O 30th anniversary of independence of uzbekistan

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The great and glorious date in the history of the new Uzbekistan - the thirtieth anniversary of independence of our Motherland is being greeted with great joy by our people.

The great work done in the past to build a new democratic state and civil society in our country, the high results achieved, undoubtedly, the invaluable contribution of our compatriots who work selflessly in various spheres and spheres of life.
Recognition and worthy rewarding of the services of such noble people to the country will play an important role in inspiring our compatriots, especially our youth, to strengthen the feelings of love and devotion to the Motherland in their hearts.
The comprehensive development of our country, which greatly contributes to the growth of its global prestige, is an example and role model in improving the economy and welfare of our people, ensuring peace and stability in our society, interethnic harmony and tolerance, the young generation. In order to bring up healthy and harmoniously developed people, to award our compatriots with the commemorative medal "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" who have shown special devotion in educating them in the spirit of patriotism, respect for national and universal values:
1. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, state bodies and organizations, public associations and other republican agencies and the Jogorku Kenesh of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent to consider and approve the lists submitted by city administrations.
2. Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of republican bodies of ministries, departments and public associations, Chairman of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Republic of Karakalpakstan khokims of regions and the city of Tashkent and other officials to ensure the solemn presentation of the commemorative badges "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on behalf of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the events dedicated to the Independence Day.
3. Extensive coverage of events dedicated to the awarding of the "30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" to the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National News Agency of Uzbekistan, the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan and other media recommended.
Today, Uzbekistan has entered a qualitatively new stage of its independent development. Along the way, it has been cooperating effectively with many countries and major international organizations in various fields. In particular, significant results are being achieved in developing friendly and mutually beneficial relations with foreign countries.
It can be said that today the head of our state is a leader who strives for the well-being not only of Uzbekistan, but also of Central Asia, living and working with the dream of transforming the region into an industrialized, prosperous and widely integrated with the world.
In a short period of time, the people of Uzbekistan have made great strides, which is the basis for our country to take a worthy place in the world community. In this regard, the process of reforms and modernization initiated by the head of our state, including the policy of strengthening ties with neighboring countries, is recognized by the world community. 
In the conversation with the editor-in-chief of the Yangi Uzbekistan newspaper, the President spoke in detail about the democratic changes taking place in the country, as well as foreign and regional policy. Another important feature is that the New Uzbekistan is developing on the principles of friendly cooperation with the world community, adhering to the universally recognized norms and principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms, the ultimate goal of which is freedom for our people. it is emphasized that it is a state that consists in creating a prosperous and prosperous life.
These democratic changes are being carried out not in order to please someone, to brag, to enter various rankings, but in the interests of our people, first of all, the present life and future of our young generation. In particular, "human rights and freedoms", "rule of law", "openness and transparency", "freedom of speech", "freedom of religion and belief", "public control", "gender equality", "inviolability of private property" It is noteworthy that fundamental democratic concepts and life skills, such as "freedom of economic activity", are now becoming a reality.
Speaking of the new Uzbekistan, first of all, a new economic relationship, a new economic outlook. You can't list all the work that has been done in the last five years. to convert money from electronic cards into cash through ATMs, which has been bothering people for many years, to have the national currency exchange rate on the "black market" and different in banks, to buy foreign currency, to obtain citizenship, O A number of problems related to the purchase and registration of housing and property from any part of Uzbekistan have gone down in history.
Over the past five years, thanks to the strong political will of the head of our state, entrepreneurs have gained freedom and new opportunities to develop their business, and farmers and cluster farms are becoming the real owners of their crops. All this testifies to the fact that the President is constantly working day and night for the development of our country, the well-being of our people, and this process is intensifying and rising to a new level of quality.
The country has a huge potential in agriculture, ancient experience and rich traditions, but for a long time in this sector has not been introduced a market economy approach and financial incentives, insufficient funding and scientific innovations for its development. also mentioned. This means that we now need to increase our minds, intellectual capacity, knowledge and experience, and turn these factors into points of economic growth and resources.
