2.6.Listening and speaking as an interactive processes. Speaking means conveying the message through the words of month. This skill is also called Oral skill or Communicative skill. To develop speaking skill the students need intensive practise. Speaking practise is usually done in pair or group work. Types of class activities for children: language specialists have composed oral skills in to four exact types.
1.Exercise or Linguistically Structured activities.
2.Practical activities.
3.Participating activities.
4.Observation activities
Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols in a variety of contexts.6 Exercises or Linguistically Structured Activities supply a particular structure and the learners practise it by repeating it.such as learner 1 to learner 2 I am Jack. What is your name. learner 3 to learner 4 I am Andrew. What is your name.so on. In performance activities learners make ready themselves beforehand and carries a message to a group.e.g. learner’s speech. In participating activities students take part in some communicative activities in a natural settings e.g discussions on some topics. In observation activities learners observe something, writes a short summary and demonstrate his finding to the class. You can use some most commonly used activities. For example: brief speeches, gap activities, role play, discussion activities. In short speeches learners might be given some easy stories. 2. Make ready them in oral or written form. Come to the blackboard and conduct a lecture or speech for indicated time frame before the classroom. Gap activities is a form of a dialogue. One learner has some information that the other learner does not have and an interview or self introduction is an activity of this kind. Role play is also a form of dialogue. Learners may be asked to play different roles in the form of a drama. They play different roles in english e.g. one learner act like seller and the other as the costumer in a shopping situation. In discusion part of dialogue the teacher will give some topics or photographs to give them instruction how to continue. In this part learners discuss the topics or stories than the teacher or manager of group ask the questions and discussions are go on. Teaching method in English for children is a kind of teaching a language which is based on systematic principles which is on implementatious of views on how a language is best studied and learned. Approach is learners outlook toward teaching. Method a kind of dependent and and intensive acts done by a teacher and learners to obtain the objectives of the lesson.
Technique the personal skill and style of the teachers in handing the procedure of teaching.strategy set of decisions to gain on objective which results in plan. Grammar translated method began in Germany at the end of the 18 th century and become wellknown at the beginning of the 12th century. Application of methods for children used in Latin and Greek to teaching of modern language for children. Speaking is an interactive process of organizing meaning that involves producing and accepting and processing information.
Communication embraces a whole spectrum of functions. In teaching children we might use following interactive methods to develop their listening and speaking skills
chain drill
project work
group work
role playing
Other teaching methods Humanism is expressed in applied linguistics as language teaching respecting the reality of learners,helping for personal growth and responsibility getting psychological and essential factors into account and representing whole human learning the roots of humanism in language teaching are different. One-one is the discovery learning attempts. Learners need to be fully alert to do a lot of what the teacher says to play the big part in the learning. Different helps are used as ordinary instructors or to make appearences helping the learners deduce the meaning for themselves. The method has a lot of traditional kinds including use of national structural plans. The future is always unexact and this is no less true in beforehand methodological trends in second language teaching than in any other sphere.
Some current predictions assume the carrying on. There are many ways to express discourse (along and serious treatment or discussion of a subject in speech or writing)
according if it is written or spoken
according to the register(level of formality)
according to the genre
according to if it is monologic, dialogic or multiparty
The distinction betweenoral speech and writing is sometimes referred means as channel or medium as speaking and writing involve different psychological process. Spoken and written discours differ for lots of reasons. Spoken discourse has to be understood quickly and written discourse can be referred to many times.
In children learning style is described as a team of characteristics relations and behaviours that specify our child’s way of learning. Different ways of learning influence the form children’s learning. How teacher teach and how is the interaction between them.
Visual learner
Auditory learner
Kinesthetic learner
To develop childrens speaking to:7
Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns
Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns.and the rhyme of the second language
Select suitable words and sentances according to proper social setting audience situation and subject matter.
Create their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence
Use language as means of conveying values
Learning can be devided into individuals and in group learners. Benefits of group work
Learners are encouraged to active rather than positive students by improving collaborate and cooparative skills and learning skills
It encourages the improvement of critical skills
It is generally agreed that language learner autonomy is a matter of student control and self-direction. Most discussion assumes that the crucial distinction is between non-autonomous and autonomous learners and the teacher’s role is to manage the transition to self-directed learning. The notion of being autonomy student was first elaborated by Henri Holec in “Autonomy and foreign language learning ” a report published by the council of Europe in 1979. Holic specify student autonomy in terms of student self-direction and supervision of the studing event. For him the helper’s principal work was to support the transition from omiting to the teacher to independence by aiding students to improve their capability for self management. This approach to student autonomy focus on the alone student and his or her use of intelectual and mental resourses to broaden the language learning event. It has a very big influence on the improvement of self access language studying in university language focuses in the 1980s. Becouse Holic distinguished between nonindividual and individual students, he saw language learning and the imrovement of student autonomy as two distinguish event. This aids to understand the concernsof some investigators to explore students readinness for individual and a lot of motions over the past thirty years to try on and mark students. Studyingning style is described as a group of characteristics, attitudes and behaviours that specify our way of studying.