round = boshlamoq
get up = to bajarmoq
go in for = qatnashmoq
go off = tashlamoq
join in = qo’shilmoq
knock out = yiqitmoq
look out = ehtiyot bo’lmoq
pull out = aralashmaslik
put off = kechiktirmoq
put up with = ko’nikmoq
take to = odatni boshlamoq
take up = sportni boshlamoq
catch up with - yetishib olmoq.
check in - ro'yxatdan o'tmoq
check out - mehmonxonani tark etmoq; tekshirib ko'rmoq.
drop off - mashinada tashlab qo'ymoq.
get back - qaytmoq.
go away - ta'tilga chiqmoq.
keep up with - yetishib olmoq.
make for - ga tomon ketmoq.
pick up - mashinada biror kishini olish uchun to'xtamoq.
pull in - mashinada yo'l chetida to'xtamoq.
run over - mashinada urib yubormoq.
see off - kuzatib qo'ymoq.
see out/off - yo'lga chiqmoq.
take off - uchmoq.
turn round - orqaga burilmoq.
Get back= orqaga qaytmoq
What time will you get back?
Get in=ichkariga kirmoq
She’s trying to get in the house.
Get by= o’tmoq, bosib o’tmoq
That truck wants to get by us.
Put on=kiyinmoq
He’s putting on his shoes.
Put off= kechiktirmoq
Don’t put off your homework.
Put down= haqoratlamoq
His wife alwaysputs him down.
Look up= qidirmoq
Look the information uponline.
Look at= ko’rmoq
They’re looking at you.
Look out=ehtiyot bo’lmoq
Look out for falling rocks!
Bring up=so’ramoq
Sam brought up a good question.
Bring back=qaytarmoq
I have to bring these books back.
Bring along=ko’tarmoq
Bring along an umbrella.
Phrases and collocations
best — eng yaxshi
make the best of sth — zo’r harakat qilmoq
do your best — iloji boricha ishlash
the best at sth/doing — …da zo’r
chance — imkoniyat
have/take/get a chance to do — …ni bajarishga imkoni bo’lmq
have a chance of doing — …ni bjarishga imkoni bo’lmoq
some/little/etc chance of (your) doing — imkoni kam bo’lmoq
the chances of (your) doing — bajarish imkoni
take a chance (on sth) — …ga imkonni qo’lga kiritmoq
chance of a lifetime — umrdagi bir marotaba imkoniyat
go — bormoq
your go — sening yurishing
have a go — yurish qil
height — balandlik
in height — balandlikda
afraid of heights — balandlikdan qo’rqmoq
height of sth — …ning balandligi
Destination B2 (Unit 4)
Phrases and collocations
mad — jinni
mad about/on sth/sb/doing — …ga juda qiziqmoq
go/become mad — jinni bo’lmoq
pleasure — rohat
take pleasure in sth/doing — …ni bajarishdan rohatlanmoq
gain/get pleasure from sth/doing — …ni bajarishdan rohatlanmoq
popular — mashhur
popular with/among — …da mashhur
side — tomon
(on) the opposite side — qarama — qarshi tomonda
(on) the far side — uzoq tomonda
side with sb — …bilan bir tomonda
on the winning/losing side — yutayotgan/yutqizayotgan tomonda
talent — iqtidor
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