As our President said, at the expense of what? Of course, this can be achieved through knowledge and experience, constant study, research, aspiration to innovation, introduction of high technologies, effective implementation of reforms. Therefore, the mass and systemic transformation of the agricultural sector has begun in our country. The main goal is to make this sector one of the main drivers of the economy, and for this purpose, the Agricultural Development Strategy for 2020-2030 clearly defines the main tasks for the development of the sector.
In particular, a plan for the accelerated development of agriculture, food sector and villages in the next ten years is envisaged. Important steps are being taken to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the agricultural sector through the organization of work on a completely new basis, the creation of thousands of new jobs in this area and the improvement of living standards in rural areas.
Of course, choosing the right path to determine the fate and future of a country with a population of more than 35 million, which has accumulated many problems in the past, is a great intelligence, knowledge and experience from the head of state. , requires strong will, courage and perseverance. At the same time, to implement the chosen path of development through social institutions, effective mechanisms, to convince people of the goals and results of reforms, to inspire the whole society and mobilize it for great goals is a more difficult task. settings.
In recent years, when Uzbekistan has entered a new stage of national development, the efforts of the President in the political and social space have gained momentum, and day and night for the prosperity of our country and the well-being of our people. , shows that the existing knowledge and experience, forces and capabilities are being mobilized, and that this process is intensifying and rising to a new level of quality.
It should be noted that this comprehensive article, which embodies the traces of historical processes, describes how difficult and difficult, as well as honorable development of our brave and noble people under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in recent years. Its power is a mirror image of building a new state of Uzbekistan with its potential.
It is no exaggeration to say that today all our compatriots want the new reforms that have begun to continue more vigorously. Shavkat Mirziyoyev is the author of reforms in the new Uzbekistan.
We are accountable to our people and voters for the full implementation of the tasks set out in the December 2016 presidential election program. The most important directions of the election program have been successfully implemented for five years on the basis of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.
In accordance with this strategy in each area, systematic work on state and society building, improvement of the judicial system, implementation of administrative reforms, liberalization of the economy, formation of a favorable business and investment climate, implementation of mutually beneficial foreign policy. measures were taken. The head of our state is personally involved in this work.
The covers of the problems that have plagued our people for decades, to put it simply, have been opened. Today we are talking about poverty reduction as a simple case. But we have heard many times from our leader that it was not easy to recognize this problem in his time. This issue, which is a "closed topic", is now being addressed systematically. The government has radically changed its way of working. The Ministries of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, Neighborhood and Family Support have been established. Poverty alleviation policy has risen to the level of public policy.
The noble initiative, which began in the village of Manas as part of the "Prosperous Village" program, has spread to the most remote villages today. In 2017-2020, the appearance of 1,200 neighborhoods and villages with a population of 5 million people has changed radically. The program of construction, repair and beautification of property is being implemented.
It was a period of unprecedented change, especially for entrepreneurs and farmers. Unjustified inspections were stopped, exporters were encouraged, and business initiatives were fully supported. It is more accurate to say that the past five years have been a period of radical change in not only the domestic but also foreign policy of our country, the discovery of the New Uzbekistan in the world. After all, the number of small and private businesses in our country has recently doubled, with more than 50 percent of enterprises in this sector established in the last three years alone. Because if entrepreneurs are not supported by the state, if conditions are not created for them, if the number of private enterprises is not increased, the local budgets of cities and districts will remain helpless.
As I read this historic interview, I was struck by the following: “We all need to understand one truth: supporting entrepreneurship is the most effective way to increase the well-being of our people, to build a new Uzbekistan. is the ultimate goal. I believe that further liberalization of life in our country, an environment of openness and transparency, and the expansion of public control will play an important role in addressing the existing shortcomings and shortcomings in this area. ”
In conclusion, today Uzbekistan regularly promotes important initiatives and political proposals in the framework of international organizations. The glorious work carried out by our President is supported not only by our people, but also by the world community. This is a shining example of a new government, a new strategy and new opportunities in independent Uzbekistan.
