2 (T12) Listen to an interview with a student organization leaders. Which of these questions was not mentioned? a. What is a risk management?
b. What are risk management concepts?
c. Does a risk management have specific types?
d. Is risk management in-born skill?
e. What are the risk activities?
f. How can a student identify and reduce the risk?
g. Have you ever been in risk managing cases?
3 Answer the questions according to the tape a. What action is annually fulfilled by the High
Educational Institution authority at the beginnii
of an academic year?
b. Why has Islomiddin been promoted as a leader
i a student organization?
c. What term has Islomiddin found unclear in tS
d. What is Islomiddin’s aim in visiting Javohir?
e. What role does Javohir play in University life?