bet 4/4 Sana 06.07.2022 Hajmi 34,06 Kb. #749870
1-Mustaqil ish
Nomlar maydoni nomlari noyob bo'lishi kerak, ya'ni ular ko'pincha juda qisqa bo'lmasligi kerak. Agar ismning uzunligi kodni o'qishni qiyinlashtirsa yoki direktivalardan foydalanish mumkin bo'lmagan sarlavha fayliga yozish zerikarli bo'lsa, siz haqiqiy ismning qisqartmasi bo'lib xizmat qiladigan nomlar maydoniga taxallus yaratishingiz mumkin. Masalan:
namespace a_very_long_namespace_name { class Foo {}; }
namespace AVLNN = a_very_long_namespace_name;
void Bar(AVLNN::Foo foo){ }
anonim yoki nomsiz fazolar
Siz aniq nom maydoni yaratishingiz mumkin, lekin unga nom bermaysiz:
int MyFunc(){}
Bu nomsiz yoki anonim nom maydoni deb ataladi va siz o'zgaruvchilar deklaratsiyasini boshqa fayllardagi kodga ko'rinmas holga keltirmoqchi bo'lsangiz (ya'ni, ularga ichki bog'lanishni) nomli nomlar maydoni yaratmasdan foydali bo'ladi. Xuddi shu fayldagi barcha kod identifikatorlarni nomsiz nomlar maydonida ko'rishi mumkin, ammo identifikatorlar nom maydonining o'zi bilan birga ushbu fayldan tashqarida, aniqrog'i tarjima birligidan tashqarida ko'rinmaydi.
Labaratoriya topshiriqlari(Amaliy)
using namespace std ;
int main()
string next;
string teams[10] = {"Clemson" , "Alabama" , "Georgia" , "Florida" , "Notre Dame" , "Auburn" , "Oklahoma" , "LSU" , "Miami FL" , "Oklahoma State"};
int select, ranking, teamoverall, wins, losses;
string team1, team2, userteam, nextgame;
int Alabama = 92;
int Clemson = 90;
int Georgia = 93;
int NotreDame = 88;
int MiamiFL = 80;
int Auburn = 86;
int Oklahoma = 85;
int LSU = 82;
int Florida = 90;
int OklahomaST = 78;
int Kansas = 60;
int Kentucky = 60;
int TexasAM = 65;
float score, oppscore;
int final, oppfinal, random, random1;
team1 = "Arkanasas";
team2 = "Oklahoma State";
wins = 0;
losses = 0;
cout << "COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACH - 2020" << endl;
cout << "1 - Manage" << endl;
cout << "2 - Manual" << endl;
cout << "3 - About" << endl;
cin >> select;
if(select == 1){
goto TeamSelect ;
if(select ==2){
goto Manual;
if(select == 3){
goto About;
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
cout << "Choose a starting school to coach" << endl;
cout << "1- " << team1 << endl << "2- " << team2 << endl;
cin >> select;
if(select == 1){
userteam = "Arkansas";
ranking = 15;
nextgame = "Georgia";
teamoverall = 55;
userteam = "Oklahoma State";
ranking = 10;
nextgame = "Kansas";
teamoverall = 78;
goto Dynasty ;
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
cout << "Team - " << userteam << endl << endl;
cout << "Next Game - " << nextgame << " | Opponent Overall - ";
if(nextgame == "Georgia"){
cout << Georgia << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Kansas"){
cout << Kansas << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Kentucky"){
cout << Kentucky << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Auburn"){
cout << Auburn << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "LSU"){
cout << LSU << endl << endl;
if(nextgame == "Texas A&M"){
cout << TexasAM << endl << endl;
cout << "Ranking - ";
if(ranking < 11){
cout << ranking << endl << endl;
cout << "UNRANKED" << endl << endl;
cout << "Record" << "(" << wins << " - " << losses << ")" << endl << endl;
cout << "Team Overall - " << teamoverall << endl << endl;
cout << "1- Play Next Game" << endl;
cout << "2- Recruting" << endl;
cout << "3- Rankings" << endl;
cin >> select;
if(select == 3){
goto rankings;
}else if(select ==1){
goto playgame ;
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
if(userteam == "Arkansas"){
if(nextgame == "Georgia"){
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;
score = score + random;
oppscore = Georgia * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;
oppscore = oppscore + random;
final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;
if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;
if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal == 3;
wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;
cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Georgia scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Kentucky";
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "Kentucky"){
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;
score = score + random;
oppscore = Kentucky * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 10 + -25;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;
oppscore = oppscore + random;
final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;
if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;
if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal ==3;
wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;
cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Kentucky scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Auburn";
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "Auburn"){
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -25;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;
score = score + random;
oppscore = Auburn * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 1 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;
oppscore = oppscore + random;
final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;
if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal == 3;
if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;
wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;
cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Auburn scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "LSU";
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "LSU"){
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -15;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;
score = score + random;
oppscore = LSU * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 1 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 25 + 1;
random = random + random1;
oppscore = oppscore + random;
final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;
if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal ==3;
if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;
wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;
cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | LSU scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Texas A&M";
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
if(nextgame == "Texas A&M"){
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
score = teamoverall * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 10 + -20;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 30 + 1;
random = random + random1;
score = score + random;
oppscore = TexasAM * .5;
srand (time(NULL));
random = rand() % 5 + -15;
srand (time(NULL));
random1 = rand() % 20 + 1;
random = random + random1;
oppscore = oppscore + random;
final = score;
oppfinal = oppscore;
if(final < 0){
final = 0;
if(oppfinal < 0){
oppfinal = 0;
if(final == 1){
final == 3;
if(oppfinal ==1){
oppfinal = 3;
if(final == oppfinal){
goto playgame;
wins = wins + 1;
teamoverall = teamoverall + 2;
losses = losses +1;
teamoverall = teamoverall - 2;
cout << "Arkansas scored " << final << " | Texas A&M scored " << oppfinal << endl << endl;
nextgame = "Texas A&M";
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to continue..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
cout << string( 100, '\n' );
cout << "1- " << teams[0] << endl;
cout << "2- " << teams[1] << endl;
cout << "3- " << teams[2] << endl;
cout << "4- " << teams[3] << endl;
cout << "5- " << teams[4] << endl;
cout << "6- " << teams[5] << endl;
cout << "7- " << teams[6] << endl;
cout << "8- " << teams[7] << endl;
cout << "9- " << teams[8] << endl;
cout << "10- " << teams[9] << endl;
cout << "Type 1 and press enter to go back..." << endl;
cin >> select;
goto Dynasty;
cin >> select;
cin >> select;
} Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: