fraction boiling at 300-600 °C. 10% additives are used to control lubricant
properties, such as viscosity.
Fuel oils is a common term encompassing a wide range
of fuels that also
includes forms of kerosene and diesel, as well as the
heavy fuel oil and
bunker that is produced at the low end of the column before bitumen and
coke residues. Fuel oil is graded on a scale of 1 to 6 where grade 1 and 2 is
to kerosene and diesel, 3 is rarely used anymore. 4-6 are the heavy
fuels, also called Bunker A, B and C, where B and C are very high viscosity
at normal ambient temperatures and requires preheating to about 100 °C
and 120 °C respectively, before it flows enough to be used in an engine or
burner. Fuel oil grade 4 does not require preheating and
is sometimes mixed
with off spec products, such as tank residue and interface liquid from
multiphase pipelines or with grade 2 fuel oil to achieve low-enough viscosity
at ambient temperatures. Fuel oil 6 is the lowest grade,
its specification also
allows 2% water and 0.5% mineral soil and is consumed almost exclusively
by large ships in international waters, where pollutants such as sulfur is less
Bitumen and other residues like coke and tar has carbon numbers above 70
and boiling points above 525 °C. Low sulfur coke can be used for anodes in
the metals industry (aluminum and steel) after processing (calcining). The
is a problem fuel, because of high sulfur content and even higher
emissions than coal (typically 15% higher). Bitumen in the form of
asphalt boiling above 525 °C is used for roofing and road paving.
concrete pavement material is commonly composed of 5% asphalt/bitumen
and 95% stone, sand, and gravel (aggregates).
6.3 Upgrading and advanced processes
The Refinery make up differs from an upstream plant,
in that the overall site
is divided up in to process types or 'units'. The refining plant type processes
are generally licensed, and a license is required to build and operate one of
these. Each license will be the same but scaled to meet the processing
capacity in tons per day. A full explanation of these processes is beyond the
of this book, but a non-exhaustive description is given below.
The following figure gives a more detailed process flow diagram of an actual
modern refinery. It shows the extent of treatment that takes place after initial
fractional distillation, to improve fuel yield and functional properties, and an
explanation of why modern gasoline at the pump contains less than 20% raw
gasoline straight from the column. Additional processes may also be
included, e.g., for crude pre-treatment to be able
to source lower quality
crudes with less processing at the production site.