Annex 9 │ Stakeholder consultations 213 Section A. Nature of role in financial intermediation 1. How have developments in the financial sector and in financial intermediation from 2000 to 2010 impacted on the roles and activities of insurance undertakings? OPEN RESPONSE 2. What effects have the abovementioned changes had on the risks faced by insurance undertakings? OPEN RESPONSE 3. What new links have developed between insurance undertakings and the banking sector as a result of changes in the financial activities in the insurance sector? OPEN RESPONSE
Annex 9 │ Stakeholder consultations 214 Section B. Experiences of the financial crisis In this section we would like you to consider sectoral balance sheet developments prior to and during the financial crisis for insurance undertakings. These developments are described in the table below. The data provided are official national accounts constructed by the European Commission and Member State