It is undeniable that the comprehensive reforms being carried out in our country in recent years have been based on such priorities as creating a prosperous lifestyle for our people and enhancing the image of New Uzbekistan in the world community.
In the conversation with the editor-in-chief of the Yangi Uzbekistan newspaper, the head of state drew attention to these aspects and described in detail the practical work done in all spheres in our country over the past five years.
In particular, large-scale work has been carried out in the past in the framework of the state programs "Obod Qishloq" and "Obod Mahalla" in our regions. This year alone, construction, repair and beautification works worth 20.8 trillion soums are being carried out in 7,794 villages and mahallas in all districts and cities.
In our country, a system of social support has been established, through which assistance is provided to each needy person, taking into account his needs. some of the shortcomings and deficiencies that now remain in the social protection system will be gradually eliminated. By improving this system, a good result will be achieved, uniting all the healthy forces in the society around this goal.
It is obvious that in the implementation of systemic measures aimed at direct, purposeful financial support of needy citizens, the main focus is not on subsidizing the poor, rather, it is aimed at creating the necessary conditions and opportunities for them to earn an income.
Speaking about the achievements of recent years, the President cited the example of the complete abandonment of old procedures, such as "propiska", "stickers" for travel abroad, forced labor, state orders for cotton and grain.
In fact, those who came to Tashkent from other parts of the country for work and residence were first asked for a "propiska." It so happened that the reason for the propiska were those who lost their jobs. We still remember that there were bureaucratic obstacles when it came to going abroad to your father and mother. Involving students in the harvest during the cotton harvest season was an unpleasant practice that lasted for many years. The result can be seen in the decline in the quality of education and in many other respects.
In fact, in recent years, under the leadership of the head of our state, large-scale reforms have been carried out in our country, and we see in the minds of our citizens the satisfaction of life.
Of course, we still have a lot of work to do. Our goal is to make a worthy contribution to the development of our beloved Motherland and to mobilize all our experience and strength in this direction.
In a few days we will celebrate our greatest and dearest holiday - the thirtieth anniversary of independence of our Motherland. In other words, we look at our great building called Independence from a distance of three decades, evaluate it objectively, and are proud of its achievements. In his conversation with the editor-in-chief of the Yangi Uzbekistan newspaper, the President noted that the early days of independence of the Uzbek people were not easy. He acknowledged that the lib had been set up and that it had three independent branches — the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.
Admittedly, over the past five years of independence, especially with violent, high-speed reforms, our country has become a country of truly democratic change, broad opportunities and practical work. The concept of "New Uzbekistan" has become a reality.
As I read this conversation, I was filled with a sense of pride for the Motherland in which I live. After all, this country belongs to all of us. His achievements, successes, universal victories - to each and every one of us!
Of course, the idea of ​​"New Uzbekistan" did not appear spontaneously. This idea was a product of historical necessity. In the words of our President, “The establishment of a new Uzbekistan is not just a wish, a subjective event, but a political, legal, socio-economic, spiritual and political development of our country, which has a deep historical basis. It is an objective necessity of the enlightenment situation, which is in line with the age-old aspirations of our people and fully meets its national interests. ”
Undoubtedly, we are glad to be among the creators of such a new space, a new era.
Most importantly, in this responsible process, the goal and the ways to achieve it have been clearly defined, and huge reforms have been carried out across the country. All of the changes have been implemented, with strict adherence to the principle of justice and fairness again. There was a firm belief that the reforms would not be reversed. Such confidence of the people is able to work miracles in every field.
All positive changes occur first of all in people's way of life, in their daily life. Imagine for a second you could imagine the complete abandonment of old regimes, such as forced labor, state orders for cotton and grain, six or seven years ago. Or how to easily convert money from an electronic card into cash through ATMs, buy foreign currency from banks at will, get citizenship, buy and register housing and property from any part of Uzbekistan? It was unimaginable. But today they have become a reality, despite the fact that, in the words of the President, "the sky was not broken and did not fall to the ground. On the contrary, bureaucracy, abuse of office,
Life has become freer, people have started to breathe easier ... Isn't this the essence of the reforms carried out for the benefit of the people ...
we admit, we started living well. Naturally, in proportion to this, our consumer demand and needs are constantly increasing. Our resources, such as our land and water, do not increase by themselves. What to do? In his interview, the President noted the most important and priority aspect of modern civilization: "Therefore, we must now increase our intelligence, intellectual potential, knowledge and experience, and turn these factors into points of economic growth and resources."
Indeed, in exchange for knowledge and experience, constant study, research, innovation, introduction of high technologies, effective implementation of reforms, New Uzbekistan will have a stronger potential in the world arena, a worthy reputation. We can turn it into a prosperous and prosperous country in all respects.
The President also touched upon 6 priority tasks at the current stage of the country's development. The fifth priority is to protect the health and lives of our people during the pandemic, he said. It was noted that many necessary measures are being taken in the field of medicine today at the expense of these funds. At the same time, they expressed their views on the existing problems in the field of medicine and their solutions. In particular, it was noted that one of the main tasks is to strengthen the primary level of medicine, staffing the sector. Especially,
In short, without this interview of our President, we can consider the ongoing reforms in all areas and the conceptual basis of future programs and plans. And we will work without forgetting the responsibility and honor of being among the builders of New Uzbekistan - the glorious historical task entrusted to us.
Young people are the mainstay of our nation
No matter where the head of our state speaks, he always pays special attention to education and upbringing. Because education is not only about the youth, the future, but also about our past, our mentality, our great values.
In his conversation with the editor-in-chief of the Yangi Uzbekistan newspaper, the head of our state touched upon this issue as well.
"Today, we attach great importance to creating all conditions for the younger generation to acquire knowledge, develop their talents and potential in science, innovation, literature, art and sports, to take an active part in the socio-political life of our society," he said. stressed.
Young people are emerging as a decisive force in the effective implementation of our large-scale reforms. Our boys and girls, who have received modern education, advanced professions, innovative technologies and foreign languages, play a leading role in the further development of our country.
Our children, who are known to us from history, who have made great discoveries in the field of science, who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of universal thinking, are faithful to the heritage of our great scientists.
The words of the head of our state "Bringing up new Khorezmians, Fergana people, Beruni people, Ibn Sina people, Mirzo Ulugbeks and Navoi people in our country is not only our task, but also our sacred duty to history and the future." .
The increase in the number of universities in our country with the aim of training highly qualified and competitive personnel, the opening of branches of foreign higher education institutions and the doubling of this in a short period of time will undoubtedly increase the intellectual potential of our youth and society. , modern knowledge is the result of our efforts to bring it closer to the profession.
Over the past five years, the quota for admission to higher education has been tripled, and this year 182,000 young people have the opportunity to become students. That means total coverage reached 28 percent.
In this regard, the increase in state grants from 21 thousand to 47 thousand, taking last year's experience to a new level and allocating special grants to 2,000 girls from needy families to enter universities this year is a practical example of attention to ensuring the future of our youth.
In our country, special attention is paid to the harmonious and balanced development of all stages of the national education system. At present, major changes are taking place in the school education system in our country on the basis of the idea that "New Uzbekistan begins at the threshold of school." The number of presidential schools, creative and specialized schools is increasing.
In particular, the implementation of the ideas and initiatives of our young boys and girls in the field of entrepreneurship, the state's emphasis on providing them with jobs and sources of income encourages every young person to take bold steps into the future with confidence.
“You know, there are many criteria and parameters that show the level of development of countries and nations in the world. But the most important criterion for me in this regard is the happiness and perfection of our youth, ”said the President.
Any young person who responsibly understands this expressed confidence, the conditions created and the attention paid can, of course, respond responsibly to their implementation as well. Because the ancestor of this country is great, and the blood of this greatness is flowing in his generation.
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